Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP88-01070R000200760002-3
Eyewitness News at 6:00
June 28, 1983 6:00 PM
CIA Expansion/Community Concern
Washington, DC
GORDON PETERSON: An unusual public hearing getting
underway at the CIA this evening. The hearing is by invitation
only. The agency is planning to expand its Langley, Virginia
headquarters and has invited residential neighbors in to discuss
the proposal.
Bob Althage has the story.
BOB ALTHAGE: The meeting was organized after people who
live near the CIA began voicing concerns over the expansion.
Their biggest worry is traffic. Unless some major changes are
made to roads around the McLean facility, residents believe
congestion will be intolerable.
Although some people are opposed to the $190 million
expansion altogether, many simply want to be let in on the
WOMAN: I, basically, want to go along with what's best
for my government. If the CIA feels they need to consolidate on-
site, then I support that. But I do not feel that my own
concerns about safety, congestion, ease of getting in and out of
this neighborhood, are necessarily incompatible with the goals of
the CIA.
ALTHAGE: Right now the thousands of CIA employees are
scattered in more than 30 locations around the area. Expanding
the Langley facility will bring in an estimated 3,000 workers.
Representative Frank Wolf, who organized tonight's
meeting, says the agency has been willing to hear from its
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Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP88-01070R000200760002-3
Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP88-0107OR000200760002-3
REP. FRANK WOLF: The CIA has been very willing to talk
to the citizens. The citizens have been very reasonable. This
meeting tonight will be the second meeting to get everybody
together whereby we can all be operating from the same informa-
tion. And both sides have expressed willingness to kinda work
this thing out. And I'm very confident that we can.
ALTHAGE: The CIA estimates that $90 million of the
planned expansion money will go to access road improvements.
Tonight the agency's neighbors will have a chance to hear how
those improvements will affect them.
Bob Althage, Eyewitness News, McLean.
PETERSON: You're going to the meeting?
GORDON BARNES: I wasn't invited. I live down the
street but they didn't invite me.
GLENN BRENNER: I lost my invitation.
Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP88-0107OR000200760002-3