Approved for Release: 2018/01/10 C00220330
June 1989
This document may not be reproduced under separate cover without the express written
consent of the Intelligence Community Staff.
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Approved for Release: 2018/01/10 C00220330
This publication updates the 1978 Glossary of Intelligence Terms and
Definitions that provided a baseline understanding of intelligence terms in a
single document. The revision was developed by the Planning and Policy Office,
Intelligence Community Staff, and reflects comments from the National Foreign
Intelligence Council and the organizations that constitute the Intelligence
The definitions in this revision of the Glossary have been devised by
intelligence officers, not by philologists or semanticists. Thus, the terms and
explanations contained herein are those that are commonly used and accepted by
the Intelligence Community. Where some words may have several meanings
within the intelligence context, a variety of definitions have been included.
Where agencies or departments may have slightly different interpretations of a
term, such definitions have been so indicated. Where useful, terms have been
cross-referenced to convey contextual alternatives or to enhance its meaning by
identifying its role within a larger concept (e.g., intelligence cycle). Section II,
Acronyms and Abbreviations, contains items commonly seen or heard in the
intelligence arena.
The Glossary does not include organizationally peculiar terms and defini-
tions, highly specialized or technical vocabulary, or words or details that would
require the document to be classified at a higher level. Some definitions may not
coincide precisely with those used elsewhere for departmental er legal purposes,
especially where they support and clarify the language of a legal document. Terms
and acronyms that are not found in this Glossary may be found in other
glossaries and publications listed in Section III.
The Glossary is designed to be a reference and guidance document for those
who are new to the intelligence field, and to ease interdepartmental communica-
tions and understanding both within the Intelligence Community and with other
governmental agencies. It is hoped that it will contribute to language commonal-
ity throughout the intelligence field. Users are encouraged to submit proposed
corrections, additions, and suggestions to the Intelligence Community Staff,
Planning and Policy Office, for incorporation in future updates of this Glossary.
Since this document represents a relatively comprehensive compilation and treat-
ment of the intelligence terms that are used in implementing US foreign intelli-
gence and counterintelligence activities, and the organizations involved, it should be
treated and protected accordingly.
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Approved for Release: 2018/01/10 C00220330
IllailimoleITSE ONLY
Preface iii
Section I: Glossary
Section II: Acronyms and Abbreviations 33
Section III: Index of Other Intelligence Glossaries and Publications 39
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accreditation: (1) An official management authoriza-
tion to operate an automated information system or
networlc: a) in a particular security mode; b) with a
prescribed set of administrative, environmental, and
technical security safeguards; c) against a defined
threat and with stated vulnerabilities and counter-
measures; d) in a given operational environment; e)
under a stated operational concept; 0 with stated
interconnections to other automated information
systems or networks; and g) at an acceptable level of
risk for which the accrediting authority has formally
assumed responsibility. (2) The acceptance by a
foreign intelligence service official of the credentials
of a US defense, military, naval, or air attache. (3)
(DIA usage.) Acceptance of credentials by the Direc-
tor, DIA, or a Service intelligence chief of a defense,
military, naval, or air attache.
acoustical intelligence (ACTNT): (1) Intelligence in-
formation derived from analysis of acoustic waves
radiated either intentionally or unintentionally by
the target into the surrounding medium. (2) In naval
usage, the acronym ACINT usually refers to intelli-
gence derived specifically from analysis of underwa-
ter acoustic waves from ships and submarines. (3)
The technical and intelligence information derived
from foreign sources that generate waves.
actionable intelligence: Intelligence information that
is directly useful to customers for immediate exploi-
tation without having to go through the full intelli-
gence production process; it may address strategic or
tactical needs, close support of US negotiating
teams, or action elements dealing with such matters
as international terrorism or narcotics.
active measures: A literal translation of a Russian
phrase that is used to describe overt and covert
techniques and intelligence operations designed to
advance Soviet foreign policy objectives and to
influence events in foreign countries by altering
people's perceptions. Active measures should not be
confused with legitimate diplomatic activities.
advisory tasking: A nondirective statement of intelli-
gence interest or a request for intelligence informa-
tion that is usually addressed by an element of the
Intelligence Community to departments or agencies
having information collection capabilities or intelli-
gence assets not a part of the National Foreign
Intelligence Program.
Advanced Imagery Requirements and Exploitation
Systems (AIRES): A system operated by the DIA
that provides automated support to DoD imagery
analysts and collection managers and is the primary
interface between DoD and national-level imagery
requirements and exploitation systems.
agent (1) A person who engages in clandestine
intelligence activity under the direction of an intelli-
gence organization but who is not an officer, em-
ployee, or co-opted worker of that organization. (2)
An individual who acts under the direction of an
intelligence agency or security service to obtain, or
assist in obtaining, information for intelligence or
counterintelligence purposes. (3) One who is autho-
rized or instructed to obtain or to assist in obtaining
information for intelligence or counterintelligence
agent authentication: The technical support task of
providing an agent with personal documents, accou-
terments, and equipment that have the appearance
of authenticity as to claimed origin and that support
and are consistent with the agent's cover story.
agent of influence: (1) A person who is directed by an
intelligence organization to use his position to influ-
ence public opinion or decisionrnaking in a manner
that will advance the objective of the country for
which that organization operates. (2) An individual
who can be used to covertly influence foreign offi-
cials, opinion molders, organizations, or pressure
groups in a way that will generally advance US
Government objectives, or to undertake specific
action in support of US Government objectives.
agent net An intelligence gathering unit of agents
supervised by a principal agent who is operating
under the direction of an intelligence officer. An
agent net can be operative in either the legal or
illegal field.
