Approved For Release 2008/06/13: CIA-RDP85B01152R000901230027-6
Approved For Release 2008/06/13: CIA-RDP85B01152R000901230027-6
Approved For Release 2008/06/13: CIA-RDP85B01152R000901230027-6
2! DEC 1982
MEMORANDUM FOR: Acting Director of Central Intelligence
THROUGH: Executive Director
FROM: James N. Glerum
Director of Personnel
SUBJECT: Revised SIS Pay Rates
1. Action Requested: That you approve the recommendations
contained in paragraph 4.
2. Background:
(a) The recently enacted Continuing Resolution raises the
Federal pay cap imposed on Senior Executive Service (SES) pay from
$58,500 to $67,200 which permits a pay adjustment for SES levels
2 through 6. Historically we have followed revisions to the SES
rate structure for our SIS officers and it is recommended that we
adopt these new rates. The following table reflects current and
proposed SIS rates that are consistent with the new SES pay structure:
Subject to your approval, these new rates are to be effective 18 December
(b) At the same time, the Federal pay cap for the General
Schedule (GS) has been raised from $57,500 to $63,800 and it is
recommended that we adjust the pay rates for those officers at the
GS-15 step 7 level through GS-15 step 10 to the appropriate revised
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Approved For Release 2008/06/13: CIA-RDP85B01152R000901230027-6
Approved For Release 2008/06/13: CIA-RDP85B01152R000901230027-6
(c) With the approval of these revised SIS and GS rates, the
GS-15 step 7 through GS-15 step 10 will realize a higher base pay than
SIS-l, -2, or -3. This is not a new situation and is similar to the
pay inequities that were created in the last two SES/GS pay increases.
As you will recall, a "one-time" pay adjustment was approved by the
DDCI for SIS-1, -2 officers in January 1982 enabling them to keep pace
with the GS increase. It is estimated that approximately 30 percent
of our SIS officers (primarily SIS-1 - SIS-3) will earn less base pay
than had they remained under the General Schedule. On the surface,
this appears to be an untenable condition, however, the following
distinctions between the GS system and the SIS program must be considered:
The SIS program is a totally different pay and benefit package from
the General Schedule including eligibility for, rank stipends and
performance awards, accrual of unlimited annual leave, eligibility
for sabbaticals, and for advancement to senior managerial or specialist
ranks. These added benefits do not have an immediate dollar impact,
however, they must be considered when comparing the two different
base pay structures. It should be noted also that the annual leave
balances are increased in value. One other significant factor: The
new cap for GS-15 is $63,800; the new SES cap is $67,200. The
legislative pay increases normally approved in October, e.g., October
1983, will have an impact on the high step GS-15, but only to $63,800.
Our SIS officer can continue to receive the annual pay adjustment to
(d) Two separate pay issues are involved that will require a
policy decision.
(1) Officers currently at the SI.S-1 - SIS-3 level and,
(2) Future promotions from GS-15 to SIS-1.
In the first case, these officers elected to join the SIS or were
promoted to and within the SIS before this current pay adjustment.
Therefore, they should not be eligible to receive the pay benefits
being derived from the GS system. In the second case, officers promoted
into the SIS system should not realize any reduction in base pay
resulting from membership in the SIS. Officers in this category
(GS-15 step 7 through step 10) should continue to be authorized pay
retention at the current GS level which is a reaffirmation of our
current policy.
3. Staff Position: I am aware of informal suggestions to elevate
our SIS cadre to the SIS-4 pay level of $63,800 which would ostensibly
solve the current perceived disparity between the SIS and GS pay
structures. To do so, however, would destroy the concepts of SIS rank
in relation to job and organizational responsibility, career development,
Approved For Release 2008/06/13: CIA-RDP85B01152R000901230027-6
Approved For Release 2008/06/13: CIA-RDP85B01152R000901230027-6
ranking and promotion, and could subject us to external criticism that
we are drawing the best of two systems.. In addition, the increase in
personal service costs may be prohibitive. Therefore, it is recommended
that we adopt the revised rates for the SIS, maintain these revised
rates for current SIS-1, -2, and -3 officers and continue our policy
of pay retention for GS-15 step 7 through step 10 officers promoted
to SIS-1.
4. Recommendation: It is recommended that you approve the revised
SIS pay structure contained in paragraph 2, that current SIS-l, -2,
and -3 officers receive the revised rate established for those levels
and that our policy of pay retention be reaffirmed for GS-15 step 7
through step 10 officers being promoted to SIS-1.
ijag- rector of Central Intelligence
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Approved For Release 2008/06/13: CIA-RDP85B01152R000901230027-6