Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/08/21: CIA-RDP78-06367A000100160004-9
Mr. isms M. Mitchell, Director
Advanced Study Program
The Brookings institution
177-5 Massachusetts Avenue, K.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
'11U6 1967
Intelligence Agency Is plaosed to nominate the
following senior officials to partic#pate In the General Adminis-
trative and Science Conferences during fiscal year 1968:
Aral Administrative Conferences
or 1967
21 January - 2 February 1968
r 1967
8 March 1
For your cansid*ration, may we
r second participant in the 3
sing the nomination forms, for our five nomin as and
happy to provide any additional information you may desire.
In the past, we z uld appreciate your omitting our r Inee
I es from any corre spondencee that is sent to them.
i ncare I y,
Jahn Ric: arasoh
John R)chardson
Director of Training
Orig & I - Adse w/encs
1 - Ex.Dir.-Compt. w/cy/encs
2 - DTR w/cy/encs 1 - TR/ETB/R
1 - TR/R chrono ----2 - TR/TSB/R w/cy/encs
STATINTL Apps iZ09010419167cIA-RDP78-06367A000100160004-9