Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP86M00886R000200150049-4
ER, Copy #3
25 May 1984
FROM: Walter Elder
Executive Secretary, NFIB
SUBJECT: Minutes of the One Hundred and forty-eighth
NFIB Meeting, 18 May 1984, 1400-1430 Hours
Summary of Decisions
The Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), with the concurrence o
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Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP86M00886R000200150049-4 _, j Q
Mr. Gates noted that there had been two previous periods
during which the tone of Soviet propaganda had been harsh and shrill.
One was in the immediate post-World War II era; the other was in
the late 1950's. Both were periods where the USSR felt itself to
be especially vulnerable. Because of this perception of
vulnerability, the forecast for long-term U.S.-Soviet relations
was probably more pessimistic.
The DCI, Mr. William Casey, said that the estimate was
an important and useful exercise in what should be a
continuing evaluation of Soviet activities. He noted that
the USSR was trying to influence the U.S. elections, even though
their earlier attempt to influence the West German elections had
backfired. In connection with the Soviet feelings
of vulnerability, he suggested that recent Chinese activities
seemed to reflect a Chinese perception that the Soviet Union was
somewhat off-balance.
Mr. Casey said that the estimate should include the
specific points raised by Mr. Gates. When referring to
Soviet military activities we should include specific instances;
we should also bear in mind the potential weaknesses of the Soviet
collective leadership.
Mr. Meyer said that we had a tendency to see Soviet
activities as purposeful and cunning. We should be alert
to the possibility that they were not, so well-organized and
might do stupid and dangerous things.
Mr. Montgomery said that the Soviet withdrawal from the
Olympic games worsened an already unpleasant atmosphere and
served notice that we should be prepared for more chilling
Soviet actions. The Soviet Union has already succeeded in
frightening some West Europeans.
With the concurrence of the NIFB principals, the DCI approved
Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP86M00886R000200150049-4
Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP86M00886R000200150049-4
.qFr?R NFIB-M-148
Those Participating
Mr. William J. Casey, Chairman
Mr. John N. McMahon, Vice Chairman
Mr. Robert N. Gates, Deputy Director for Intelligence, Central Intelligence
Mr. Hugh Montgomery, Director of Intelligence and Research, Department of
Intelligence Agency
Defense 25X1
Lieutenant General Lincoln D. Faurer, U.S. Air Force, Director, National
Security Agency
Mr. Jimmie D. Hill, Acting for Under Secretary of the Air Force
Mr. Douglas Mulholland, Special Assistant to the Secretary (National
Security), Department of the Treasury
Mr. Charles V. Boykin, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intelligence,
Department of Energy
Mr. Phillip A. Parker, Acting for Assistant Director, Intelligence
Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Mr. Clarke Magruder, Acting for Director of Naval Intelligence,
Department of the Navy
Brigadier General James W. Shufelt, U.S. Army, Acting for Assistant Chief
of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Army
Major General James C. Pfautz, U.S. Air Force, Assistant Chief of Staff,
Intelligence, Department of the Air Force
Brigadier General Lloyd W. Smith, Jr., U.S. Marine Corps, Director of
Intelligence, U.S. Marine Corps
Those Attending
Miss Eloise R. Page, Deputy Director, Intelligence Community Staff
Mr. Herbert Meyer, Vice Chairman, National Intelligence Council
Mr. Fritz Ermarth, NIO for USSR-Eastern Europe
Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP86M00886R000200150049-4