Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Reference is rnae to numcrous cables cancernim3 tholgillik
the latest ana :!.11 a 'ealas the czaarlic
laleh cZTi7Ca hcre janu_ay
As you realize, cur interest in, the case is in connection NrEAL
the ARZICEZZE-tyre activity carriea out by cpp=ently the rilitary
it connection vith this case, We h-ie talk.ea to Dr.41111, ar.t
to our soureci he but vo have been .une.bla to cone 1m vith any ins*
forra%tion concerning this uarticulz..r activity or the in.clividu-ln
-ocaticipating in it in any vc,-�,e Dr.411111.1 in convinced that the drc...7,
13 not the P-1 tut i3 an ennhetc=inetjc
We think-that throuch your sourcez� ,ana p:rticalerly your intcrcat
in the4ageti case, you nir%t ba ...bite to obtain technicri informAioa - -
in this connection. ;:hile it is reco-niael that eztreme care 7.1-7.13t - %-
be used in seeldnz this inforrLAica since tha c:lics all 4::aiCZA:� � this s root sensitive aaa cnr sources en the scelle =uSt it be (--4-
rosea, ye nevertheless 'believe that some sort of .inguiry could to
rnde so that xi* could subsequently learn the nstura of the druci.;
� used uryl the' teChnicaes.
If the technicca reports ec.nnot be obtaincd. or at le:Ist a resuna
of these reports, rerhaps the narles of the narticipe.:Ling personnel
coula be obteinea and. vet =la enlniao theri to see if ve ht..Ct any point
of contact
Ve aro =set carious to learn the nature of this operation,'
ticuLarly since there was tome success in:lie:tea and the Aavy cyparent3y
Is conmidcrir,, using it ::orld.-.414e, Qaieh as you recall .is� in direct
contrast to their rreviously stetod position onusint;; ehezicals in
cotuiection with interro;ytion.