Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018145
Asterisked items are either reported for the first time or
contain additions or changes to previously reported activities.
December, Boston Area
Reportedly, the militant Weatherman faction of SDS in he
Boston area is making plans to take action during the first two
weeks of December against certain buildings in the Cambridge,
Massachusetts, area. This action will reportedly be violent, but
the nature of the violence has not been reported. The buildings
mentioned were the Instrumentation Laboratory at M. I. T. and
the East Cambridge District Court Building. fail iN (131 Ia.
December I
Reportedly, an invitation has been received from Hanoi
r three members of the Women Strike for Peace organizatinv
to visit North Vietnam. Coia Weiss, Ethel Taylor, and Madeline
Duckles are scheduled to make the trip. fivI311,11.
*December 5, 6, 7, Washington, D. C.
The SOcialist Educational Conference - theme "Revolutionary
Analysis and Strategy Today" is being held at George Washington
University under auspices of the Young Socialist Alliance. Speakers
include: Peter Camejo (YSA); Peter Buch (SWP); Anis Kassim
(Organization of Arab Students at George Washington University);
George Novack (Marxist scholar and author); Tony. Thomas (black
member YSA); and Linda Jenness (SWP). t.f.5
� /
*Deuenther�6, San Francisc,w, -California
The Committee to Defend the Conspiracy, Berkeley, California,
which was formed to support the eight individuals preseuatly(in trial to:-
r 6 CI
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018145
Chicago, Illinois, for violation of the anti-riot law, plan's to demonstrate
at the Federal Building, 'San Francisco, California, .on December 6.
Speakers will include some of the defendants in the Chicago trial and a
member of the Black Panther Party.
*December.6, Fayetteville, Arkansas
The Black & White Group, a recently formed group at the Univer-
sity of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas., is planning demonstrations
during' the University of Texas and University of Arkansas football game
at Fayetteville on 6 December which will be attended by President Nixon.
Activities will have a joint theme of racial equality and peace in Vietnam.
The group is considering handing out peace leaflets and blockading roads
to prevent member's-of the Arkansas Legislature from attending the. game
and to cause a major traffic jam. It is also considering demonstrating
on the field during the half time. The purposes of the demonstrations
are also to demand free dormitories, free scholarships,, an end to
poverty by next Thanksgiving, and an end to the playing of "Dixie" at
football games. The NMC stated it would send people from across the
U. S. to participate in the demonstrations. Reportedly, black students
will take over the stadium during halftime.. Obviously halftime activities
are planned by school authorities and any .interference will be seriously
disruptive. F.;1 I 9.46o v 3D'.'
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December 9, New York, New York
Vietnam Peace Parade Committee plans derAonstrations between
1700-2000 hours at Waldorf-Astoria Hotel when President.Nixon is
scheduled to appear at dinner of National Football Foundation and
National Football Hall of Fame. The purpose of the demonstration is
to protest the war, Government repression, and racism.
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December 9, Washington, D. C.
Militant black Robert F. Williams has stated that he has received
subpoena to appear before the Senate subcommittee on Internal Security.
Williams has resigned as president of the black extremist separatist
Republic of New Africa. .
*Dcicember 9-10, KnoxvillekeTennessee
� FIS:C 1W 9 7.3.
The VMC and the.NMC� at the University of Tennessee plan to
offer a free meal and friendship to each serviceman retkrning from
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018145;
Vietnam at.the Knoxville Airport beginning at 1600 hours, 9 December.
These groups sent a telegram to President Nixon on 2 December re-
questing that all American troops be returned by 9 December. This
program is a test prototype method of "relating to GI's" for use by
VMC in other areas. On 10 December these groups will meet with
business "leaders to discuss the impact of the Vietnam war on local
*December 10, Baltimore, Maryland
Apparently, the Baltimore Mobilization Committee will hold
an'hnti-war/anti-Agnew" demonstration during a proposed visit of
the Vice-President to Baltimore. The group will attempt to recruit
demonstrators from-Negro� neighborhoods. F.4.� mi 9 7 $17,
*December 10, Boston, Massachusetts
SDS at Boston University,. Boston, Massachusetts, plans to ;74.
demonstrate on 10 December if General Electric Company recruiters �
appear on the campus. piSL 74401/ 3htc'e9
*December 12, Hot S)ringst Arkansas
Reportedly, a demonstration will be held during the appearance
of the Vice-President at the National Republican Governors' Conference.
