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For Discussion Purposes Only
U. S. Civil Service Commission
Bureau of Programs and Standards
November 1958
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Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06305AO01200030012-4
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~
Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Congressional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Presidential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Effective Date . . . . . . . . 4
Transition from Existing Training Programs . . . . . . 5
Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Training Activities Covered . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Meetings Covered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Agencies Covered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Employees Covered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Responsibilities . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
White Be use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Determining Training Needs and Requirements . . . . . . . . 11
Establishing Training Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
General Principles, Standards, and Related Requirements . 12
Selection and Assignment of Trainees . . . . . . . . . . 14
Utilization of Trainees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Interchange of Training Information . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Interagency Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Training in Non-Government Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . 20
General Authority and Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
General Prohibitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Computing Time in Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Selection of Non-Government Facilities for Training . . . 23
Limitations on Training in Non-Government Facilities . . . 24
Agreements to Continue in Service . . . . . . . ... . . . 26
Commission Review of Programs of Training in Non-
Government Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Payment of Training Expenses ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Contributions, Awards, Payments from Non-Federal Sources . . 32
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Reporting Forms
Sample Written Agreements
Sample Recommendations for Training in Non-Government
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Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06365A001200030012-4
This paper is a working draft not an official document. It
has not yet boen submitted to the Commission or the White House for
formal review and approval. S e of its rovis ons could b t
Into w=f te&t, ,p a],y xnder terms of a proposed Executive Or er which
hds not yet been issued. ., - :x_..., ,....., w..,. -. m:..
It is planned that the Commission will issue a Training Chap-
ter of the Federal Personnel Manual which will present in a unified,
expository form all provisions of law, Executive Order, and regula-
tion governing training under the new Government Employees Training
Act. This paper is a preliminary draft of such a chapter, prepared
by staff members of the Bureau of Programs and Standards as a device
for facilitating and broadening the base of consultation with agen-
Certain portions of the paper have been prepared on the basis
of extensive consultation with an advisory group of representative
agencies; other portions have been drafted without benefit of such
consultation. At the request of the advisory group, the Commission's
staff has attempted to draft the document in its entirety, on the
assumption that agencies can review and comment more effectively on
the whole than on all the separate parts.
In .a eswhich fo]Jow, provisions of ,.w and Executive Orderr
are enclosed i quotation marksjlfollowed by citations to the source.
Proposed regulations are marked with heavy hand-drawn brackets in the
margins. Advisory notes (suggestions which are not mandatory) in-
structions., and examples are enclosed in typed brackets, Ehu].
It has been the staff's objectivey in drafting the document, to
preserve the flexibility of action which agencies need to operate
effective training programs and at the same time provide for such
over-all controls and guidance as are required or intended by Con-
gress, Agencies are requested to review the draft thoroughly and
carefully and, in the light of this dual objective, submit whatever
constructive comments they may have.
Suggestions for additions, deletions, or other revisions which
will improve the draft (either in terms of the policy position taken
or in terms of presentation) are sincerely desired and will be given
careful attention. Such suggestions, routed through and coordinated
at the departmental level of the respective agencies. s oi, draa.%
tine Lommisslon by December 12
Address suggestions to: Regulations and Instructions Division
Room 173, Main Building
Civil Service Commission
Washington 25, D. C. (Stop 227)
AffigyJ For Release 2000/09/08 : cIA-RDP78-06365A001200030012-4
' Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-0636Q,001200030012-4
Congressional Policy
"It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Congress--(1) that, in
order to promote efficiency and economy in the operation of the Government
and provide means for the development of maximum proficiency in the perform-
ance of official duties by employees thereof, to establish and maintain the
highest standards of performance in the transaction of the public business,
and to install and utilize effectively the best modern practices and tech-
niques which have been developed, tested, and proved within or outside of
the Government, self-improvement, and self-training by such employees, e
supplementd_and extended by Government-sponsored, programs, provided for by
sit, for the training of such employees in the performance of official
duties and To-r-the- development of skills, knowledge, and abilities which
will best qualify them for performance of official duties;
(2) that such programs shall be continuous in nature, shall be subject
to supervision and control by the President and review by the Congress, and
shall be so established as to be readily expansible in time of national
(3) that such programs shall be designed to lead to (a) improved pub-
lic service, (b) dollar savings, (c) the building and retention of a per-
manent cadre of skilled and efficient Government employees, well abreast of
scientific, professional, technical, and management developments both in
and out of Government, (d) lower turnover of personnel, (e) reasonably uni-
form administration of training, consistent with the missions of the Govern-
ment departments and agencies, and (f) fair and equitable treatment of Gov-
ernment employees with respect to training; and
(4) tb --1..nited .States Civil., Service Comm jsion shall be respon-
sible and have authority, subject to supervision and control by the President,
f6 r thh e effective promotion and coordination of such programs and of train-
ing operations thereunder." (Sec. 2, P.L. 85407)
Presidential Policy
"Training and development of employees is an essential aid to effi-
cient operation of the Federal Service and to attainment of its program
goals. It is therefore the policy of the Executive Branch to plan and
provide for training and development of employees as an integral part of
its responsibility for the effective conduct of its affairs."