AIRES Life Extension (ALE): A program to main-
tain AIRES as a viable imagery support system into
the 1990s. (Also see Advanced Imagery Require-
ments and Exploitation System.)
air-breathing missile: A missile with an engine re-
quiring the intake of air for combustion of its fuel, as
in a ramjet or turbojet. To be contrasted with the
rocket missile, which carries its own oxidizer and
can operate beyond the atmosphere.
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air surveillance: (1) The systematic observation of
air space by electronic, visual, or other means,
primarily for the purpose of identifying and deter-
mining the movements of aircraft and missiles,
friendly and unfriendly, in the air space under
observation. (2) Any reconnaissance conducted by
airborne platforms (i.e., aircraft, drones, balloons,
alert memorandum: A document issued by the DCI
to National Security Council-level policymakers to
warn them of possible developments abroad, often
of,a crisis nature, of major concern to the US; it is
coordinated within the Intelligence Community to
the extent time permits.
amplification: A request to NSA for information in
greater detail on a given subject or event(s) than is
stated in the Standing Requirement of the National
SIGINT Requirements List. Such a request will
normally be in effect for up to 90 days, but does not
change the Standing Requirement or its priorities.
analysis: (1) A process in the production step of
the intelligence cycle in which intelligence infor-
mation is subjected to systematic examination in
order to identify significant facts and derive con-
clusions therefrom. (Also see intelligence cycle.)
artificial intelligence: A -computer science disci-
pline concerned with building systems that exhibit
the characteristics associated with intelligence in
human behavior, e.g., understanding language,
learning from experience, logical reasoning, solv-
ing problems, and explaining one's own behavior.
assessment: (1) Appraisal of the worth of an intelli-
gence activity, source, information, or product in
terms of its contribution to a specific goal, or the
credibility, reliability, pertinency, accuracy, or
usefulness of information in terms of an intelli-
gence need. When used in contrast with evaluation
assessment, implies a weighing against resource
allocation, expenditure, or risk. (Also see evalua-
tion.) (2) Judgment of the motives, qualifications,
and characteristics of present or prospective em-
ployees or "agents." (Also see intelligence assess-
ment and net assessment.)
asset: (1) Any resource�a person, group, relation-
ship, instrument installation, supply�at the dis-
position of an intelligence agency for use in an
operational or support role. (2) A person who
contributes to a clandestine mission but is not a
fully controlled agent. (Also see intelligence asset,
national intelligence asset, and tactical intelligence
authentication: (1) A communications security mea-
sure designed to provide protection against fraudu-
lent transmission and hostile imitative communica-
tions deception by establishing the validity of a
transmission, message, station, or designator. (2) A
means of identifying or verifying the eligibility of a
station, originator, or individual to receive specific
categories of information. (Also see communications
automated information system security: All of the
technological safeguards and managerial procedures
established and applied to computer hardware, soft-
ware, and data in order to ensure the protection of
organizational assets and individual privacy. This
includes: all hardware/software functions, characteris-
tics, and features; operational procedures; account-
ability procedures; access controls at all computer
facilities; management constraints; physical protec-
tion; control of compromising emanations (TEM-
PEST); personnel and communication security, and
other security disciplines.
Automated Tactical Target Graphic (ATTG): Format
for broadly used target material that provides auto-
mated vertical or oblique photography of a target/
installation and a limited portion of the surrounding
area at a scale allowing maximum identification of
target details The accompanying text provides details
concerning the physical characteristics of the target
and its location.
background investigation: The means or procedures�
such as selective investigations, record checks, per-
sonal interviews, and supervisory controls�designed
to provide reasonable assurance that persons being
considered for or granted access to classified informa-
tion are loyal and trustworthy.
backstop: The arrangement made by documentary or
oral means to support a cover story so that inquiries
will elicit responses indicating the story is true.
basic intelligence: (1) Factual, fundamental, and gen-
erally permanent information about all aspects of a
nation�physical, social, economic, political, bio-
graphical, and cultural�which is used as a base for
intelligence products in support of planning, policy-
malcing, and military operations. (2) General refer-
ence material for use in planning that pertains to the
intentions, capabilities, vulnerabilities, and resources
of other countries or potential operational theaters.
(3) Intelligence, on any subject, that may be used as
reference material for planning and in evaluating
subsequent information. (Also sec current intelligence,
information, and intelligence.)
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biographical intelligence: Foreign intelligence on
the views, traits, habits, skills, importance, rela-
tionships, health, and curriculum vitae of those
foreign personalities of actual or potential interest
to the US Government.
bona fides: Documents, information, action,
codes, etc., offered by an unknown or otherwise
suspected individual in order to establish his good
faith, identification, dependability, truthfulness,
and motivation.
briefing: (1) Presentation, usually oral, of informa-
tion. (2) Preparation of an individual for a specific
operation by describing the situation to be encoun-
tered, the methods to be employed, and the
brush contact: A discreet momentary contact, usu-
ally prearranged between intelligence personnel,
during which material or oral information is
cartographic intelligence: Intelligence primarily
manifested in maps and charts of areas outside the
United States and its territorial waters.
case officer: (1) A professional employee of an
intelligence organization who is responsible for
providing direction for an agent operation and/or
handling assets. (Also see agent.)
INVOLVED (PROPIN): Warning designation
used to identify information provided by a com-
mercial firm or private source with the under-
standing that the information will be protected as
a trade secret or proprietary data believed to have
actual or potential value. Information bearing this
marking shall not be disseminated in any form to
an individual, organization, or foreign government
that has any interest, actual or potential, in compe-
tition with the source of the information without
the permission of the originator. This marking
may be abbreviated as "PROPIN" or "PR."
