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10 Aor11 -1970
Asterisked items are either reported for the first time,
or.contain additions or changes to previously reported activities.
- *7-12 April, Washington, D.C.
A local group of young people calling itself "Environment
Inc." during this'period (and running concurrently with Washington's
Cherry Blossom Festival), is staging a week of demonstrations and
workshops entitled "Survival Week." The Atomic Energy Commis-
sion has rented a tent to the environmental activists to be used as an
exhibit center. The tent has been pitched in the heavily tourist
traveled area near the Lincoln Memorial.. A sp�olcesman for the group
advises that the demonstration was planned for Cherry.Blossom Week
�for two reasons: first because of the large number of tour.ists expected
in the city during this time and second to show a contrast between the
blossoms and the polluted air and water near the Memorial. Alle-
gedly, Environment Inc. does not plan to disrupt the festival and will
emphasize a broad range of environmental dangers including soil
erosion, overpopulation, water and air pollution, and the proliferation
of freeways. Highlights of "Survival Week" will be cleanup activities
on the Potomac on Sunday and guerilla theater productions at various
times and places throughout the week.
'9-12 April, Washington, D.C.
The Washington Friends of the Chicago Conspiracy are planning
a fund raising art show at the Dunbarton Methodist Church, 3133 Dum-
barton Street, N. W., on the above dates. A
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*11-12 Apitil, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
The VMC reportedly is planhing to hold an antiwar festirval at
the University of North Carolina on April 11, 12. One of the main
features will be the appearance of Rennie Davis.
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*12 April, Washington, D. C.
A benefit to be held at the EMERGENCY from 2 p.m. to mid-
night. Proceeds to go to the April Action Committee�Mobilization/
Moratorium. Wu' iff 3,13 /lc
*12 April., New York City, New York
A "Salute to Youth" program sponsored by the Daily World
(communist) will be held at Town Hall, 123 West 43rd Street. Long
time CPUSA youth leader and present national chairman of the newly
formed Young (communist) Workers Liberation League, Jarvis Tyner
will be a featured speaker.
*13-18 April, Nationwide
The spring antiwar offensive, which began in limited form with
the March antidraft actions, culminates the week of April 13-18. ,
Nationwide mass demonstrations, organized locally, will take place in
at least 25 major cities on April 15, the deadline for income tax retqrns
and consequently a symbolic date for the new focus on "who profits" and
"who pays" for the war in Vietnam.
, A partial scenario of the April activities already planned in a
number of cities was released last week by the New Mobilization Com-
mittee. In addition to the New Mobe plans, the Vietnam Moratorium
Committee and the Student Mobilization Committee have also .announced
actions against the war for the same week. �
So far, plans include nationwide student strikes, mass marches
and rallies, work stoppages, demonstrations at Internal Revenue Ser-
vice offices and at corporate stockholders' meetings, a national black
referendum on the war and tax refusals. Specific actions and the days
of their occurrence vary with each city, but generally the large demon-
strations are scheduled for the 15th. A few cities will have marches
on the 18th and in those areas where corporations with defense contracts
are holding stockholders' meetings the demonstrations will occur later
in the month.
The major cities where tentative plans for April were announced
ate San Francisco, Los A�pgeles, San Diego, Detroit, Milwaukee,
Chicago, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Seattle, Minneapolis, Atlanta*, Cin-
cinatti, Birmingham, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Denver, Hous-
ton, and Washington, D.C.
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Other cities include Toledo and Dayton, Ohio: Mobile. Ala-
bama; Knoxville, Kentucky; Buffalo and Ithaca, New York; Hartford,
Connecticut; Des Moines and Grinnel, Iowa; St. Petersburg and
Gainesville, Florida; Providence, Rhode Island; and Austin, Texas.
13-14 April, Nationwide
A.nationwide student referendum on the war in Vietnam will
be conducted by American University's Student Association Vietnam
Committee in conjunction with the antiwar Student Mobe and the con-
servative Young Americans for Freedoin.
