Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
To: Files
Subject: SI and H Experimentation, 20 March 1952
On Thursday, 20 March 1952, $1 and H eriments.were-carr CI*
� on ' uildin 1 Ildom 20 with
41011 by
. The entire:eVening.was devoted to taking motion pi�tures
lustrating the phenomena 'of hallucinat'ons�and since
work was much more advanced than ire sequence
Was taken of . .
This sequence demonstrated the� hallucination of smell, touch,
and sight. In additbn, a sequence was taken showing anesthesia and
hyper-sensitivity of an individual's hands when opera under full
hypnotic control. In the opinion of the writer an his
sequence of movies was entirely successful.
To: Files
Subject: SI and H Experimentation, '25 March 1952
On Tuesday; 25 March 1952, SI and H experiments were
iliBuilding 13, Room 20 w't
It was planned to devote the evening to taking motion pictures
illustrating post-hypnotic suggestions, but an unfortunate accident
occurred which wrecked the mechanism of the camera and exposed the
film of the entire evening's work .
This file, in the opinion p d the Writer, con-
tained previous work that will have to e o over.
. . . .....