Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
28 October 1952 (Tuesday)
On Tuesday, -28- October 1952,
R 20
all of the above subjecte.were-experienCed.and
oug regarded as excellent subjects,. advanced e men on
at once.- This took the form, of producing quickly a deep:.
hypnosis in all and.holding_the control for a previously dise
terminediength of time., In each case, all subjects were kept under
control for 15 minutes and were.moved:about Building 13 in a natural-,
manner, placed in various rooms, and or
depth of hypnosis. In addition, both
to drive hometo,the greatest possible e en o amnesia. in
subjects for. their activities for the preceding. 45 minutes., �
Al]. subjects, as-mentioned above, held a deep hypnotic condition
for 45 minutes and after awakening, all subjects had an almost perfect
'amnesia for-their ac ti iod of hypnosis.. This is.
particularly true Of who are capable of musch
deeper.hypnosi6-than er of record, however, it
.shou1de noted that agree that this was the. deepest
that ha o ainea in, e work to date. These experiments
were as suaressful and pointed .the way to future experimentation
involving long-range .activity of this
'After a brief 'diecussion� the session was concluded at-approti,.
mately 9:00 FM.
he -