Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2007/09/25: CIA-RDP85M00363R000701600051-6
3Robert T. Matsui (D)
Of Sacramento - Elected 1978
Born: Sept. 17, 1941, Sacramento, Calif.
Education: U. of Calif., Berkeley, A.B. 1963; Hastings
College of Law, J.D. 1966.
Occupation: Lawyer.
Family: Wife, Doris Okada; one child.
Religion: Methodist.
Political Career: Sacramento City Council, 1971-78.
Capitol Office: 231 Cannon Bldg. 20515; 225-7163.
Select Narcotics Abuse and Control (8th of 16 Democrats)
Ways and Means (19th of 23 Democrats)
Public Assistance and Unemployment Compensation; Social
1982 General
Robert T. Matsui (D) 194,680 (90%)
Bruce Daniel (LIB) 16,222 ( 8%)
1980 General
Robert T. Matsui (D)
Joseph Murphy (R)
170,670 (71%)
64,215 (26%)
Previous Winning Percentage: 1978 (53%)
District Vote For President
1980 1976
D 86,632 (41%) D 98,933 (53%)
R 97,853 (47%) R 87,248 (46%)
1 19,997 (10%)
Campaign Finance
Receipts Expend-
Receipts from PACs iturss
Matsui (D) $248,380 $80,047 (14%) $211,981
California - 3rd District
Voting Studies
Presidenlal Party Conservative
Support Unity Coalition
Year S 0 S 0 S 0
1982 40 60 93 5 19 81
1981 45 53 80 17 32 63
1980 79 16 90 4 6 89
1979 86 14 94 5 10 89
S - Support 0 = Opposition
Key Votes
Reagan budget proposal (1981) N
Legal services reauthorization (1981) Y
Disapprove sale of AWACs planes to Saudi Arabia (1981) Y
Index Income taxes (1981) N
Subsidize home mortgage rates (1982) Y
Amend Constitution to require balanced budget (1982) N
Delete MX funding (1982) Y
Retain existing cap on congressional salaries (1982) N
Adopt nuclear freeze (1983) Y
Interest Group Ratings
1982 85 22 95 14
1981 70 17 87 17
1980 94 13 79 58
1979 89 12 90 11
Approved For Release 2007/09/25: CIA-RDP85M00363R000701600051-6