Center: The headquarters site in the home country
where control of intelligence and espionage opera-
tions in foreign countries is maintained.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): An Intelligence
Community agency established under the National
Security Council for the purpose of coordinating
the intelligence activities of several US depart-
ments and agencies in the interest of national
security. The CIA collects, produces, and dissemi-
nates foreign intelligence and counterintelligence;
conducts counterintelligence activities abroad; col-
lects, produces, and disseminates intelligence on
foreign aspects of narcotics production and traf-
ficking; conducts special activities approved by the
President; and conducts research, development,
and procurement of technical systems and devices.
Central Intelligence Agency Program (CLAP): See
National Foreign Intelligence Program.
certification: The comprehensive evaluation of the
technical and nontechnical security features of an
automated information system or network, made
as part of and in support of the accreditation
process, that establishes the extent to which a
particular design, its implementation, and its
physical environment meet a specified set of secu-
rity requirements.
cipher: (1) Any cryptographic system in which
arbitrary symbols or groups of symbols represent
units of plaintext. (2) A cryptographic system in
which the cryptographic treatment (i.e., the method
of transforming plaintext by predetermined rules
to obscure or conceal its meaning) is applied to
plaintext elements such as letters, digits, poly-
graphs, or bits that either have no intrinsic mean-
ing or are treated without regard to their meaning
in cases where the element is a natural-language
word. (3) A method of concealing the meaning of a
message either by replacing its letters with other
letters or numbers in a predetermined manner (a
substitution cipher) or by changing the order of the
letters according to certain rules (a transportation
clandestine: Secret or hidden; conducted with se-
crecy by design.
clandestine collection: The acquisition of intelli-
gence information in ways designed to assure the
secrecy of the operation.
clandestine communication: Any type of communi-
cation or signal originated in support of clandes-
tine operations. (Also see illicit communication.)
clandestine operation: A preplanned secret intelli-
gence collection activity or covert political, eco-
nomic, propaganda, or paramilitary action con-
ducted so as to assure the secrecy of the operation;
encompasses both clandestine collection and co-
vert action. �
Clandestine Service: That portion of the CIA that
engages in clandestine operations; sometimes syn-
onymous with the CIA Operations Directorate.
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classification: The determination that official in-
- formation requires, in the interest of national
security, a specific degree of protection against
unauthorized disclosure, coupled with a designa-
tion signifying that such a determination has been
made; the designation is normally termed a security
classification and includes: Confidential, Secret,
and Top Secret. (Also see declassification.)
classification authority (derivative): An individual
who assigns a classification to national security
information based on criteria outlined in a classifi-
cation guide, manual, or other authoritative
classification authority (original): The President,
an agency head, or an individual delegated the
authority (pursuant to Executive Order 12356)
who makes an initial determination that certain
information requires protection in the interest of
national security, and who assigns a classification
designator signifying the level of protection
classified information: (1) Official information that
has been determined to require, in the interests of
national security, protection against unauthorized
disclosure and that has 'been so designated. (2)
Information or material that is owned by, pro-
duced for, or under the control of, the US Govern-
ment that has been determined by proper author-
ity to require protection against unauthorized
disclosure in the interest of national security and is
so designated.
code: (1) A cryptographic system in which crypto-
graphic equivalents (usually called code groups),
typically consisting of letters and/or digits in other-
wise meaningless combinations, are substituted for
plaintext elements such as words, phrases, or sen-
tences. (2) A system of communication in which
arbitrary groups of symbols represent units of
plaintext, used for brevity or security.
code word: (1) A word or term chosen to conceal
the identity of a function or action, as distin-
guished from a cover name that conceals the iden-
tity of a person, organization, or installation. (2) A
cryptonym used to identify sensitive intelligence
data. (3) A word or term that conveys a prear-
ranged meaning other than the conventional one;
specifically, prearranged by the correspondents to
increase security. (Also ,see cover.)
CODENVORD: Any of a series of designated words
or terms used with a security classification to
indicate that the material so classified was derived
through a sensitive source or method, constitutes a
particular type of sensitive compartmented infor-
mation, and/or is otherwise accorded limited
collateral: All national security information classi-
fied under the provisions of an Executive Order
for which special Intelligence Community systems
of compartmentation (i.e., sensitive compartmented
information) are not formally established.
collection: (1) The exploitation of sources by col-
lection agencies and the delivery of the informa-
tion obtained to the appropriate processing unit
for use in the production of intelligence. (2) Ob-
taining information or intelligence information in
any manner, including direct observation, liaison
with official agencies, or solicitation from official,
unofficial, or public sources. (3) The act of em-
ploying instruments and/or equipment to obtain
qualitative or quantitative data from the test or
operation of foreign systems. (Also see intelligence
collection guidance: See guidance.
collection plan: A plan for setting priorities and
allocating resources to collect information from all
available sources to meet intelligence require-
ments and for transforming those requirements
into orders and requests to appropriate intelli-
gence entities. (Also see information, intelligence
collection requirement: (1) An established intelli-
gence need considered in the allocation of intelli-
gence resources to fulfill the essential elements of
information and other intelligence needs. (2) An
expression of an intelligence information need that
requires collection and carries at least an implicit
authorization to commit resources in acquiring the
needed information. (3) A request for discipline-
specific collection action to satisfy a specific or
general intelligence information need. (Also see
intelligence requirement.)
combat intelligence: Knowledge of the enemy,
weather, and geographical features required by a
commander in the planning and conduct of com-
bat operations. (Also see tactical intelligence.)
combined intelligence: (Military usage.) Intelligence
produced by intelligence organizations of more
than one country. (Also see joint intelligence.)