Commission Policy
('Nhite House Directive of January 11, 1955)
Recognizing that the training of employees is a necessary and in-
separable function of management, it is the policy of the Commission, in
carrying out its functions under the Act and Executive Orders
1) To provide agency heads maximum flexibility to operate their
training programs In the way which best fits their own spe-
cial needs;
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2) To require the minimum amount of administrative recording and
reporting consistent with the Act, and to reiy on established
inspection procedures for any additional information necessary
to enable the Commission to inform the President on the status
of training in the Federal Service;
13) To encourage and assist agencies in the establishment of ade-
to the rextentgthinformationy written at resources ermit;gande$y
quatenservices programs
and advisory
fi) To stimulate, promote, coordinate and facilitate interagency
training efforts.
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Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06365Ar001200030012-4
The Government Employees Training Act, printed in full on
pages Zl-117 - 126, provides broad authority for agencies to train
their civilian employees arri to send them to meetings concerned
with agency functions or the management or supervision of such
functions. It also authorizes (subject to Presidential regula-
tion) specified types of non-Government organizations to make and
Government employees to accept (a) contributions and awards con-
nected with training and (b) payment of expenses connected with
This Chapter presents the provisions of this Act, the reg-
ulations that the Commission has issued to Implement the Act,
and related information to guide agencies in carrying out their
activities under the Act.
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Approved For R ease 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-043 5A001200030012-4
Public Law 85-507 became effective July 7, 198, the date
of its approval. With the exception of a small number of pro-
visions identified in the Act itself, the authorities contained
in the Act became available on its effective date to all agen-
ces covered by the Act.
In the absence of statutory provisions to the contrary,
any program established after July 7, 1958, for the training
of employees covered by the Act must be in conformity with the
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? Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-0636001200030012-4
erTraining under pfograms in effect on Jul 6 1958
and completed w 5out regard to the provisions ? oarthe .Act, be continued-,
ct provided training
u n n e r ' iese programs is initiated before the end of a Iran n e ion that
Act prescribes. The"length of this transitional period depends, in
par , Ir 'ency action. If an agency establishes a trainin, program
uni authorit of the Act ba,,ore Tpr1 3`,-1959 1 transitional Hod
program is p l
program under the Act before A it 3, 1959,
the transitional period ends for the agency on that date .f
This transitional authority is contained in the following provisions
of the Acts
"In order to facilitate the transition from existing
ernmenttainin ro aims and notwithstanding any provision
of ts Act to a contrary or the repeal or amendment of any
provision of law thereby, the education, instruction, and
training, either within or outside the Government, of em-
ployees o.f any department, under any program in effect imme-
diately prior to the date of enactment of this Act, maybe
in1 ated. Conti nna _and completed r_until the expiration of
t the dadiately `"
preceding -(l)the day on which suc"Ti" de-
partment s a1rhave placed in effect, in accordance with section 7 of this Act, a program or programs of training or
(2) the first day following the date of expiration of the
period of two hundred and seventy days following enactment
of this Act specified in such section 7, whichever day first
occurs. All such education, instruction, and training ini-
tiated or uncompleted prior to the day specified in clause
(1) or the day specified in clause (2) of this section, which-
ever day first occurs, may be continued and completed under
such program on and after such day." (Sec. 20, P.L. 85-507)
"Nothing contained in this Act shall affect (1) any con-
tract, agreement, or arrangement entered into by the Govern-
ment, either prior to the date of enactment of this Act or
under authority of section 20, for the education, instruction,
or training of personnel of the Government, and (2) the re-
spective rights and liabilities (including seniority, status,
pay, leave, and other rights of personnel of the Government)
with respect to the Government in connection with any such
education, instruction, and. training or in connection with
any such contract, agreement, or arrangement." (Sec. 22, P.L.
