Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP86-00244R000200350007-0~'
HHHOPJ NDUM FOR: Chief, Logistics Services Division, OL
SUBJECT : "Health Exercise" Facility, Ames Building
RE RENCE : Savo cite li Sept 72 to C/RECD/CL fm C/LSD/OL, same
1. Per your requests as outlined in the referenced memorandum,
we are hereby submitting a conceptual sketch Attachment 1), project
work outline (Attachment 2) and cost projects Attachment 3) for a
proposed gymnasium and shower/locker room facility to be located on
the "cellar" level of the Ames Building.
2. Copies of Attachments I and 2 have been sent to the Ames
Building Engineer! for his review, comments and pos-
sible coat estimate.
3. With regard to the conceptual sketch submitted by this
office, the following points should be made clear:
a. Review of Ames Building working drawings by FE23/RECD
and B/CU engineers and architects indicates that the location
of a shower facility in the area noted an the sketch should pose
no major problems. It must be kept in mind that the shower
facility is located on the eellar level directly above the main
building waste line (8-inch diameter) which runs to a sewer con-
tion on Fort Myer Drive. The existing fall from finished slab
elevation to main waste Lino elevation should be adequate to
bandle the projected usage. der, until the exact location
and elevation of this *"to line is determined by breaking into
the slab, a positive determination as to the feasibility of the
attached concepts cannot be made.
b. Certain exercise activities would have to be omitted
rem any gymnasium pla* for the Amos Building due to ceiling
height restrictions. These activities might include weight
lifting, chinning, rope climbing, etc..
c. The auxil.laary chiller located on the cellar level does
have adequate year-round chilled water reserve capacity to handle
cooling loads in the proposed area.
Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP86-00244R000200350007-0
Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP86-00244R000200350007-0
SUBJECT' "Health Exercise'' Facility, Ames Building
5X !
Real Estate and Construction Division, OL
d. The GSA Guard Force locker rum should be relocated to
the far and of the cellar level as indicated on the sketch.
Ideally, if this element could be relocated back to the space
previously occupied on the third floor of Ames Building, additional
storage space for BSP could be created in the area presently ear-
marked for the Guard Force. If the Guard Force need be kept on
the cellar level, efforts should be taken to extend the air con-
ditioning capability to include the Guard Force area.
4. Please feel free to contact the Building Planning Staff
Architect, :fir for any information concerning this project.
Orig - Adse w/atts
1 - OL/RECD Official v/atts
tY - OL/RECD/BPS Files Watts
1 - OL/RECD/BPS Chrono w/o atts
1 - OL Reader w/o atts
1 - Ames Building Engineer w/atts 1 & 2
(26 September 1972)
Approved For Release 2001/09/04 2CIA-RDP86-00244R000200350007-0