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command, control, communications, and intelli-
gence (C3I): An integrated system of doctrine,
procedures, organizational structure, personnel,
equipment, facilities, communications, and sup-
porting intelligence activities that provides au-
thorities at all levels with timely and adequate
data to plan, direct, and control their activities.
Committee on Imagery Requirements 'and Exploita-
tion (COMIREX): A body within the Intelligence
Community Staff responsible for advising and
assisting the DCI in matters related to the collec-
tion, processing, and exploitation of imagery, and
ensuring the effective use of Intelligence Commu-
nity imagery collection and exploitation resources
and products. (Refer to DCID 3/5.)
communications cover: See manipulative communi-
cations cover.
communications deception: The deliberate trans-
mission, retransmission, alteration, absorption, or
reflection of telecommunications in a manner in-
tended to cause a misleading interpretation of
these telecommunications. It includes: a) imitative
communications deception�intrusion into foreign
communications channels for the purpose of de-
ception by introducing signals or traffic in imita-
tion of the foreign communications and b) manipu-
lative communications deception�the alteration or
simulation of friendly telecommunications for the
purpose of deception.
communications intelligence (CON1INT): Techni-
cal and intelligence information derived from in-
tercept of foreign communications by other than
the intended recipients; it does not include the
monitoring of foreign public media or the inter-
cept of communications obtained during the
course of counterintelligence investigations within
the United States. COMMIT includes the fields of
traffic analysis, cryptanalysis, and direction
communications security (COMSEC): (1) The pro-
tection resulting from all measures designed to
deny unauthorized persons information of value
that might be derived from the possession and
study of telecommunications, or to mislead unau-
thorized persons in their interpretation of the
results of such possession and study. Communica-
tions security includes cryptosecurity, transmis-
sion security, emission security, and physical secu-
rity of COMSEC equipment, material, and
information. (2) Protective measures taken to
deny unauthorized persons information of value
that might be derived from telecommunications or
to ensure the authenticity of such telecommunica-
tions. (3) The protection of US telecommunica-
tions and other communications from exploitation
by foreign intelligence services and froth unautho-
rized disclosure. (Also see information systems
communications security signals acquisition and
analysis: The acquisition of radiofrequency propa-
gation and its subsequent analysis to determine
empirically the vulnerability of the transmission
media to interception by hostile intelligence ser-
vices; it includes cataloging the transmission spec-
trum and taking signal parametric measurements
as required, but does not include acquisition of
information carried on the system; it is one of the
techniques of communications security surveillance.
(Also see communications security surveillance.)
communications security surveillance: The system-
atic examination of telecommunications and auto-
matic data processing systems to determine the
adequacy of communications security measures,
to identify communications security deficiencies,
to provide data from which to predict the effec-
tiveness of proposed communications security
measures, and to confirm the adequacy of such
measures after implementation.
Community Counterintelligence and Security Coun-
termeasures Office (CCISCM0): An office within
the Intelligence Community Staff responsible for
advising and assisting the DCI in assessing the
foreign intelligence threat to the US and imple-
menting counterintelligence and security counter-
measures policy. (Refer to DCID 1/11.)
Community On-Line Intelligence System (COINS):
A network of Intelligence Community computer-
based information storage and retrieval systems
that have been interconnected for interagency
sharing of machine formatted files.
Compartmentation: (1) Formal system of restricted
access to intelligence activities, such systems
established by ancUor managed under the cogni-
zance of the DCI to protect the sensitive aspects of
sources, methods, and analytical procedures of
foreign intelligence programs. (2) The practice of
establishing special channels for handling sensitive
intelligence information, limited to individuals
with a specific need for such information and who
are therefore given special security clearances and
indoctrination in order to have access to it. (3)
Establishment and management of an intelligence
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organization so that information about the person-
nel, organization, or activities of one component is
made available to any other, component or indi-
vidual only to the extent required for the perfor-
mance of assigned duties.
Compendium of Future Intelligence Requirements
(COFIR): An Intelligence Community document
listing future requirements for intelligence infor-
mation, allowing for coordinated planning based
on a common set of requirements.
compromise: (1) The exposure of classified official
information or activities to persons not authorized
access thereto; hence, unauthorized disclosure. (2)
The known or suspected exposure of classified
information or material in whole or in part to
unauthorized persons through loss, theft, capture,
recovery by salvage, defection of individuals, un-
authorized viewing, or any other means. (3) The
loss of control over any COMINT or information
related to COMINT or COMINT activities result-
ing in a reasonable assumption that it could have,
or confirmation of the fact that it has, come to the
knowledge of an unauthorized person. (Also see
classified information.)
compromising emanations: Unintentional emis-
sions that could disclose information being trans-
mitted, received, or handled by any information-
processing equipment. (Also see TEMPEST.)
computer security (COMPUSEC): (1) The protec-
tion resulting from all measures designed to pre-
vent deliberate or inadvertent unauthorized ac-
cess, disclosure, acquisition, manipulation,
modification, or loss of information in a computer
system. (2) The computer-driven aspects of auto-
mated information system security encompassing
the mechanisms and techniques that control access
to or use of the computer or information stored in
it. (3) The technical, administrative, and program-
matic means by which assurance can be gained of
correct, timely, and accountable delivery of appro-
priate information to authorized customers
through automation. (Also see automated informa-
tion system security and information systems
CONFIDENTIAL: Security classification applied
to information which, if disclosed in an unautho-
rized manner, could reasonably be expected to
cause damage to national security.
Consolidated Cryptologic Program (CCP): See Na-
tional Foreign Intelligence Program.
