Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2024/08/05 C05009757
26 June 1967
Passage of Message from
as CAS Saigon Message
L. Ana a message f r to
the Secretary of State r*c.Lv,i at CIA ileadquarters via CIA chasasis at
0940 EDT. Monday, 26 Jane I9t7 Three cosies are belag passed to you
via this memorandum. � Sr passim this n.essage to no one except your
office and request that your office handle all iurtiker distribution desired
by the Department according to the ICECMP orocedure.
2. Ton will note that the second ps g ph of Ambassador Sunk* 's
message says that Ky's decision to restrain Loan isvolved a prograrL.
esUated to hi= by owns of hi* close scsociates sad ren,ark* parenthetically
that CIA Meadvaartora has further in orn.ation on this subject.
In a separate rueesage, our Vititnam Station Chief, Mr. John Bar
t what Ambassador Itunker is referriog to is the fact that the
ICy made to Colonel Miller on 21 Awe
seen:fasted is waslaingtos as TDCS DB-31S/022,42-67) appear to
have be direct results of earlier (separate) conversations 1.,etw ea* Colonel.
Miller and another senior Statio* officer with two leading mou-nbers of Xyls
eatourage. both of these being gentien-len with whom e have load
had association. ft Op430111,1 that these two ifietnarnose advieors to
Ky had lengthy. lively (and separate) talks with Ky on 21 June. it -was after
Approved for Release: 2024/08/05 C05009757
Approved for Release: 2024/08/05 C05009757
Orig & 2 Read wjatt
I - Mr. Hebnit wiatt
4 - Mr. FitzGerald "daft
1 - Mr. Colby vdatt
1 - Mr. Slaufarb wiatt
Ivo =timber e of kis owa
) *ad wade the statements report. ia TDCS DB-
r Buaker who was ot COW'S* kept fully Vallifilyreagai
Id Mr. Hart he %as deLighted with the initial
� passad 4alet2y to Ky through the irforaal
suggested that adosal advice to Ky be passed
ovided the necessary pUcy aiaproval is obi:sifted
r VL.tuai.s. AU*ira
Approved for Release: 2024/08/05 C05009757
Approved for Release: 2024/08/05 005009757
UM boar* Palos time) 26 June and asked to be passed to the Secretary
of Statist
10 *�* 10 10 lig 41 4F 10 40 40
forth was la
close asoociates. (CAS Boa
;.4tat's message of21 June. received Caron (b)(3)
dacha.* to rota la Loaa as f,irst reporteel
iateettioae1 v. hick have bees roporto4
ve salutary effoct Lf o liglovi � tikairogii
Kyle Ith alcov;
sures **
hull behind-the
re has lorther
"The fact that Ity *Ake so rece,dive to coostructive ad, re o
bedicatos that we would oe allasiag an ir:-..?artalcit opportuni
intsuring that he continues to roceive sewed advice is tins futuro.
nombistry, ia tuyvtew is a more or lege coati/snows consultation
ass oatliaird in the tteioartintratIs pars k *Os This would alloy. as, (or sen4.ple,
to folio* op with bk.. to be sure that he actually 1.1.-.-;plet.leate the plaus for fair
troataluot of caa1i4stws to *hick he has givea considerable publicity duriss
the putt few days. Unto** we do rid* herd es b.i ca *As waster. however, I
reseed to is that! have grave doubts that be *ill in fact lie* tap to his protufa,ts,
"What I have la 4s4. the feria, Is sot la itay *ease as iestesuoive.-./
nor ono which is likely to lay !es open to embarrassing eibitsgs*.
h. frac.ework of advising Kr as way. to heap the ti*Ctien hosseati
go CAS liqs. Mesas** 0444
TDCS DIS-315/0,224 7
I. a. , par* 61E C )cio. Mos � No. 4144A
A nnrClVed for Release: 2024/08/05 005009757
Approved for Release: 2024/08/05 C05009757
If he take' our
having b.liug rua a
t catApaign on
if he is left to kis own r*tJ
alcwort certainly lead to a
tion play in fact bares been, w
condom.*** consultation with ity
d r � ve, and propos. to p
De has ggasted in its
dLiz =4 =mai* o119 June through CA3 channels (CAS Sale
5), I boilers wit should stand ready to coizstdsr giving covort
y repas1ts it, lio�Never, there is ao evidence to indicate
y is actually in need of such help. I suggest. therefore.
i4erat1czt of this protieL2. oe deferred until the errangev-ente which
proposed shove have given IS a better idea of Ky's thinking about the
of his care_paign and his plane to support it.
Vs the probleu. of General Tbieu the passage of
is the battle lines fon-Ling and stiffeaing. and I rather doubt
that Thieu can be persuaded to reties !teo. the contest. it, Wirer ile sliset
of hie candidacy on military unity, it would be counterproductive
for us to try to do anything about it. I believe therefore, that we v. in be
beet advised to throw our indbience in the direction of doing everything we
can to keep Xy's Ca= ALIA reasosably honest and his treatu.ent of other
candidates as fair as can be expected. If he then runs the sort of Clita.paigri
which we %void like hiu to and doe, not abuse his hold over the national
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s inc,isstairrivr
* structsre he ebo,i4 Isersass the respect with which he
is Mtesdy keid is VA *ay ssrtevs. Gives tke considerable lead which Cy
probably Mae over any of the other priscipal ***died**, u.ader tit***
circumstances the damage vhieh CA* WI dose by Thies's rival w.ilitary
candidacy will be held to the minimum and ail Is all, ArLAB should come out
of the affair Is September removably well.
"I hope you will ar.e that, radar the circumstances, the modest
dans proposed 'Love provide oar beet hope of realising fun advantage troy:,,lng electiose. Should the Departmeat disagree with the actions
proposed above, I hope you will let me know is the very soar future. "
Approved for Release: 2024/08/05 C05009757