Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP85M00364R002204170001-8
Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP85M00364R002204170001-8
vu"I III fl-IL
August 16, 1983
SUBJECT: National Intelligence Daily (NID) Security
The White House Situation Room is responsible for handling the
NIDs for the deputy assistant to the president for national
security affairs, the military assistant to the assistant to the
president for national security affairs, the director White House
Situation Room and White House Situation Room analyst. In accord-
ance with your 31 May memorandum we have instituted new internal
procedures to insure that the named addressee receives his desig-
nated copy number of the NID. In addition, three of the four NIDs
will be returned to you within 24 hours as requested, however, we
would like to ask for an exception to this requirement and retain
copy number 43 for approximately one-to-two months for reference
purposes. As you are aware, the White House Situation Room has
severe space limitations for storage of large volumes of informa-
tion-for quick retrieval. We have learned through experience that
having back issues of the NID on hand, as an all source intelli-
gence document, allows us to respond, quickly to many queries from
the national security adviser and his immediate staff. Having this
resource in the office has been an invaluable aid and I would like
to continue the practice of retaining a copy for this purpose. I
can assure you that access to the document is restricted and at no
time does it leave this office which is a secure area and manned
on a 24-hour basis.
Regarding your 3 June memoranda concerning copies of the NIDs
which had not been returned, we have made a thorough search of
all files and have returned all the copies which were found. I
regret to report. that there are still eleven copies for which we
cannot account. We will continue to search for these but at this
point I am convinced that these documents were inadvertently de-
stroyed during routine document destruction. To avoid this situa-
tion in the future, we are now keeping the NIDs in a location
separate from other intelligence publications.
Director White House
Situation Room
Approved For Release 2009/04/15: CIA-RDP85M00364R002204170001-8