Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
WASt-(INGTON.D.C.. 2C:505
Mr. David Kairys
Kairys Rudovsky
1427 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
Dear David:
1,L32::,:.:7(.'41 GENERA,
29. August 1975
In line with our telephone conversation, I am
enclosing a copy of diary entries by Mr. Lyman Kirkpatrick,
former official of the CIA. These diary entries deal
with Mr. Kirkpatrick's activities relating to the Olson
case immediately subsequent to the death. of Frank R. Olson.
. The. reason that this information is being released to
� you at this date is that the diary entries have only most
recently been discovered in connection with a record search,
unrelated to the OlSon matter, undertaken for the Senate
Select Committee on Intelligence Activities.
You also asked if we would look further to see if
-any pages had beeh separated from the fourth item of the
� inventory: "Memorandum - for the Record: .From: Sheffield .
Edwards, Subject: Suicide of Frank Olson, Army Civilian
Employee, Camp Dietrich" dated 28 November.1953.
Apparently the third and final page of the memorandum. as
separated from the first two pages when the documents
were assembled,for turnover to you. It also enclosed.
With respect to your question regarding the Inspector
General report mentioned in the Rockefeller Commission �
Report, there is no mention of the Olson case in the
IG report.
� �
You have copies of the letters of reprimand that were
issued with respect to this !natter. To make your file
complete, earlier drafts of these letters are also enclosed.
I indicated to you that the Director or -Elle Inspector
General would sign the affidavit you requested. -In light
of the Director's absence from the city and the fact that
the IG has:.closer personal knowledge with respect to the
Approved for Release
search, it has been prepared for his signature and will 1
be. forwarded to you shortly.
Mitchell Rogovin
Special Counsel to -the Director
1. 2 pages of diary
2. complete Memo for Record, 28 Nov 53
�3. draft memoranda .of reptimand