Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2024/08/05 CO2934366
4 July 1967
SUBJECT: Background to the Acquisition of Prime Minister Hy's
Comments on the Thieu-Ky Slate, and the Alleged
Agreement that Thieu will be a El urehead a
Real Power if the Slate Wins
I. Prime Minister Ey's analysis and explanation of the
arrangement whereby he and Thieu are running on a single slate
with Thieu the Presidential and Ky the Vice-Presidential candidates
ad the agreement allegedly reached whereby, if elected. Thieu
will be a figurehead and Ey the real power were obtained in the
course of a 2 Jul rneetine with Mr. Russell Miller, a CAS officer
in Saigon.
2. The meeting between Ky and Mr. Miller took place at Ky's
Ky and Mr. Miller had last met on 21 June, meeting
also held at Hyls initiative and the one during which Hy recounted his
decision to replace Brigadier General Loan as Chief of the Military
Security Service (TDCS DB-02242-67). At this 21 June meeting. Mr.
Miller had told KY that he had to take a short trig
Ky upon his return. On Sunday. 2 July, Mr. Miller called Ky to say
that he had returned Ky asked Mr. Miller to come see
him that evening.
3. At the 2 July meeting Mr. Miller remarked that much of
interest had developed from the recent Armed Forces Committee
meetings which ended with the announcement a the Thieu-Ey ticket.
Approved for Release: 2024/08/05 CO2934366
Approved for Release: 2024/08/05 CO2934366
Th s remark launched Ky into a monologue
Ky seems to like to talk to Mr. Miller and
iltie him as a sounding board but does not ask Mr. Miller to express
of his (Mr. Miller's) opinions. Mr. Miller's contacts with Ky
are of course carried out with Ambassador Bunker's full knowledge
and approval.
George A. Carver, Jr.
Special Assistant for Vietnamese Affairs
GAC: taw
Di stribution
Orig & 5 = handcarried by Mr. Carver to VN Committee mtg at State on 4 July 67
1 - Mr. Fi tzGerald
1 - Mr. Colby
1 - Mr. Bl aufarb
4 - Vietnam Committee file
1 - GA CChrono
Approved for Release: 2024/08/05 CO2934366
Approved for Release: 2024/08/05 CO2934366
Mr. ritiGerald. Mr.
Mr. Blaufarb
George A. Carver. Jr.
Attached is a copy of a memorandum
given to the principals of the 4 July Vietnam
Committee Meetinst.
George A. Carver, Jr.
Special Assistant for Vietnamese Affairs
Approved for Release: 2024/08/05 CO2934366