Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85BO1152R000700870052-1
DDA 831-T
2 0 APR 1983
N01ORANDUM FOR: Chairman, National Intelligence Council
FROM: Harry E. Fitzwater
Deputy Director for Administration
SUBJECT: NIC's Urgent Space Need
REFERENCE: Memo dtd 18 Apr 83 to DDA fr C/NIC, same subj
1. As you are aware, our space needs in each directorate are
particularly critical at this time. The bulk of two directorates
have already been moved out of the Headquarters building and they
still require additional space. We are in the process of moving
most of the Independent Offices out in order to meet the DCI's
priority of bringing SOVVA back into the Headquarters building.
2. Under these circumstances we do not have even temporary space
available to accommodate any of the new personnel you mentioned in
reference. The only solution which I can offer, albeit unsatisfactory,
is the services of the Architectural Design Staff/LSD/OL who will work
with your people to determine if redesign of your existing space will
accommodate some of the additional personnel.
cc: D/OL
I (19 Apr 83)
Orig - Chmn/NIC
1 - D/OL w/cy ref (DDA 83-1047)
1 - C/LSD/OL w/cy ref
1 - DDA Subj w/Orig ref
1 - DDA Chrono
1 - HEF Chrono
1 - EO Chrono
Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85BO1152R000700870052-1