Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Chiof, Security Research Stuff 21 October 1,L3
Chief, Technical Branch
MICE= Conference, 24 September 1953.
1. On Thursdq, 24 September 1953) betycon 2:10 P: and
3:45 PM, en AnICIICK7, Conference M5 held in the SO Cenferenco
Ream, 2065 I ruilding. Present at this Conference 'Jere r..
A*? - , _;.k..Isn*�.;.r.,77-r ' - . --.- -J..= ' -,'� and
reercsenting SO; Dr sier.,-y co:ti.:c...3
icPrescntimg 76S; 41224;;4004MNft_t_Ound t35066A01.4kRiA4MM
representing the Medico.1 Staff; and !Flf.17AFT.Inrommlmcepre-
sonting BDP. atolAtlialfert-44
2. \proktiligift srpe a detailed descripticn cf his rccent
trip to MAIALwithitiOatiMagagleVAMalsakstated thc-..
nothing of interest yrs lcarned in connection vith the ;_..TICIIC:.=
problem. he concluded by stating that since ti.e pro.lect was
primarily for the purpoce of gaining infor.Lation on so-called
"brain-washing" techniques, further comLlent was unnecessary.
� 3.4YAMMOMM40. us!:ed for cor.rents-from iach office repre-
sented end it uf_s decierd that further diccussions vsu:.i. be
held up untilOgraMftallireturn. It was fur:her deei:led that
� all unfinish,.d business would be taken up at the nex-:. regular
ARIIChOXE tooting yhich uas scheduled to be held at 2:C3 PA
on Thursday, 22 October 1953 in the SO Conference Rcem.
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