Approved F
Please 2003/08/13 :
7101 Wisconsin Aver, Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20014
(301) 652-2215
11'1'X: 710-824-9613 Cable address: DAME`MORE
September 16, 1981
Mr. Walter Arensberg
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Re: CIA-Geotechnical
Exploration Program
This letter and its attachments present our cost estimate for
conducting the preliminary geotechnical program for the CIA Master Plan
The primary purpose of this investigative effort is to determine
the depth to rock for the selected alternative (i.e. building and parking
garage). Dames & Moore will serve as the geotechnicafi consultant for
all aspects of this except for the actual drilling operations which we
propose to subcontract to Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory. Dames & Moore
will have a field supervisor who will perform all field classifications
and log the holes. We will perform all soil analyses in the firm's
soils laboratories.
Attachment I is a brief scope of work which outlines what is
to be done, how, and in what sequence. As you will recall, we recommend
that if it appears that the selected site is a "go" that we proceed to
perform basic soils analyses. This could save our having to redrill.the
same locations when the project gets to the design phase and would also
assist in some of your preliminary cost estimating.
Attachment II presents the cost estimate. The estimate includes
1.) basic consulting to organize and execute the program and to provide
geotechnical information to you based on the modest sampling program,
2.) field drilling and 3.) sample analyses. Note that there are various
options. We will be pleased to discuss this after you have had the
opportunity to review this material.
You will note a difference between this estimate and our
original estimate. The original estimate was based on drilling six
holes in various locations where potential alternatives were identified
and in areas with reasonably good access. This estimate is based on
eleven holes in the location of the preferred alternative. Here there
is difficult access for several holes.
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Approved F elease 2003/08/13: CIA-RDP89-00
Mr. Walter Arensber
September 16, 1981
Page Two
I should point out that the $750 mobilization charge is for
two rigs: a trailer mounted rig for the top of the hill and similar
areas with difficult access and a truck mounted rig. The drilling can
be completed in approximately eight days with this arrangement. It is
possible to use the trailer mounted rig throughout. Mobilization costs
would reduce to $500 but it will take eleven days or three days longer
to get the results and this will increase the time by three days for our
field person thusly resulting in higher costs overall. Also having the
work in a shorter time will provide a better chance of having the samples
available for analyses should we proceed with these.
I recommend that the contract for these services be established
on the "cost plus fixed or percentage fee" basis. It is impossible to
determine precisely exactly how many feet of borings will be required
and how much field and office engineer time will be necessary. We are
open to other methods of contracting but believe this is in the best
interests of.all concerned as the client will only pay for services
actually performed.'
It will be necessary to have the boring locations staked in
the field. Attached is a map showing the desired locations of the
eleven borings. We have indicated a desire to take eight of the borings
at the column locations on the corners of the building and parking
garage, two borings along the building center line (one in the plaza
area and one at the building line) and one at the summit in a location
where access does not present a problem. We recommend that you handle
the contracting for this work presumably as a modification to your
existing surveying contract. We presume you have the exact dimensions
and can provide this information to the surveyor.
We appreciate the opportunity to work with you in this regard
and look forward to our continuing association on this project.
Sincerely yours,
Richard C. Tucker
1; 0% Moore
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Attachment I
Field Investigation
A site visit will be conducted prior to the start of any field
work. The primary purpose will explore the surface geology,
topographic features and drainage, select appropriate boring locations,
evaluate the logistics of equipment access, establish nearby usable
water sources, and consult with CIA engineers on the proposed drilling
In order to evaluate subsurface soil and ground water, and
geologic conditions, several test borings will be drilled at the site.
A key objective of the drilling program will be to evaluate the depth of
residual soils at the site and to investigate the depth to bedrock. The
.proposed locations for the eleven borings to be drilled have been determined
as shown on the attached maps. The type of drill rig (truck- or-track-mounted
or skid rig) to be used for each boring will be selected based upon
suitability and site accessibility. Depending on soil type, either a
hollow stem auger drill or a rotary wash drill will be used.
