Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2022/12/01 C06932649
40TD 5 yrs ago, US military raid in #Abbottabad killed Usama Bin Ladin, America's most
wanted terrorist
Abbottibad Compound, 2005
-Success of mission was culmination of years of complex, thorough & highly advanced intel ops
& analyses led by CIA w IC partners support.
-Late 2010, intel linked a courier to a compound in #Abbottabad, Pakistan. Compound & main
house had security features unusual for area.
-Odd features:
High walls with barbed wire
Double entry gates
No internet/phone connection
Trash was burned not collected
illustration of Abbonabad Compound
Approved for Release: 2022/12/01 C06932649
Approved for Release: 2022/12/01 C06932649
-The small team surgical raid approach was chosen to minimize collateral damage & increase
ability to confirm identity of Bin Ladin.
-Assault team trained on an exact life-size replica of compound w movable walls to prep for any
internal layout they might encounter.
Approved for Release: 2022/12/01 C06932649
Approved for Release: 2022/12/01 C06932649
-The death of Usama Bin Ladin marked a significant victory in the US-led campaign to disrupt,
dismantle, and defeat al-Qasida.
-To mark the 5th anniversary of the Usama Bin Ladin operation in #Abbottabad we will tweet
the raid as if it were happening today.
Abbottabad Compound, 2011
-To mark the 5th anniversary of the Usama Bin Ladin operation in #Abbottabad we will tweet
the raid as if it were happening today.
-1:25 p.m. EDT �@POTUS, DCIA Panetta, &JSOC commander Admiral McRaven approve
execution of the operation in #Abbottabad
-1:51 p.m. EDT � Helicopters depart from Afghanistan for #Abbottabad
-3:30 p.m. EDT � 2 helicopters descend on compound in #Abbottabad, Pakistan. 1 crashes, but
assault continues without delay or injury
-3:32 p.m. EDT � @POTUS, in the Situation Room, receives up to the minute reports on the
ground situation in #Abbottabad
Approved for Release: 2022/12/01 C06932649
Approved for Release: 2022/12/01 C06932649
-3:39 p.m. EDT � Usama Bin Ladin found on third floor and killed
-3:39 p.m. � 4:10 p.m. EDT � Assault Team retrieves large quantity of materials from compound
for intelligence analysis
-3:53 p.m. EDT � @POTUS receives tentative confirmation of positive identification of Usama
Bin Ladin
-3:55 p.m. EDT � Usama Bin Ladin body moved to the first floor & placed in a body bag
-4:05 p.m. EDT � First helicopter leaves the area
-4:08 p.m. EDT � Assault Team destroys crashed helicopter
-4:10 p.m. EDT � Backup helicopter picks up remaining team members & materials & leaves
-5:53 p.m. EDT � Helicopters return to Afghanistan where Admiral McRaven greets team
-7:01 p.m. EDT � @POTUS receives confirmation of high probability of positive identification of
Usama Bin Ladin
-11:35 p.m. EDT � @POTUS speaks to the nation from the East Room
Video of H address
-"Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that
compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan," -@POTUS
-"A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and
capability. No Americans were harmed." -@POTUS
-"They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and
took custody of his body." -@POTUS
Approved for Release: 2022/12/01 C06932649
Approved for Release: 2022/12/01 C06932649
May 2 - EDT
-12:59 a.m. EDT � #UBL's body is buried at sea from the deck of the aircraft carrier USS Carl
Vinson in the north Arabian Sea
-The daring raid was a team effort within the IC & in close collaboration with our military
Abbottabad Compound, 2005
Approved for Release: 2022/12/01 C06932649