Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06365A001200030042-1
en, ADVANaip., C If!".5
4eeRINGTON 21!e D. C.
JuIY 195S
LePeRTnnTek CIRCVLeR 110? 962,
V. l
TO 1,." A I,
SUBJECT* Y leLeNT aetoym -AvrING eCT (Pole 85-507) Revi:ee of
inc.: Needs
Sootion 5 of the Govevnment Amployees Training eot directs each agenev
head to review his agencye training needs and requireemmes within 90 day*
ena at leamt eveey three years thereafter dnd to make available to the Come
mieelon, upten reqpeet, infollmintinn Apo ebtained,
Review and determinetion a training :needs is thus recognised as an
&gem management reeponaiitlity, Neither the law nor the Civil Service
Commission preseelbes it kind of review you are to make or how you are to
eo about it, 'feu ebould eAce the tied of awls** which trill best meet your
own unique manageeent eequirements ari which will provide the soundest baste
for planning the trainine eresteus* ehich yeu are directed to entabliebe
SoMet of you who airesey have need curtsy Teams in operation undoubte4y
have adequate and current Information available right new. Others mar have
to begin now to make epeciva studiee to determine what your needs are, Some
general gutdoe for eorveyies truining need* are given, for whatever assist-
ance they mgy be to you, la the attsoheente to this circular., Mere detailed
ouggeetiona about specific methods on be found in ateleegiteereeeeeeegerserge
,i4mtnlsejlelga_Alussualia, Pereontel tiethods Series tio, 3, available from
Superietendent of Dreeeeeete, Goeernment Printing ?Mos, for thirty oentl.
The Cetamil* len will ret preeereles tee apecific data to be obtained in
your reviews of training citadel, nor eill it ask you to euteit special reporte
of your findinee in the initial rovitere? The information we require in
drafting regulations oar be obtained, ue believe, from your 1956 training :
eeeerte* from our inepectore report* on your training activities; and frma
your oral reoommeedations to us in the meetings which have been scheduled to
discus, operatione under the law. Oar irepeotion teams will continue to Inok
for owidonge of realistie appruisal of training needs and for relationship of
troining seeen to these needs, but 'Cele will be handled cal an installation-
by-installation beide ae a pert ef nornal Impaction proceesee,
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06365A001200030042-1
Approved For Relea* 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-063646001200030042-1
DC 9621 81(2)
In Washington, inquiries concerning this eupplement mqy be directed tp
the ProgTom Planning Division, Cods 1290 Extension 3355 (dial?through). It
the field, inquiries should be addreesed to the appropriate regional or
branch office of the Comminsion,
hilastAgAyLtAicyhf e_jiLMyconitim Janus& jeastagegAgiumtatL,
larren B. Irons
INscutivs Director
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06365A001200030042-1