Approved for Release: 2020/08/03 C06505865
(U) After SSCI Report, CIA Receives Support from the Public, Elected Officials, and
Since the 9 December release of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) Study of CIA's former Detenton
and Interrogaton Program, the Agency has received an outpouring of support via statements, letters, &nails, phone calls,
and social media messages from the general public, as well as elected officials, former President and Director of Central
Intelligence (DCI) George H W Bush, and others
The supportive comments, many of which were written directly to CIA employees, focused on grattude "Thank you for
your service of protecling the US"... "Keep up the great work"... "I believe you did what was needed to protect our
counliy"... "You did the best you could.!!
Former President Bush in his statement said, "I learned firsthand that [CIA employees] are among the very finest people
serving in the United States government�whose selfless and often dangerous work, always behind the scenes, went
unheralded.!! He added, "I felt compelled to reiterate my confidence in the Agency today, and to thank those throughout its
ranks for their ongoing and vitally important work to keep America safe and secure.!!
Six Minority Members of the SSCI, including Vice Chairman Saxby Chambliss, issued a letter to employees of the CIA on
11 December, staling, "We write today to express our support and admiraton for your fireless efforts to protect this
Raton_ we want you to know that we stand with you in defense of this Raton and are in your debt.!! To read the full letter,
view this PDF
SSCI Chairman Senator Dianne Feinstein issued a public statement on the same day, following Director Brennan's
remarks. "The vast majority of CIA's employees are dedicated and skilled professionals," she said. "I am pleased the
Director announced some of the reforms that have been and will be implemented at the CIA," she added.
POSIVe feedback via the CIA's Facebook page
"Our family, with pride and care, thank you for the service of protecling the US, our interests around the world WELL
DONE and keep up the great work!
"Thank you for your service God Bless America
"Mr Brennan and all that work for him God Bless you all Keep up the good work.!!
"I've looked up your [Facebook] page to simply say, ''Thank you.!. I believe you did what was needed to protect our
counliy "
"God Bless you guys and gals Thank you for what you do.!!
"Thank you, John Brennan, for standing up for your agency and people that work for you You got my support Thank you
"God bless you' Hold your heads up We have your back.!!
"We should all stand with Director Brennan and support the CIA.!!
The following feedback arrived from the public via email and fax
"I appreciate so much for what the CIA has done and conlinues to do to keep us safe. I just wanted to say thank you one
and all for the service you provide. I'm sorry for the scruliny the agency is now under May you conlinue, without
opposilion, to keep us all safe."
"The country [on 9/11] turned to you to ensure it never happened again Your response, your efforts have been incredible
Please know that I, for what its worth, admire and respect the Agency and the brave men and women who stand guard for
this country. My deepest respects and grattude to all of you.!!
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"My daughter has done four tApproved for Release: 2020/08/03 C06058651 18 months in Afghanistan. As a dad, I have
two words 133 say to you: Thank you."
"Thanks 133 all of you for what you do and for your service 133 this country. There are many who support what you do and we
cannot comprehend the sacrifices that are made on your behalf to ensure the safety and freedoms that our nation enjoys.
Keep up the great work! I'm thankful for what you do."
As a patriot myself, I am very proud of whatthe Agency has accomplished that goes all trio often unrecognized by those
who benefit from its aclions. Please convey to [CIA employees] that they are treasured by those Americans who have
defended our freedoms!"
As a cilizen of the United States, I appreciate the dedication of the men and women of the CIA in protecting the security of
this country. You have a difficult job and you are performing thatjob with excellence."
"God bless the people of the CIA. I believe mostAmericans love you people and your dedication to keep us safe. Folks
in America supportthe CIA and pray for your people. I'm proud to be one of them."
As someone who took the oath of service to the military, I appreciate all thatthe CIA has done and been doing to further
the interdiction and cessation of those who would do harm to this country."
"I am a former [Royal Air Force] policeman who spent many years of my life working to stop all forms of terrorism. I
applaud all the necessary acion your staff took. The vast majority of people in the United Kingdom are extremely grateful.
You did what you had to do. Thank you again."
"I think you are the greatest department in government As an Army veteran, I want to thank you for keeping us safe."
"Just thought I'd let everyone there know that all your efforts and sacrifice mean a lotto the average American. As a
veteran, I know who gets to do the work when a job needs doing. I knowAmerica has the best intel workers on the
planet Keep your heads up and know�you are needed and appreciated."
"I want to give the message of 'thank you' to everyone man and woman for your services on behalf of protecing America.
While I may not know the ins and outs of the Agency, I know because of you Americans are safer and have kept the
hordes of terror and enemies from our shores. I am grateful and thankful for the CIA. Thank you each and every one."
(This article is UNCLASSIFIED.)
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