Allegedly, a group of students from the University of Arkansas intend
to "run through the streets" 'shouting obscenities abut the Vice-President.
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*De�cember�12, San Francisco, California
Downtown Coalition to End the War in Vietnam to hold peaceful
demonstration in front of Pacific Coast Stock Exchange. !lig 9337 .3Dte�47
Decomber 12-13, Austin, Texas
The Student Mobilization Committee (SMC) which is controlled
by the Young Socialist Alliance, is sponsoring a rally at the University
to- Texas, Austin, Texas, on 12 December. During the rally, discussions
will be held concerning the Laos situation and the current Chicago anti-
riot. law trial. Following ttLe rally, a march will be held through clown-
town Austin. On 13 December the SMC will conduct, statewide aifti-war
conferences, particularly in small towns where there have been no
previous anti-war activities. Ft.r 0-'5f 2- bee -
.� �
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018145
*December '12-13, Long Beach, California
Demonstration targets of Southern California anti-war groups
during period to be Long Beach Naval Station; American Electric.
Company, North Long Beach, and Presidential San Clemente Estate,
where candlelight vigil planned. Spokesman for Peace Action Council
of Los Angeles says demonstrations will !'relate to servicemen or
military bases." MCA q.3.51
*Deceniber 13, Fort Dix, New Jersey
Student Mobilization Committee of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
to hold anti-war demonstration 1300 hours. Participants to assemble
at town movie theatre, Wrightstown. Group to protest war and alleged
exploitation of GI's at Fort Dix. p.(t4 7337 f.3 btc.t
*December 13, Phoenix, Arizona
Silen Majority, local organization in favor of administration
policies, will sponsor march from Federal Building to State Capitol
grounds where rally will be held to show 100 percent support for
GI's in Vietnam.. Group expects over 1,000 participants. 1iYk
**December 13-14, Cleveland, Ohio'
While the New Mobilization Committee to End the
Vietnam has not yet officially announced its plans Or the future, its
Executive Committee has indicated that contrary to original "stated"
intention to be just an Ad Hoc Coalition for purposes of organizing
the Fall Offensive on a United Front basis, it feels it "has a future."
and will consider detailed plans for new 'anti-war demonstrations.
A Cleveland. meeting on December 13-14 will'include the 100 odd-
members of the steering committee and will probably ratify the,. ,
Executive Committee opinion.
*December 13 and 24, Nationally
After the mass demonstration approach of the No 13-15
act ions in Washington, I). C., San Francisco, and other major cities
�11);! Vietnam Moratorium C.kimmittee.plans for December call for three
days. of action split between the 12 and 13th of December and thes24th
but on a peaceful, small-sized, low-key, decentralized, individual
community level. Reputedly, VMC thinking now is that 'future VMC�
sponsored activities will not be scheduled to escalate a clay a month
ft* lei LiDte� 61
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018145
.as previously planned nor are they 10 include mass. demonstrations.
Plans are to work peacefully through the electoral system and to
create dialogue on the Vietnam war.. As noted earlier, the plans of
the New Mobe have not been firmed up yet, but it is anticipated that
they will entail much more aggressive actions.
VMC activities planned and suggested to local anti-war
groups include:
Peaceful"town meetings" in 25 major American cities to
discuss thc war, to remind local 1970-po1itica1 candidates that
Vietnam will be a major issue, and to encourage adults to take
a more active anti-war role:
A deluge of postcards and telegrams to President Nixon
urging a faster withdrawal of all American forces;
Peaceful anti-war "USO-type" concerts by anti-war en-
Peaceful silent vigils at shopping centers; .
Interdenominational "services for peace" Christmas Eve;
Public "silent night" vigils and Christmas carolling with
theme of "Peace on Earth" on Christmas Eve; �
Peaceful goodwill visits to Vets Hospitals and military bases;
Visits to borne offices of Congressmen pledging support only
if they are anti-war; and, broadened contact with, the GI anti-war move-
*December 14, Oceanside, California
Anti-war demonstration to be sponsored by Green Machine
Coffee House, Oceanside, and First Unitarian Church and New
Mobilizatiota Committee, Los Angeles. Speakers to include former
servicemen, r.ine priest, and David.11illiard, Chief of Staff, BP I'.
was arrested on 54December for making threats against
the. President of the U. A. and may not be available.