Plans call for a weekend of debates, April 10-12, with the
voting following on the 13th and 14th. The results will he sent to the
American University student government and results will be announced
April 21. The SMC (YSA youth arm) will provide much of the planning
and organizational effort on many campuses. IC Ail �
*13-15 April, Nationwide
The Vietnam Moratorium Committee is asking all Americans'
who oppose the war to join a Fast fOr Peace on the above dates. The
money saved by so doing should be sent to the VMC to aide the victims
of the war in Vietnam (North or South not mentioned in VMC propaganda
but presumably both) and in the United States. Funds collected will
allegedly be equally divided among the Arnerican Friends Service Corn- -*
rnittee Vietnam Relief Program, the National Welfare Rights Organiza-
tion and the United Farm Workers of America. fl cent VMC 'publicity
implies support for this effort by such well-known personalities as
Ramsey Clark, Julian Bond, William Sloane Coffin, Jane Fonda, Mayor
Lindsay, Senator McCarthy and others. Reportedly, student council
heads at more than 200 U.S. colleges have promised to promote the
fast on their, campuses and students will ask for a rebate on uneaten
15 April, Arkansas
Support demonstrations of VMC spring offensive in Arkadelphia,
Batesville, Clarksville, Conway, Fayetteville, Jonesboro. Little Rock,
Pine Bluff,�Russellville and Texarkana, Arkansas, sponsored by
Arkansas Moratorium Coalition. . A.,; � . y It 1
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*14-18 April, Atlanta, Georgia
The antiwar activists have designated the 14th as Women
and the War day. Discussions on women's oppression in relation
to the war are planned at Georgia-State and Emory University. The
15th will focus on labor and war taxes and will probably be tied to
the current sanitation workers strike. On the 16th, 17th, and 18th
of April,. demonstrations will.be staged in support of the GI antiwar
movement at Ft. McPherson and Ft. Benning and, a student strike
possibly reaching into the high schools. (,',.�1�ctieki,
15 April, Austin, Texas
� Antiwar demonstration at the.Internal Revenue Service
- building in Austin, Texas, sponsored by the SMC. Protesters are
being urged to bring their 1969 returns to be turned in to the IRS
� during the demonstration. 9,11.1)7(-4/. ....071-ti 111;,..4V 71*
*13-18 April, Boston, Massachusetts and Vicinity
During the week a number of demonstrations are planned in �
other Massachusetts cities around repression, in support of the
Panthers and against taxes and the draft. The main rally is scheduled
for Boston on-the 15th. The morning of the 15th student strikes at
Boston University, Northeastern University and possibly Harvard and
MIT will point up local campus complicity in the Vietnam War. Many
feeder marches will pause at specific targets such as IRS and Selective
Service offices before joining the main rally on thg Boston COmmon.
A candlelight march will follow the main rally.
Harvard University Law School students have distributed leaf-
lets reporting that the rally on Boston Common will demand that
Congress withdraw all United States troops from Vietnam by December 1.
Early last month 1200 people representing 40 Boston area
antiwar groups met at MIT and planned a variety of actions for dem-
onstration week. Included then and probably still on the agenda are:
5-day student strikes, work stoppage where possible, a campaign to
put the Vietnam War issue on the ballot, and supoort for the largest
number of�people ever to assemble on Boston Common for a rally.
(J..a.st October 15 drew about 100,000.)
� �
"A group n f Boston area radicals intends to stage a protest
mareh from the Boston Common to Cambridge City Ha1,1 at the
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conclusion of the April 15 moratorium demonstration on the Com-
mon. The organization which drew an estimated 10,000 people to
government center last month to protest the Chicago 7 conspiracy
trial verdict will demonstrate against the war in Southeast Asia and
against 'racism and repression at-home."
Spokesman for the group planning the march described Cam-
bridge, the target of the protest, as an "imperial city" by virtue of
the location of a CIA office, MIT, and several firms that do war-
related research.
In the past, the organization has used several names including
"The Day After" and the "November Action Coalition." During the
April 15 demonstration it will call itself the "Bobby Seale Contingent."
Tactics for the march are uncertain but several organizers of the pro-
test acknowledged privately that it would probably include window break-
ing and rock throwing. The co-chairman of the Moratorium Committee,
Ray Dongan, in denouncing plans for the march to Cambridge, said:
"Ours is a non-violent, legal demonstration. There is no one in our
coalition who thinks anything is accomplished by breaking windows or
spitting on a policeman or yelling obscenities at a passerby."
*15 April, Buffalo, New York
Antiwar demonstrations at Buffalo will focus on a proposed urban
development center and on university expansion in.addition to the Viet-
nam War. � Ct.e dirjtilt ii#4, ;r:./
*15 April, Chicago, Illinois
The Chicago Peace Council has called for a mass rally at noon
on the 15th at Civic Center Plaza. In the morning the council reportedly
will distribute thousands of income tax forms, 1040, with space avail-
able for people to indicate how they want their taxes spent. At noon
a rally delegate will return the forms to the IRS office. From the Civic
Center a mass march is scheduled down State Street to the Federal
building where the main rally is to take place. Students from the
University of Chicago, Roosevelt University and other Chicago col-
leges are scheduled to march from their campuses to the Federal
building rally.
