Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
asi ting the Central Intelligence Agency,
Its Gffieers and Sa 1oy*es, as 3 cepted from
Certain Prtl v'fsi of the Act to Authorize
the Training it Federal Zeijaoyees at Public
or Private Faatci liti
9 Jay 1958
By virtue of the authority vested in we for the conduct of foreign
affairs, by Section De(b) of the Government $iraployeea Training, Act,, P.L.
85-507 approved July 7, 1958 and as President of the United Stateof having
determined that exception of the Central Intelligence Agency, its officers
and e l > ees from certain pmvisions of the Government E&Vloyees Training
Act is in the public interest
ereby? designate the Central Intelli erzce
e loyees as excepted from the
e MW
, tea , 1.
a4 , j 0 Z
2(u), United States Civil Service Somdesion responsibility
or authorit? - for training; t raations, their promotion or coordination
* (
the Central Intelligence Agency.
See. 5, UD rtaa