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, � � � ' -
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"December20, Los Angeles, California
Brown Berets of Los Angeles to hold Chicano Moratorium.
March from Memorial Monument, Brooklyn and Indiana Streets, to
Obregon Park, where rally will be held. Berets claim 3,000 to
participate. No further information available. ft-Iti� 933k 2- D46 4 9
December 20, International
In Helsinki in August 1969, at the World Meeting of Solidarity
of Youth and Students with Vietnam, attended by young people from 78
countries, among three documents adopted was one containing recom-
mendations for national youth organizations and movements to conduct
a world-wide campaign of action of the youth and students in support
of the Vietnamese people and its struggle for independence, freedom
and peace. Mass activities on December 20 - the day of establishment
of the South Vietnam National Liberation Front, "must become a
culmination of all the mass action conducted in the most diverse forms,"
it declared. bat/ 1..)0444 2.50'0 .
*December 24, San Clernente. California
Student Mobilization Committee at California State College,
Los Angeles, decided to hold candlelight demonstration at President
Nixon's home. F337 3ARt�t9
December 27-30, Minneapolis, Minnesota
National Convention of Young Socialists being held by IrSA at
the University of Minnesota. G.�,,teteti Cs...rN IS" Mu. 6 3
January 9-114 1970, Chicago, Illinois
The CPUSA has disseminated a document entitled "A Call to
Found a Revolutionary Working Class Youth OrganizIttion. " The
founding convention of this new Marxist-Leninist Youth organization
was u riginally scheduled for December 26-28, 1969. Later materials
indicate it is, now planned for January 1970. r r � 014:44:1
:3 efik
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January 19, 1970,- Bel Ai r,�-tiMaryland.
. ,
H. Rap Brown, head of the Student National Coordinating
Committee, who has been free on $10,000 bond in .connet:tion with
14)Pi.t4' kn./ tprOtP4ci
. �
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Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018145
charges stiimming from racial disorders in July 1967 on Maryland's
Eastern Shore, is tentatively scheduled to be tried on 19 January 1970.
William B. Kunstler, Brown's attorney to defend him on the charges
of arson and inciting to riot, is also chief counsel for the Chicago
*January 24, Detroit, Michigan
Reportedly, a Republic of New AlIica (RNA) conference was
held on November 29, 1969, in Brooklyn, New York, and was attended
by approximately forty individuals. The conference voted to hold a
constitutional convention in Detroit. Michigan, on 24. January. At the
conference,. the resignation of Robert F. Williams as RNA President
was announced. The RNA is a violence-prone black extremist, sep-
aratist organization headquartered in Detroit, Michigan-. Robert
Williams currently resides in Detroit where he is awaiting extradition
to North Carolina, on a kidnapping charge. It has been reported that
the RNA is currently split into three factions. iN ILI.
*February 1970, Washington, D. C.
A 2nd. Freedom Rally supporting the U. S. .position in the
Vietnam War will be held in Constitution Hall. Dr. Charles Moser,
rally committee chairman, said he hopes to have a number of "big
name entertainers" as well as senators and congressmen at the
events. t,.A.S.,4 � /14 tib X Nov 49
*December 31, 1969, Nationally -
A .group with a NYC mailing address and calling itself the
National Citizens' New Year's Eve Peace Observance (identity of
individuals -and/or organizations involved not yet obtained) is dis-
tributing flyers advocating a variety of activities on the local level
on New Year's Eve as "a December event of the Moratorium on
Vietnam." Suggested are 'panel discussions; open town meeting
forums; music, dancing and singing; candlelight observance's:-
/ 7 5)
refreshments. fild4s" Atid'b Va(" P f "
SOURCE: Government and-4news media.
� .
RELIABILITY: Probably true.
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\ Approved for Release: 2024/12/19 C00018145.
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"Do you realize there are only 20 more demonstrating
days before Christmas?"
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