*i3-18 April, Cleveland, -Ohio
On April 13 and 14 students at Case Western Reserve and the
Cleveland State College will vote on a war .referendum., On the 15th
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under Student Mobc auspices demonstrations will be conducted against
campus enrno;e4ty. le the war and will center on the AT&T stock-
holders' meeting scheduled in Cleveland on that day. _Area students
have been urged to cut classes to,particioate in the demonstration.
A delegation of people holding proxies or who are stockholders will
attempt to enter the meeting, to obtain the floor and read a prepared
indictment of AT&T involvement in the Vietnam War. Meanwhile,
high school students will dernenstrate next door to the stockholders'
meting where the city's Board of Education has its offices. From
that demonstration and a later rally on-the campus of Cleveland State,
students are scheduled to march to the main citywide rally at the Peace
Mall in downtown Cleveland. This rally, called "Festival of Life," is
being sponsored by the Cleveland area Peace Action Council.
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*15 April, Denver, Colorado
The VMC tentatively plans a mock Boston tea party by spilling
tea into a fountain that fronts the Denver Federal building. Civil dis-
obedience is also planned at noon of the 15th when the principal mass
rally will take place. C't ult....7Q.... 4/ /./ Vil'l 0
15 April, Houston, Texas
Student strike planned by the SMC as a protest of the war in
Houston, Texas. Students at both high school and university level are
being urged to participate. PiattilLy 1,1>.10.g u t' e
*15 April, Los Angeles, California
Welfare recipients and social workers are scheduled to picket
the city welfare center on the 15th as well as County General Hospital
and other targets. ticir(4.;.�
The Peace Action Council has issued literature reporting that
there Will also be a demonstration against the Internal Revenue Service
followed by a rally at the Los Angeles City Hall. After the mass rally,
a candlelight march will be held through the Los Angeles Civic Center.
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15 April, Miami, Florida
� All day rally in frznt of the Federal Building�speeches and
entertainment�sponsor is New Paity of Florida.
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*15 April, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Community issues will be linked with the war and military
spending. Milwaukee demonstration sites include a high school
which is scheduled for destruction in a Latin American neighborhood
because of the inavailability of neighborhood funds. .� i 1.1 20
*15 April, New York City, Nev York
The main citywide rally is schcduled to begin at 4 o. m. at
Bryant Park in midtown Manhattan. Rallies beginning early in the day
at IRS headquarters, at a high school student rally in City Hall park,
a West Side rally, a Village rally and another rally at Hammarskjold
Plaza -near the United Nations will feed into Bryant Park. Mayor John
Lindsay is an invited speaker at the Bryant Park affair and because of
his participation, the BPP will not be represented. The Panthers have,
refused to share a speakers' platform with Lindsay.
*15 April, Palo Alto, California
The Stanford University VMC group will conduct a rally at
Frost Amphitheater from 0530 to 1200. Following the rally, they
plan to march to the IRS office in Palo Alto. The mid-peninsula
"Grass Roots" ecology group plans a rOck concert in Froit Amphi-
theater starting at 1300 hours, to raise funds for their activities.
The SMC plans a march to the Radiation Laboratory in Berkeley as
part of their April 15 actions. i� S� V24/1C
*15 April, Portland, 'Oregon
At Portland a march will be held to the building housing the
Internal Revenue Service. The estimated one thousand demonstrators
will march around the building and a small number of them nlan to
enter the building. hvetz,-1-x-cir- 36,torc4-70
*15 April, St. Louis, Missouri
Demonstrations will be held to protest the flaying of taxes
for war purposes. Rennie Davis, who was recently convicted for
violation of the antiriot law, will be the main speaker at St. Louis
(luring a rally on April 15*
Following the rally, a march wilne
herd to the Miss.issippi River where tea will be dumped into the river
to symbolize taxation without representation.
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15 April, San Antonio, Texas
Demonstration in San Antonio, Texas, to protest the Federal
Income Tax, site not announced, sponsored by the American Friends
Service Committee. iti/5 7;1-
*15 April, San Diego, California
A local Chicano. community organization will lead a march
winding through the downtown section and stop at draft board offices
and the homes of Congressmen before reaching a ceqtral IRS office.