Consolidated Intelligence Resources Information
System (CIRIS): The automated management in-
formation system used to identify and display the
expected distribution of all intelligence resources
within the National Foreign Intelligence Program.
consumer: An authorized person who uses intelli-
gence or intelligence information directly in the
decisionmalcing process or to produce other intelli-
gence; synonymous with customer and user.
co-opted worker: A national of a country, but not
an officer or employee of the country's intelligence
service, who assists that service on a temporary or
regular basis. (In most circumstances a co-opted
worker is an official of the country but might also
be, for example, a tourist or student.)
Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Strategic
Export Control (COCOM): A confidential multi-
lateral organization that controls the export of
strategic commodities and technology that could
be used to strengthen the military potential of
proscribed countries.
coordination: (1) The process of seeking concur-
rence from one or more groups, organizations, or
agencies regarding a proposal or an activity for
which they share some responsibility and that may
result in contributions, concurrences, or dissents.
(2) In intelligence production, the process by
which producers gain the views of other producers
on the adequacy of a specific draft assessment,
estimate, or report; it is intended to increase a
product's factual accuracy, clarify its judgments,
and resolve or sharpen statements of disagreement
on major contentious issues.
counterespionage: Aspect of counterintelligence de-
signed to detect, destroy, neutralize, exploit, or
prevent espionage activities through identifica-
tion, penetration, manipulation, deception, and
repression of individuals, groups, or organizations
conducting or suspected of conducting espionage
counterimagery: A subset of security countermea-
sures and operational security which is composed
of measures taken to deny the undesirable imagery
collection potential of both airborne and space-
borne platforms (e.g., camouflage).
counterinsurgency: Military, paramilitary, politi-
cal, economic, psychological, and civic actions
taken by a government to defeat insurgency.
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counterintelligence: Information gathered and ac-
tivities conducted to protect against espionage,
other intelligence activities, sabotage, or assassina-
tions conducted for or on behalf of foreign powers,
organizations, persons, or terrorist activities, but
not including personnel, physical, document, or
communications security programs. (Also see for-
eign counterintelligence, security countermeasures,
and technical surveillance countermeasures.)
countermeasures: See security countermeasures and
technical surveillance countermeasures.
Countermeasures Advisory Panel (CAP): An inter-
agency panel that recommends National TEMPEST
policy for approval by the National Telecommunica-
tions and Information Systems Security Committee
(NTISSC). (Also see TEMPEST.)
counterterrorism: Offensive measures taken to pre-
vent, deter, and respond to a terrorist act, or the
documented threat of such an act.
cover: Protective guise used by a person, organiza-
tion, or installation to prevent identification with
clandestine operations.
coverage: (1) The ground area represented on im-
agery, photomaps, mosaics, maps, and other geo-
graphical presentation systems. (2) The extent to
which intelligence information is available in re-
spect to any specified area of interest. (3) The
summation of the geographical areas and volumes
of aerospace under surveillance.
covert action: (1) An operation designed to influ-
ence governments, events, organizations, or per-
sons in support of foreign policy in a manner that
is not necessarily attributable to the sponsoring
power; it may include political, economic, propa-
ganda, or paramilitary activities. (2) Operations
that are so planned and executed as to conceal the
identity of, or permit plausible deniability by, the
sponsor. (Also see special activities.)
covert communications: An assembly of clandestine
communications equipment, techniques, and op-
erational tradecraft used in the transmission of
agent messages.
covert operation: See clandestine operation (pre-
ferred term). A covert operation encompasses co-
vert action and clandestine collection.
critical intelligence: (1) Intelligence or information
of such urgent importance to the security of the
United States that it is directly transmitted at the
highest priority to the President and other national
decisionmaking officials before passing through
regular evaluative channels. (2) Information con-
cerning foreign events or situations that affect the
national security interests of the United States to
such an extent that it may require the immediate
attention of the President and the National Security
Council. (3) (Military usage.) Intelligence that re-
quires the immediate attention of the commander
to enable him to decide on a timely and appropri-
ate response to potential/actual enemy actions. It
includes, but is not limited to: a) strong indica-
tions of the imminent outbreak of hostilities of
any type (warning of attack); b) aggression of any
nature against a friendly country; c) indications or
use of nuclear/biological chemical weapons (tar-
gets); and d) significant events within potential
enemy countries that may lead to modification of
nuclear strike plans.
Critical Intelligence Communications System (CRI-
TICOMM): Those communications facilities un-
der the operational and technical control of the
Director, NSA, which have been allocated for the
timely handling of critical intelligence. (Also see
critical intelligence.)
cryptanalysis: The steps or processes involved in
converting encrypted messages into plaintext with-
out initial knowledge of the algorithm or key
employed in the encryption.
CRYPTO: A designation that is applied to classi-
fied, cryptographic information that involves spe-
cial rules for access and handling. (Also see crypto-
graphic information.)
cryptographic information: All information signifi-
cantly descriptive of cryptographic techniques and
processes or of cryptographic systems and equip-
ment, or their functions and capabilities, and all
cryptomaterial. ("Significantly descriptive" means
that the information could, if made known to
unauthorized persons, permit recovery of specific
cryptographic features of cryptoequipment, reveal
weaknesses of associated equipment that could
allow recovery of plaintext or of key, aid materially
in the cryptanalysis of a general or specific crypto
system, or lead to the cryptanalysis of an individ-
ual message, command, or authentication.) (Also
see CRYPTO.)
cryptographic key: Information used to establish or
change cryptoequipment for the purpose of en-
crypting or decrypting electronic signals.