1 I an agency has special training authority in its appropriation act
covering Fiscal Year 1959, its "transitional period" extends through
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Approved For Re e1 se 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06365A001200030012-4
Traixii.ns Activities Covered
"The term 'training' means the process of providing for and
making available to an employee, and placing or enrolling such
employee in, a planned, preparted, and coordinated program,
course, curriculum, subject, system, or routine of instruction,
or education, in scientific, professional, technical, mechan-
ical, trade, clerical, administrative, or other fields which
are or will be directly related to the performance by such em-
iployee of official duties for the Government, in order to in-
crease the knowledge, proficiency, ability, skill, and quali-
fications of such employee in the performance of official
,duties." (Sec. 3(5) P.L. 85-507)
This definition covers all activities -- both formal and informal --
that', are commonly covered by the designation "training and education" of
employees. It includes in-service, out-service, and inter-agency train-
ing.,' as these terms are commonly used.
Meetin?s Covered
. "Hereafter any appropriation available to any department
for expenses of travel shall be available for expenses of at-
tendance at meetings which are concerned with tha functions
or activities for which the appropriation is made or which
will contribute to improved conduct, supervision, or manage-
ment of those functions or activities." (Sec. 19(b)2 P.L. 85-501)
Agencies Covered
Agencies to which the Act applies are designated "departments" by
the Act. This term is defined as follows:
"The term 'department', subject to the exceptions contained
in section u, means (A) each executive department, (B) each in-
dependent establishment or agency in the executive branch, (C)
each Government-owned or controlled corporation subject to title
I or title II of the Government Corporation Control Act, (D) the
General Accounting Office, (E) the Library of Congress, (F) the
Govern ant Printing Office., and (G) the municipal government of
the District of Columbia." (Sec. 3(2), P.L. 85-507)
Agencies specifically excepted by Section 14, are (1) the Tennessee
Valley Authority and (2) any corporation under the supervision of the
Farm Credit Administration of which corporation any member of the board
of iroctors is elected or appointed by private interests.
Fmp loyces Covareal
All civilian officers aril employees of agencies to which the Act
applies are covered by the Act unless specifically excepted. The follow-
ing specific exceptions are included in the Act:
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"This Act shall not apply to --
(1) the President or Vice President of the United
(2) the Foreign Service of the United States under
the Department of State,
(3) any corporation under the supervision of the
Farm Credit Administration of which corporation
any member of the board of directors is elected
or appointed by private interests,
(1i) the Tennessee Valley Authority,
(5) any individual appointed by the President by
and vL th the advice and consent of the Senate
or by the President alone, unless such individ-
ual is specifically designated by the President
for training under this Act, and
(6) any individual (except an officer of the Coast
and Geodetic Survey in the Department of Com-
merce) who is a member of the uniformed services
as defined in section 102(a) of the Career Com-
pensation Act of 1949, as amended, during any
period in which he is receiving compensation un-
der title II of such Act." (Sec. 4(a), P.L. 8.5-507)
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The law defines a number of terms, as follows:
"For the purposes of this Act --
(1) the term 'Government' means the Government of the
United States of America and the municipal govern-
ment of the District of Columbia;
(2) ...1/
(3) the term 'employee', subject to the exceptions con-
tained in section t, means any civilian officer or
employee in or under a department, including of-
ficers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in the De-
partment of Commerce;
(4) the term 'Commission' means the United States Civil
Service Commission;
(6) the term 'Government facility' means any property
owned or substantially controlled by the Government
and the services of any civilian and military per-
sonnel o:f the Government; and
(7) the term 'non-Government facility' means (A) the
government of any State, Territory, or possession
of the United States, the Government of the Common-
we~vl th of Puerto Rico, and any interstate govern-
mental organization or any unit, subdivision, or
instrumentality of any of the foregoing, (B) any