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15 April, San Francisco, California
The Downtown Peace Coalition has called for a one day work
stoppage on the 15th. DPC literature advises that peace groups
throughout the nation have issued the same call and "Aoril 15epromises
to be the most successful nationwide call for peace since our entering
the Vietnam War." The DPC advises further that the proposed work
stoppage has also been endorsed by the International Peace Conference
(held in Vancouver, B.C., last February). In recent days the work
stoppage has now been endorsed by locals ,of the Amalgamated Clothing
Workers, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal
Employees and the International Longshoremen and Warehouse Union.
� Additionally a student strike is planned and a noontime rally at the
San Francisco Civic Center will be an assemblage of welfare mothers,
members of the Downtown Peace Coalition and others.
13-18 April, Spokane, Seattle, Washington
A statewide conference at the University of Washington on 7
March planzfed a week of antiwar activity (13-18 April) culminating
in mass marches in Seattle and Spokane on 18 April.
14 April--designated as day to focus on the relationship of the
war to ecology
16 April--Day of high school opposition to the war
17 April--Day set for statewide student strike
Anothe-r day will be selected to focus on the relation of the war to the
oppression of women. 7/1;1,-lobf 1-Y:3 63 6
*15 April, Washington, D.C. and National
Student strikes-:primary sponsor is the SMC. Antiwarsactions
in high schools and colleges, rallies, assemblies, debates, teach-ins
demonstrations, discussions,- etc. , ;
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*15 April, Washington, D.C.
- �
12 p.m. --Lafayette Park rally, organized by the D.C. Wel-
fare Mothers and the Women's Committee of the April Action Com-
4 p.m. --Picketting.and leafletting of the IRS at 12th and
Constitution Avenue, N. W.
. 5 p.m. --Mass marctrand rally, called by the "April Action
Committee," a broad coalition of antiwar groups. Assembly at 5 o. m.,
L'Enfant Square, 9th and Constitution,-N. W. March at 5:45 D. M. to
Capitol for rally demanding immIdiate withdrawal.of troops from
Vietnam. (.121.34.-/4-1 ;//76/76,C S ) 01,,- 7 7 1;� 0. S. 511 3 / 3
*15 April, Washington, D.C.
The American University chapter of the Student Mobeeis taking
the opportunity during the planned national antiwar demonstration to
get in a few localized "licks" of its own. The AU example will probably
be followed at other U.S. colleges. The Student Mobe is the mass
action organization of the Socialist Workers Party, whose members
control virtually all leadership posts within the Student Mobe. The
Trotskyite SWP interest in the Student Mobe goes much deeper than
just ending the war, and recently literature published by- the AU
Student Mobe fully substantiates the thesis of disruption Motives of
the parent organization. On 15 April, aside from the war strike, AU
students are also being prodded to "strike against the administration
of AU to demand more student power in decision making." Additionally
the students are being encouraged to strike for an alternative life
style, against tuition increases, student placement on the board of
trustees, cafeteria facilities, etc. If the war were suddenly to end,
the Student-Mobe would mobilize against some alternate establishment
*13-15 April, Detroit, Michigan
Antiwar demonstrations are scheduled for staging on these days:
13 April--The VMC and the New Democratic Coalition are
sponsoring a 4 p.m. picket line to march before the Federal building
in protest to high taxes for war. -
14 April--The Young Workers Liberation League and the Con-
ct,rned.Unionists will stag, it a demonstration before the General Motors
building, Grand Boulevard at Second Avenue, from 4 to 6 p.m.' .
15 April.-The Detroit Coalition to End the War Now will stage -
a 3 to 7 p.m. demonstration at Kennedy Square. -
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Reportedly locals of a number of unions including the United
Automobile Workers have voted to support the. demonstrations
demanding immediate and unconditional withdrawal of American
forces from Vietnam. Twenty-thousand people are expected for a
mass rally. if, p it 'lel
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*14-17 April, Stanford, California
Reportedly, Chicanos will hold a four-day "Week of the Race"
rally. Mexican-American leaders frorn across the United States are
to attend. 7(4,11) w,kti AiM"- -/-/-,/ e f,).r 9 e
*16 April, Newport, Rhode Island
The Student Mobe is sponsoring a demonstration at the Offi-
cers Candidate School, United States Naval Base, Newport, jthode
Island, on 16 April to protest the training of Vietnamese personnel
at that installation. ;78:/ hfi i5,Zj
*17-19 April, Ithaca, New York
A celebration to be known as "America is Hard to Find" is to
be held at Cornell University as a tribute to Reverend Daniel Berrigan.