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cryptographic period: The time span during which
a key setting for a crypto system remains in effect.
cryptographic security: The component of commu-
nications security that results from the provision
of technically sound cryptographic systems and
that provides for their proper use.
cryptographic system: All associated items of cryp-
tomaterial (e.g., equipment and their removable
components that perform cryptographic functions,
operating instructions, and maintenance manuals)
that are used as a unit to provide a single means of
encryption and decryption of plaintext so that its
meaning may be concealed; also any mechanical or
electrical device or method used for the purpose of
disguising, authenticating, or concealing the con-
tents, significance, or meanings of communica-
tions; short name�crypto system.
cryptography: (1) The branch of cryptology used to
provide a means of encryption and deception of
plaintext so that its meaning may be concealed. (2)
The enciphering of plaintext so that it will be
unintelligible to an unauthorized recipient.
cryptologic activities: The activities and operations
involved in the production of signals intelligence
and the maintenance of signals security through
cryptography and cryptographic principles.
cryptology: The science of producing signals intel-
ligence and maintaining signals security. (Also see
cryptanalysis and cryptography.)
cryptomaterial: (1) All material (including docu-
ments, devices, or equipment) that contains cryp-
tographic information and is essential to the
encryption, decryption, or authentication of tele-
communications. (2) Communications Security
(COMSEC) material bearing the marking CRYPTO
or otherwise designated as incorporating crypto-
graphic information. Cryptoequipments, their
classified subdivisions, and keying material are
considered cryptomaterial even though they do
not bear the CRYPTO marking.
cryptosecurity: Shortened form of cryptographic
security. See above.
crypto system: Shortened form of cryptographic
system. See above.
current intelligence: (1) Intelligence of all types and
forms of immediate interest to the users of intelli-
gence; it may be disseminated without the delays
incident to complete evaluation, interpretation,
analysis, or integration. (2) Summaries and ana-
lyses of recent events.
damage assessment: (1) (Intelligence usage.) An
evaluation of the impact of a compromise in terms
of loss of intelligence information, sources, or
methods, which may describe and/or recommend
measures to minimize damage and prevent future
compromises. (2) (Military usage.) An appraisal of
the effects of an attack on one or more elements of
a nation's strength (military, economic, and politi-
cal) to determine residual capability for further
military action in support of planning for recovery
and reconstitution.
debriefing: Interviewing, under other than hostile
conditions, of an individual who has completed an
intelligence assignment or who has knowledge�
through observation, participation, or otherwise�
of operational or intelligence significance.
deception: Those measures designed to mislead a
foreign power, organization, or person by manipula-
tion, distortion, or falsification of evidence to induce
him to react in a manner prejudicial to his interests.
(Also see communications deception, electronic coun-
termeasures, and manipulative deception.)
decipher: To convert an enciphered communica-
tion into its equivalent plaintext by means of a
cipher system. (Also see encipher and cipher.)
declassification: Removal of official information
from the protective status afforded by security
classification; it requires a determination that dis-
closure no longer would be detrimental to national
security. (Also see classification.)
decode: To convert an encoded message into its
equivalent plaintext by use of a code. (Also see
encode and code.)
decompartmentation: The removal of materials,
information, or products from a compartmented
system without altering them to conceal sources,
methods, or analytical procedures. (Also see corn-
partmentation and sanitization.)
decrypt: To transform an encoded or encrypted
communication into its equivalent plaintext by
means of a crypto system; this term includes the
meanings of decipher and decode.
defection: Conscious (mental and/or physical)
abandonment of loyalty, allegiance, duty, or prin-
ciple to one's country.
defector: (1) A national of a designated country
who has escaped from its control or who, being
outside its jurisdiction and control, is unwilling to
return and who is of special value to another
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government because he is able to add valuable new
or confirmatory intelligence information to exist-
ing knowledge about his country. (2) A person
who, for political or other reasons, has repudiated
his country and may be in possession of informa-
tion of interest to the US Government. (Also see
emigre, refugee, and disaffected person.)
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA): An agency of
the Intelligence Community responsible for satis-
fying the foreign military and military-related in-
telligence requirements of the Secretary of De-
fense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Unified and
Specified Commands, other Defense components,
and, as appropriate, non-Defense agencies. It is a
provider of military intelligence for national for-
eign intelligence and counterintelligence products,
and is responsible for coordinating the intelligence
activities of the military services and managing the
Defense Attache System.
Defense Intelligence Community: Refers to the
DIA, elements of the National Security Agency,
and the intelligence offices of the Military Ser-
vices, including the intelligence components of the
Unified and Specified Commands, and DoD col-
lectors of specialized intelligence through recon-
naissance programs.
Defense Intelligence Officer (DIO): Senior officers
who serve as principal substantive and operational
intelligence advisers to the Director and Deputy
Director, DIA, within their assigned geographic or
functional area of responsibility. They represent
the command element to intelligence users in the
DoD, the Intelligence Community, executive de-
partments and agencies, international organiza-
tions, and foreign governments.
Department of Defense Intelligence Information
System (DODIIS): The aggregation of DoD per-
sonnel, procedures, equipment, computer pro-
grams, and supporting communications that sup-
port the timely and comprehensive preparation
and presentation of intelligence and intelligence
information to military commanders and national-
level decisionmakers.
departmental intelligence: (1) Foreign intelligence
produced and used within a governmental depart-
ment or agency in support of its own activities
and/or in meeting its assigned responsibilities. (2)
Intelligence that any department or agency of the
Federal Government requires to execute its own
detection: A technical process wherein prescribed
thresholds or specific conditions have been met
and an expected indication of this condition is
manifest. Examples: When a radio signal is strong
enough to be displayed on a receiver, when an
alarm system senses the movement of an intruder.
and sounds a bell. In general usage, the word
detection implies both that the indication exists,
and that it is recognized and properly interpreted.
direction finding (DF): A procedure for obtaining
bearings on radiofrequency emitters with the use
of a directional antenna and a display unit on an
intercept receiver or ancillary equipment. Direc-
tion finding is a component of communications
Director of Central Intelligence (DCI): (1) Primary
adviser to the President and National Security
Council on national foreign intelligence, appointed
by the President with the consent of the Senate. (2)
Head of the Intelligence Community and responsi-
ble for the development and execution of the
National Foreign Intelligence Program. (3) Direc-
tor of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Director of Central Intelligence Directive (DCID):
A directive issued by the DCI that outlines general
policies and proceduTes to be followed by intelli-
gence agencies and organizations that are under
his direction or overview.
