Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP88-0107OR000200810001-8
5 August 1983
MEMORANDUM FOR: Media Highlights Recipients
SUBJECT: Available Transcriptions of Broadcasts
We have on file the following transcriptions of broadcasts. If
you need to see them, please notify us and we will
make them available to you.
28 July, 7:00 PM, WDVM-TV, CBS EVENING NEWS, Subject: Robert
Schakne reports on covert action in Central America.
31 July, 11:30 AN, WDVM-TV, FACE THE NATION, Subject: Robert
Schakne discusses the Boland-Zablocki Bill with Jeane Kirkpatrick.
31 July, 12:30 PM, WRC-TV, MEET THE PRESS, Subject: Sam Donaldson
interviews Sen. John Glenn on Central America.
31 July, 12:30 PM, WRC-TV, MEET THE PRESS, Subject: Congressman
Bob Michel (R/IL) discusses the Boland-Zablobki Bill and the
situation in Central America.
Public Affairs
Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP88-0107OR000200810001-8