foreign government or international organization,
or instrtimentality of either, which is designated
by the President as eligible to provide training
under this Act, (C) any medical, scientific, tech-
nical, educational, research, or professional in-
stitution, foundation, agency, or organization,
(D) any business, commercial or industrial firm,
corporation, partnership, proprietorship, or any
other or ganization, and. (E) any individual not a
civilian or military officer or employee of the
Government of the United States or of the munici-
pal government of the District of Columbia. For
the purposes of furnishing training by, in or
through any of the foregoing, the term 'non-
Government facility' also shall include the serv-
ices and property of any of the foregoing furnish-
ing such training." (Sec. 3, P.L. 85-507)
1 The definition included in the Act for the terms "department" and "train-
ing"', (Section 3(2) and (5), respectively) are presented above.
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The Commission has incorporated the above definitions in its Reg-
ulations and has d
a number of other terms:
Section 39. Definitions -- For the purpose of this part:
(a) The term "Act" means the Government Employees Trat_n-
ing Act, Public Law 85-507 (72 Stat. 327).
(b) The terms "Government," "department," "employee,"
"Commission," "training,11 t'Government facility,"
and "non-Government facility" have. the meanings
given to these terms by Section 3 of the Act.
(c) The term "training by, in, or through Government
facilities" means any unit of training in which
only Government facilities are used for instructions.
(d) The term "training by, in, or through non-Government
facilities" means any unit of training, regardless of
where conducted, in which the services of a non-
Government person or organization are used for instruc-
(o) The term ".short period of training by, in, or through
non-Government facilities" means any such training
that does not exceed forty hours within a single train-
ing course or program.
DOTE: Property that is rented or leased by the Govern-
ment or that is loaned to the Government for its use is
considered to be "substantially controlled" by the Gov-
ernment for purposes of this section.]
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Approved For Ruse 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-05A001200030012-4
Agency Responsibilities
The head of each department is responsible for
determining the training needs of his department;
-,~ establishing and operating training programs to meet these needs;
Y determining the kinds of training to be provided and the training
facilities to be used;
--~ selecting and assigning employees for training;
determining the method and extent to which his department will finance
the expenses of training;
evaluating the results of training;
porting to the Commission on training activities; and
encouraging the self-education, self-improvement, and self-training of
employees of his department.
These responsibilities are to be carried out within the framework of
law, Executive Order, and Commission regulations and instructions.
Commission Responsibilities
The Civil Service Commission is responsible to the President for
- promoting, coordinating, and facilitating training activities under the Act;
- issuing Governmentwide training regulations;
collecting and making available training information; and
reviewing and reporting on specified activities authorized by the Act.
The Commission is also responsible, under authority delegated by E.O.
, for excepting agencies or employees from various provisions of
the Act and for issuing regulations governing acceptance of contributions,
awards, and payments from non-Federal organizations under authority of
Section 19(a) of the Act.
The Commission is authorized to waive certain of the controls pre-
scribed for out-service training or to impose additional controls on such
training. It is not authorized, however, to regulate the types, methods
or details of intra-departmental training.
White House Responsibilities
The President is responsible for
-- designating any Presidential appointees to be trained under the Act;
-- supervising and controlling the training activities of the agencies and
the Commission's discharge of the functions assigned it by the Act;
-- receiving for appropriate action CSC reports on any continued non-
compliance with the At or the regulations; and
-- approving for transmittal to Congress certain reports on activities
under the Act.
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De artmcnt head e
law and by Executive order to
make peeriod e ~eewst d w nde their b training needs. This requirement
If t(, F "Within ninetyd s after the date of enactment of h Act