Director of Central Intelligence Security Forum: A
body composed of senior security managers from
appropriate departments, agencies, and Intelli-
gence Community organizations to support the
DCI responsibilities assigned under the National
Security Act of 1947 and relevant executive orders
for the protection of both SCI and intelligence
sources and methods. The forum develops and
recommends to the DCI security policies, proce-
dures, standards, and practices for the protection
of SCI and intelligence sources and methods.
disaffected person: A person apparently disen-
chanted with his current situation who may there-
fore be exploitable for intelligence purposes; e.g.,
by the willingness to become an agent or defector.
(Also see walk-in.)
disclosure: (1) The authorized release of classified
information through approved channels. (2) The
oral transmittal of information to an individual or
individuals, or the visual exposure of tangible
products such as images or textuaUgraphic materi-
als; the disclosed products remain in US custody
and control at all times. (Also see release.)
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disinformation: Carefully contrived misinforma-
tion prepared by an intelligence service for the
purpose of misleading, deluding, disrupting, or
undermining confidence in individuals, organiza-
tions, or governments.
dissemination: The timely distribution of intelli-
gence products (in oral, written, or graphic form)
to departmental and agency intelligence consum-
ers in a suitable form. (Also see intelligence cycle.)
TOR (ORCON): Security designation used to en-
able the originator of intelligence to control its
wider distribution and use on a continuing basis.
This marking is used on classified intelligence that
clearly identifies or would reasonably permit ready
identification of an intelligence source or method
that is particularly susceptible to countermeasures
that would nullify or measurably reduce its effec-
tiveness. This marking may be abbreviated as
"ORCON" or "OC."
document: In security terms, any recorded infor-
mation, regardless of its physical form or charac-
teristics, including: a) written or printed matter; b)
automated data processing storage media contain-
ing recorded information; c) maps, charts, paint-
ings, drawings, films, photos, engravings, sketches,
working notes, and papers; and, d) sound, voice,
magnetic; or electronic recordings of the above in
any form.
documentation: Documents, personal effects,
equipment, or anything supplied that will lend
authenticity to intelligence personnel to support a
cover story or legend.
domestic collection: The acquisition of foreign in-
telligence information within the United States
from governmental or nongovernmental organiza-
tions or individuals who are witting sources and
choose to cooperate by sharing such information.
double agent: An agent who is cooperating with an
intelligence service of one government on behalf of
and under the control of an intelligence or security
service of another government, and is manipulated
by one to the detriment of the other.
downgrade: To change a security classification
from a higher to a lower level.
economic intelligence: (1) Intelligence regarding
foreign economic resources, activities, and policies
including the production, distribution, and con-
sumption of goods and services, labor, finance,
taxation, and other aspects of the international
economic system. (2) (DIA usage.) The economic
potential of a nation to wage war.
Economic Intelligence Committee (EIC): A body
responsible for advising and assisting the DCI in
the production of foreign economic intelligence
and providing support to agencies charged with
formulating US international economic policies.
(Refer to DCID 3/12.)
electro-optical intelligence (ELEC.1RO-OPTINT):
Intelligence information derived from the optical
monitoring of the electromagnetic spectrum from
ultraviolet (0.01 micrometers) through far (long
wavelength) infrared (1,000 micrometers). (Also
see optical intelligence.)
electronic countermeasures: Actions taken to pre-
vent or reduce an adversary's effective use of the
electromagnetic spectrum. (Also see electronic
jamming and electronic deception.)
electronic counter-countermeasures: The division
of electronic warfare involving actions taken to
ensure the effective use of the electromagnetic
spectrum despite an adversary's use of electronic
countermeasures. (Also see electronic warfare.)
electronic deception: The deliberate radiation,
reradiation, alteration, suppression, absorption,
denial, enhancement, or reflection of electromag-
netic energy in order to mislead or deny valid
information to an enemy.
electronic emission security: Those measures taken
to protect all transmissions from interception and
electronic analysis.
electronic imagery dissemination: The transmission
of imagery or imagery products by any electronic
means. This includes the following four categories:
a) primary imagery dissemination system�the
equipment and procedures used in the electronic
transmission and receipt of unexploited original or
near-original-quality imagery in near-;'a1 time; b)
primary imagery dissemination�the electronic
transmission and receipt of unexploited original or
near-original-quality imagery in near-real time
through a primary imagery dissemination system.
c) secondary imagery dissemination�the equip-
ment and procedures used in the electronic trans-
mission and receipt of exploited nonoriginal quality
imagery and imagery products in other than real or
near-real time; d) secondary imagery dissemina-
tion�the electronic transmission and receipt of
exploited nonoriginal quality imagery and imagery
products in other than real or near-real time
through a secondary imagery dissemination system.
