Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP85B01152R001001300025-8
5 NOV 1983
Executive Officer to the DDA
~47~ -~ ~
Daniel C. King
Director of Logistis
The CIA External Analysis Program:
A Rationale
and A Review, Executive Summary
Multi Adse Memo fm Executive Assistant, EXDIR,
dtd 9 Nov 83, Subj: Agenda for 18 Nov 83
Executive Committee Meetin Lon -Range
Planning: (1)
(2) External Analysis Study E~ 3-015)
In response to the referenced review, the Office of
Logistics (OL) would be pleased to assign a fourth contracting.
officer to the DDI beginning in FY 1984, provided the DDI
provides a position. Further, OL currently sponsors two
general training courses for COTRs. They are offered on a
regular basis through the Office of Training and Education.
Should the DDI implement a specialized training program for
COTRs, we request the course content be coordinated through
our Procurement Management Staff. We are, of course, willing
to provide our support to the DDI with respect to its training
course if they believe having their own course is essential.
Daniel C. King
OL 0088-83
Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP85B01152R001001300025-8