Berrigan was sentenced to three years for conspiracy, destruction of
Government property, and willful hindrance with the administration of
the military Selective Service Act and was to begin his sentence on
April 1. He is associate director of Cornell United Religious:Work.
Cornell authorities estimated the celebration could�draw as many as
100,000 participants. Folk rock groups are scheduled to provide
entertainment, and speakers will include William Kunstler, a defense
attorney in the trial of the Chicago 7; David Dellinger, and Douglas
Dowd, co-Chairman of NMC. f /Nz'; 3e 1 R- "3 //w. A 7e
18 April, St. Petersburvr Tampa, Florida_
Demonstration sponsored by SMC. New Party of Florida will
attempt to organize bus tours throughout the city as propaganda for
later demonstrations against pollution. More than 100 antiwar activists
from 30 organizations met 7 March in Gainesville. and formed Florida's
first statewide antiwar coalition--the Florida Antiwar Coalition (FAC).
The conference called for a mass march and demonstration in St.
Petersburg on 18 April, with local areas building a week of antiwar
actiwity 13-18 April. Peace activists also plan massive demonstrations
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at St. Petersburg from 10 to 18 May, where 30,000 (their estimate)
are expected to march for peace. No further eletails at this time.
*20 April, Ellicot City, Maryland.
Missing black militant H. Rap Brown has been ordered to
appear in Howard County for his much postponed trial on charges of
inciting to riot and arson. Hem-could be held in contempt of court if
he is not present and could also be forced to forfeit his $10,000 bond.
Brown's attorneys profess to have no knowledge of his whereabouts.
If and when the trial is held, it will have a potential to be the hub of
additional violence. 14:144.14
*22 April, Nationwide
The new breed of student militants, the environmentalists,
formed into such groups as "Environmental Teach-In Inc., Environ-
mental Action, Ecology Action, Active Conservation Tactics," and
many others with like names, are laying the groundwork on campuses
across the country for a declaration on the 22nd that America must
change its way of living or smother in its own waste. To underscore
the message, students are considering a range of activities from
quiet panel discussions and symposia to blocking traffic on busy city
Although the target date for "Earth Day" is April 22, on many
campuses the observance will span a week and in some cases .a month
or more. "Earth Day" was originally conceived bq� its sponsors--
including Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin--as primarily a day
of education through environmental teach-ins. The movement has
subsequently escalated in a few areas to include rallies, picketting,
demonstrations and other protests.
Although New Left activists would undoubtedly like to co-opt,
radicalize and take over the ecology movement, now popular on a
broad front, and direct enthusiasm toward political goals, indications
are that most activities will be orderly and responsible and confined
to programs such as lectures, exhibits and seminars. The objective
will be to bring home the facts of the environmental crisis.
� A spokesman for E.environmental Teach-In Inc., advised the
press in mid-March that 900 colleges and 3,000 high schools wtre
read.ying programs for "'Earth Day." If trouble comes it will be
manifested in attacks on big industrial polluters such as General
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Motors, and Standard Oil and directed toward perennial war villains
such as DOw Chemical (Dow reportedly has contributed thousands of
dollars to "Environmental Action for Survival" at the University of
Michigan). Radical activities stemming from the antiwar week of 13
to 18 April staged across the country by the New Mobe, the VMC
and the Student Mobe may take some steam out of confrontation pro-
tests that.might otherwise ha va occurred.
At a recent meeting at Ann Arbor, teach-in planners met
opposition from Marxists who believe that the pollution elimination
and environmental control is an evasion of needed social and political
revolution. Militant Negro leaders charged that the preoccupation
with pollution was a "white middle-class cop-out" from attending to
the problems of Negroes and poor people.
Why April 22 was selected (and by whom) for "Earth-Day"
observances, has caused some concern. Denis A. Hayes, national
coordinator of student environmental action,was recently asked why
by Kentucky's Congressman Tim Lee Carter. Hayes answered that
the date was probably picked by Senator Gaylord Nelson who allegedly
originated the teach-in idea. Carter pointed out. that the 22nd was
Lenin's birthday and Hayes responded "It's also the birthday of Queen
Elizabeth, William Shakespeare, Mary Ann Kaufman (a member of
Hayes' staff) and her Aunt Alice."
Sampling of Activities for 22 April:
� iiter;
Ashtabula. Ohio--Students at Kent State University plan a mock
funeral for the "children of tomorrow" with a horse-drawn hearse
leading a cortege of mourners through the streets.
