Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
To: File
Subject: SI and H Experimentation It) June 1953
� By agreement, this session was devoted to a mass attempTt to
create a deep state of hypnosis ch subject that had heretofore
not been attained. Hence, pened the session with a
standard slow induction an all subjects after
obtained w t to be a good depth. Thereafter,
and then working in turn, ran the four subjects
simultan us g e standard slow induction procedure and aiming
for greater depth each time. The slow awakening was used in each
After the first three attempts were made, again
placed the four subjects in e deep sleep state.This however,
all subjects were given a post-hypnotic suggestion that they were
to sit in a designated chnir and immediately fall into a deep sleep
ameer all subjecta�werezwakened, bed
. . . .
. sit in:theohnir.and in:a ma erW o .a.fewseeon , se -
a.deepeleep state. She was given a simple ph (hot coin)
� and responded to thi sAn an unsatisfactory manner,. although later.
admitted to that the, coin seemed hot in her hand. -.
Thereafter, sk
.and she r passing into
.using th guage,- the
very good s eping condition.
to remove her' earrings which.
and without any knowledge of
PIIIII111011 en requested
she but responded only. to .a.
sleep.. He then used:the
'Obtaining a light sleep
attempting to work with
sponded at 'all during th
bothering her and she could not
to4.21.t.,a;i9i4er lack of response...
� !i ..-
At'.he present,
good 'progress while
1 '
concentrate but
� gave
eing given.
o a
ou on se signal
o sit In the chair and
gtit degre to the suggestion of: .
tion technique and succeeded in
ession without
d not re.
something was
no effort was made
are making reasonab
ars imes to be dowing we
..-..-..- ......
times. appears combative and difficult. In the case of
it is difficult to detetmine exactly what her reactions
at times she appears to be a good subject. -
. � .