Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06365AO0120003Q416-0
Statement concerning, Central Intelligence Agency Exceptions
to the Government Employees Training Act
The training which is provided for officers and employees of the
Central Intelligence Agency is fundamentally an integral part of Agency
operations. It is imperative that those officers and employees of the
Agency who are in training status in preparation for sensitive operations
maintain a status consistent with the cover and security of the operations
for which they are being trained. Any unauthorized or unnecessary
exposure of such personnel or the training activities in which they are
engaged would result in a breach of the security and cover arrangements
which are necessary to the operations of this Agency.
The unique training activities carried out by the Central Intelligence
Agency are essential to the operations of an intelligence organization.
Many of the Agency's specialized and classified forms of training activity
are such that they could not conform with regulations which would be
appropriate for normal Governmental training programs. It is believed
that certain of these training activities are a type over which the Civil
Service Commission would want neither responsibility nor control.
For these reasons there has been prepared a proposed Presidential
directive which would permit the Central Intelligence Agency the latitude
which it requires by not limiting it to the regulations suitable for normal
Government training programs and would relieve the Civil Service Com-
mission of responsibility for those unique activities.
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06365AO01200030016-0