Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2017/06/29 C06080069
1979-1980: Attempting to Rescue the American Hostages in Iran
On 4 November 1979, Iranian militants stormed the U.S.
embassy in Teheran taking 69 Americans hostage. Shortly
thereafter, the militants released sixteen hostages leaving 53
still held in the embassy. By 12 November the Agency had
formed a task force under the DDCI to coordinate and implement
its support to a military operation which would have as its
purpose the rescue of the hostages. From the very beginning of
this operation and throughout its duration, OTS played a
significant role in providing technical support.
Six other Americans, who were State Department employees
attached to the U.S. embassy in non-intelligence capacities,
eluded the militants and fled to two official residences of the
Canadian mission. A plan was developed for their exfiltration
by documenting them in alias as employees of a phony company
which could ostensibly have legitimate business in Teheran.
execute this plan, an OTS consultant "established" the
business I
The six "refugees" were moved to a single Canadian
residence where the OTS specialists could have access to them.
Using genuine Canadian passports furnished by the Canadian
counterfeit documentation was not questioned by Iranian
authorities, and all six departed Iran on a regularly scheduled
commercial airline.
Approved for Release: 2017/06/29 C06080069
Approved for Release: 2017/06/29 C06080069
The CIA task force operated on a very strict need-to-know
basis. This at times caused uneasiness among some supervisors
who were not given any details of the operation but were
directed to support it nonetheless. It spoke well for the many
people involved that the secrecy of the operation was
maintained during the six month period leading up to the rescue
Approved for Release: 2017/06/29 C06080069