Berkeley, California--The University of California Ecology
Action group, one of several groups on the Berkeley campus, are
continuing their "survival walk" from Sacramento to Los Angeles.
Boston, Massachusetts--Area college environmental action
groups have discussed the blocking of major traffic arteries in .the city,
including the Callahan Tunnels linking the city to Logan International
Airport. �
Detroit, Michigan- Wayne State University students plap to
picket the General Motors building and may attempt to halt traffic.
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New York City, New York�Anti-pollution activists are
discussing. tying up traffic. on major Manhattan streets and causing
disruptions at the corporate offices of companies regarded by stu-
dent activists as major polluters.
Olympia and Seattle, Washington--University of Washington
students plan an "environmental scavenger hunt" to gather examples
of various kinds of waste to be delivered to the state capital in order
to "bring the environment home to legislature."
� Providence, Rhode Island--Ecology activists hope to block
off a street and set up a "model transit system" of Volkswagen buses to
demonstrate that motor vehicles should carry more than one person
thereby reducing traffic as well as air pollution. Similar activity
pointing up the problems of one-passenger automobiles is being planned
in the San Francisco Bay area.
Urbana, Illinois�University of Illinois students hope to use
borrowed equipment to clean up a 6-block stretch of polluted stream.
A similar effort several weeks ago yielded 30 tons of debris.
Teach-ins, seminars and exhibits are also planned at Penn-
sylvania State University, the University of Virginia, University of
Colorado, the University of Maine, Smith College and many others.
It is. reported that many student radicals are suspicious of "Earth
Day observances, believing them to be too much cooperation with the
establishment. The SDS and the YAF, some observers believe,
seem to be approaching observances with some retferve. Many mem-
bers of politically-oriented campus organizations will undoubtedly
participate but probably as individuals.
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Late April, Nationwide
In i new approach to the antiwar protest movement, the peace
activists in concert with many other dissident groups are planning a
spring offensive to highlight the economic impact of the war in Vietnam.
In addition to the Oast actions against the military-industrial-establish-
ment which consisted of picketting, propagandizing, and various other
forms of harassment and has recently taken the more violent form of
bomb threats and actual bombings, a new tactic has been adopted. The
New Mobe is sponsoring rpgional demonstrations at stockholders'
meetings of major corporations doing war-related business. While
claiming that their actions will be peaceful and nondisruptive, it is
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highly unlikely that such will be the case. Some protest planners have
said that no disruptions were planned, but some acts of nonviolent
civil disobedience had not been ruled out. In order to gain entry into
the meetings, protestors have gathered proxies and will thus be entitled
to the rights and privileges of any stockholder.
Some of the proposed sites for activity are stockholders'
14 April--United Aircraft, East Hartford, Connecticut
15 April--AT&T, Cleveland, Obio
- 22 April--G.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota
27 April--Boeing, Seattle, Washington t.
28 April--Gulf Oil Corp., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
28 April--Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota
30 April--Olin, Stamford, Connecticut
*Week of 27 April or 4 May, Santa Barbara, California
Unconfirmed reports have been received that Isla Vista, adja-
cent to the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) is to be
the scene of a disturbance or riot during the week of 27 April or 4 /Ay.
Reportedly, protestors, numbering fifty from the Berkeley area,
fifteen from San Jose State College and agitators from other campuses,
highly organized and heavily armed cari be expected in the area. Further,
unconfirmed reports have been received that transportation tickets to
Isla Vista are now on sale at various campuses for $5 per person.
Indications' are that UCSB, Santa Barbara City College and the down-
town area will be the area of disruption and burning. Santa Barbara has
reportedly been chosen because it is a symbol of establishmentarianism.
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30 April, Washington, D. C.
It has been announced that plans are being developed for a
"Peaceful March for God" in Washington. Volunteers arc being sought
to march and demonstrate public pressure in support of repeal of the
�. Supreme Court ban on mandatory school prayers. The House Judi-
ciary Committee has more than 70 bills pending to restore school
prayer in some form. --/ .
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*30 April, Nationwide
The extremist Student National Coordinating Committee was
backing a National Black Referendum on Vietnam to occur during the
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- Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018156
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periori. of March 22-29, This activity, which is to be a polling of
blacks in fifty cities across the country, is a proposal to demand
the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops and money from South
Vietnam. This referendum has been rescheduled to commence on
April 30.
SOURCE: Government and news media.
RELIABILITY: Probably true.
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A esnreWPC1 for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018156