I it:.tart/ Diforria tion from Luckeinva l o.
2 5X 1 3 t~r`rnua r'ti 14 ".9
DATE OBTAINED . - ~________.__ ~. T E PREPARED ..-._.._ a_...........-..._.._y.,._u_. _ _.. m
'AGES_,-..~ '._ . _.,,,,... wNCLOSFURf S (rsc. & T PE).__..
___PLACE OBTAINED...,..._.-,.,.
~'., !)n 29 TIo aer r r j-951,,, it ar} Seared. t he t Soviot officers roc o?i.veC' classroom
:lnatruc-~i.or in the ;Koerner Sc ,ule on in a Stras >eq Luckenvaaldo (NI 531Z 7O) (1.)
2P on 29 Noce, berg, -.entries wear ins; rod-bordered black, epaulets 'Pith tank insignia
j .larded the restricted area on Grabenstras:.,o,, All bu-.i..Ld..kn r, rr that area were
fi-ghr.,oc: at dusk, Officers and NCOs _~c:aria ; red-bordered 'black epaulets with
trti e: ~=r End tank ins i-nia were seen there,
,, an 29 over #aer?'. source observed that a h=., a-echelon I eadciua:~ tears was located in the
.3 TI( .:beet ;ch:tle in the rest'r:i_ctod area on either s idc of Luckauer Stras e
3u eerou.;p of ficers were seen entering; and ieavF n the Friedrich . bert :;..}rule o bout
calf of -thc.ra were held-grade officera,, o 4 1-1 .iy with artillory avid tank insignia
and sos: y vi -th signal insignia. (2)
4,, t t eon $ End 9 F; m0 on 29 13vombor about '70 o '(' 'icei.'s '~ ent from the officers,
Hess in Iieranin Cafe to the Friedrich 1:1hert :chile; wherco v subsequently a
'.oral o? about 5 field-grade ofiJcors and. 20 ~'tyf,ips3ny-g sde officers fell in at
wott:t 9 a.m,, and were repel t ? t by * a colonel to a two or three-?star general. The
o fi.cer 3 c1E oart ;d. afterwards
25X1 ,tit, about r pot s the sa s
, cneral :i_e 't the billets at TO Para. `tra;:,sr for the Friodrich _,A)er"t Schule in
On 28 II velF:er, the buildings of the. TIordd.-ts chha '.':a achi'n..,n i'Saljr-ik on Irc3.ustrie-
strasse were ! i; ,hted at dusk,, T"ley a )aren'v1}r qunr torcx, a unit
eras seen in the :installat].ono th.
L. /D
6,, On 2 ,,,'YkrenbE;r., the eastern Section of Jteiaf;; i 47111. is ,,~zal:od south of the
road :fo:': ,.'orir~cd by the Luckertwalde-r'ra enfald.e and auckori~ral a-Frar:Icer~z?'oorcle
high'MN139 :aas occupied by troops who wore rod-bordered blase epaulets, some with
a_rti.ll.ce.r :_nsigiiao ,,ie section inclmlod. 15, ?o-'s :7oedon barracks build-in -s with a
total. baill.otirt capacity of about 7,,20;7 troops All were li htcd at dusk. The,
7#:.:+tE3.L`gi of i g Ste3.~ V"r3C 1"1'C.i: and L 24,> + sOWC1a.