Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
PIZOGRESS 111�7'.1T - .6�.TZTICIICr:7;
as of 22 January J.anuary 1933
� .
1. Trip by and th
1.1.1chigen, ta make prelinis-�ari arranz-,caaents for testinz of certain
compounds. -Z1 #1
2. Meting- rith 071, in rhich ho advised no
OL interest in work. a.t \ft:Live .-si
Recruit:sent of 1.2-1TIC7.0 E field tea= in process with position of
tean leader fort_.?'''.3�1*. filled. 3aiting results of out-of-town
interview by Persor--iel vith respect to Fr. tea= leader.
14. Eypnotic consultant preparing a paper_ for use as guide to -b-aininz,
5. Dr. 030 depsrted on field 23 December 2.952:
6. rypnotTic e:zperizzents conthauing, three ease. histories 7.111 be pre-
7. reetinz zith civil Defense officials in regard to certain inst.-rum:cats
available to that organizaticn. � Continuing liaison turned over to
Drof Yedical Staff.
8. Final rert on CN case received.
9. 'Various of Contacts Division/09 briefed on ./..Till-C-7.7)2"..
as6iGt tupparti-- ARIICE7J2:2.7..
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