For estimating purposes, the 7 borings at the building have
been assumed to average about 50 feet in depth (40 feet in soil and 10 feet
in rock). If rock is encountered within the depths significant to the
proposed construction, approximately El. 177, it will be cored to a
depth of 10 feet. However, if only weathered bedrock is observed an
attempt to core 5 feet into sound, unweathered rock will be made provided
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that not more than 20 feet of rock coring is attempted in any borehole.
It is assumed the four borings at the parking garage will average 40
feet in depth (30 feet in soil and 10 feet in rock). Obviously these
will not be necessary if the results of the drilling at the building
would cause a change in alternatives.
It has been assumed further that approximately 120 feet of
the total of 400 feet will need to be cased to enable rock coring to
extend beyond 10 feet.
Soil samples will be obtained at intervals of 5 feet and at
depths of major changes in the subsoil conditions. In addition, one
extra sample will be taken in each boring within the top 10 feet.
The sampling will be accomplished by using the standard split-
spoon and Dames & Moore samplers. The standard split-spoon will provide
disturbed samples for visual classification, Atterberg, moisture and
particle size analyses. The Dames & Moore sampler will be used to
obtain relatively undisturbed samples of the soil which will be tested
in the laboratory to evaluate the engineering properties of the soils,
as described below. The two types of samplers will be alternated in any
one bore stratum.
Rock will be cored. using a double tube NX size core barrel.
Field classification of the soils and rock encountered will be
made and continuous logs of the subsurface conditions will be maintained
by members of the geotechnical team. Soil samples and rock cores will
be suitably packed and preserved for testing.
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The'ground water level will be measured in all borings before
proper backfilling. We recommend that temporary perforated PVC pipe be
installed in some borings to permit the taking of ground water level
readings in the event portions of the hole collapse. These tests would
provide data with which to evaluate the permeability characteristics of
the subsoils.
Laboratory Testing
In addition to field classifications, the undisturbed soil
samples obtained in the borings will be classified in the laboratory.
The laboratory tests will include moisture content and density, Atterberg
limits, particle size analyses and shear strength and consolidation
tests to evaluate the engineering properties of the soils encountered
such as strength, compressibility, and permeability._.-All laboratory
tests on soils will be performed by Dames & Moore. This is presented as
an optional item since it is not necessary to conduct these analyses to
determine depth to bedrock. Obviously the laboratory tests would only
be performed when it has been decided to site the building at the proposed
location. This decision on lab testing should be made in about one week.
Engineering Analysis and Report Preparation
As the data from the literature review and-field and laboratory
investigatiolts become available, they will be correlated and analyzed to
provide an understanding of site conditions. Existing soils and geohydrologic
data will be reviewed and updated using the site specific data obtained
during the field investigation.' All data will be formatted and analyzed
to permit effective use in the evaluation of site suitability. The
evaluation of the various project considerations will include ground
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Approved FSelease 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP89-00000100040039-7
water (type, depth), soils (type, depth, strength, compressibility,
permeability), and bedrock (depth, strike, dip). Engineering analyses
will be performed to develop preliminary recommendations for foundation
design. These analyses will include a preliminary review of the bearing
capacity, depth and anticipated settlement behavior of various foundation
types and ground water problems associated with the design, construction
and operation of the facility, and construction recommendations with
respect to site preparation, dewatering, excavations, and the placement
of any structural fill that may be required at the site. The findings
from this investigation, including preliminary recommendations will be
submitted in a brief-final report.
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10 Atterberg Limits @ $50
$ 500
40 Moisture Densities @ $7
4 Particle Sizes @ $50
3 Unconfined Compressions @ $50
2 Consolidation Tests @ $200
8 Direct Shear Tests @ $50
SUBTOTAL: Laboratory Tests
$ 1,930
$ 2,278
*Weighted average hourly rates including fringe benefits
(believed to be those currently applicable for government
contracting based on DCAA audits).
,Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP89-00244R000100040039-7