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electronic intelligence (ELINT): (1) Technical and
intelligence information derived from foreign elec-
tromagnetic noncommunications transmissions by
other than the intended recipients. (2) Technical
and intelligence information derived from foreign
noncommunications electromagnetic radiations
emanating from other than atomic detonation or
radioactive sources.
electronic jamming: The deliberate radiation, rera-
diation, or reflection of electromagnetic energy for
the purpose of disrupting an entiey's use of elec-
tronic devices, equipment, or systems. (Also see
electronic security (ELSEC): (1) The protection
resulting from all measures designed to deny unau-
thorized persons information of value that might be
derived from their intercept and analysis of non-
communications electromagnetic radiations; e.g.,
radar. (2) The detection, identification, evaluation,
and location of foreign electromagnetic radiations.
electronic surveillance: (1) Acquisition of a nonpub-
lic communication by electronic means without the
consent of at least one of the parties to an electronic
communication or, in the case of a nonelectronic
communication, without the consent of a person
who is visibly present within audible range of the
communication. This does not include the use of
radio direction-finding equipment solely to deter-
mine the location of a transmitter. (2) Surveillance
conducted on a person, group, or other entity by
electronic equipment.
electronic warfare (EW): Military action involving
the use of electromagnetic energy to determine,
exploit, reduce, or prevent hostile use of the elec-
tromagnetic spectrum, and action that retains
friendly use of the electromagnetic spectrum. Elec-
tronic warfare consists of electronic warfare sup-
port measures, electronic countermeasures, and
electronic counter-countermeasures.
electronic warfare support measures: That division
of electronic warfare involving actions taken un-
der direct control of an operational commander to
search for, intercept, identify, and locate sources
of radiated electromagnetic energy for the purpose
of immediate threat recognition and tactical em-
ployment of forces. Data resulting from these
measures can be used to produce SIGINT.
emanations security: The protection resulting from
all measures designed to deny unauthorized per-
sons information of value that might be derived
from intercept and analysis of compromising ema-
nations from other than cryptographic equipment
and telecommunications systems. (Also see emis-
sion security.)
Emergency Dissemination Authority: The DCI-
delegated authority to disseminate, decompart-
ment, or downgrade products that would facilitate
US military operations or those of allied forces
during a military emergency.
emigre: A person who departs from his country for
any lawful reason with the intention of permanently
resettling elsewhere. (Also see refugee and defector.)
emission control (EMCON): (1) The selective and
controlled use of electromagnetic, acoustic, or other
emitters to optimize command and control capa-
bilities while minimizing, for operations security,
detection by enemy sensors. (2) To minimize
mutual interference among friendly systems.
emission security: The component of communica-
tions security resulting from all measures taken to
deny to unauthorized persons information of value
that might be derived from intercept and analysis
of compromising emanations from cryptographic
equipment and telecommunications systems. (Also
see emanations securitx.)
encode: To convert plaintext into unintelligible
form by means of a code. (Also see code.)
encipher: To convert a plaintext message into
unintelligible form by the use of a cipher system.
(Also see cipher.)
encrypt: To convert plaintext into an unintelligible
form by means of a crypto system; this term
includes the meanings of encipher and encode.
end product: See finished intelligence. (Also see
energy intelligence: Intelligence relating to the
technical, economic, and political capabilities and
programs of foreign countries to engage in devel-
opment, utilization, and commerce of basic and
advanced energy technologies. This includes: the
location and extent of foreign energy resources and
their allocation; foreign government energy poli-
cies, plans, and programs; new and improved
foreign energy technologies; economic and security
aspects of foreign energy supply, demand, produc-
tion, distribution, and utilization.
espionage: (1) Intelligence activity directed toward
the acquisition of information through clandestine
means and proscribed by the laws of the country
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against which it is committed. (2) Overt, covert, or
clandestine activity designed to obtain informa-
tion relating to the national defense with intent or
reason to believe that it will be used to the injury
of the United States or to the advantage of a
foreign nation. For espionage crimes see Chapter
37 of Title 18, United States Code.
essential elements of information (EEIs): (1) Items
of intelligence information essential for timely
decisions and for enhancement of operations that
relate to foreign powers, forces, ,targets, or the
physical environments. (2) Targets (documents,
instruments, etc.) that intelligence and/or security
services attempt to obtain. (3) (Military usage.)
The critical items of information regarding the
enemy and the environment needed by the com-
mander by a particular time to relate with other
available information and intelligence in order to
assist in reaching a logical decision.
estimate: (1) An analysis of a foreign situation.
development, or trend that identifies its major
elements, interprets the significance, and appraises
the future possibilities and the prospective results
of the various actions that might be taken. (2) An
appraisal of the capabilities, vulnerabilities, and
potential courses of action of a foreign nation or
combination of nations in consequence of a specific
national plan, policy, decision, or contemplated
course of action. (3) An analysis of an actual or
contemplated clandestine operation in relation to
the situation in which it is or would be conducted
in order to identify and appraise such factors as
available and needed assets, and potential obsta-
cles, accomplishments, and consequences. (Also
see intelligence estimate.)
estimative intelligence: A category of intelligence
that attempts to project probable future foreign
courses of action and developments and their
implications for US interests; it may or may not be
coordinated and may be either national or depart-
mental intelligence.
evaluation: (1) Appraisal of the worth of an intelli-
gence activity, information, or product in terms of
its contribution to a specific goal. (2) An appraisal
of the credibility, reliability, pertinency, accuracy,
or usefulness of information in terms of an intelli-
gence need. Information is appraised at several
stages within the intelligence cycle with progres-
sively different contexts. Evaluation may be used
without reference to cost or risk, particularly when
contrasted with assessment. (3) A process in the
production step of the intelligence cycle. (Also see
assessment, intelligence cycle.)
evasion and escape (E&E): The procedures and
operations whereby military personnel and other
selected individuals are enabled to emerge from
enemy-held or hostile areas to areas under friendly
evasion and escape intelligence: Processed intelli-
gence information prepared to assist personnel to
avoid capture if lost in enemy-dominated territory
or to escape if captured.
exploitation: (1) The process of obtaining intelli-
gence information from any source and taking
advantage of it for intelligence purposes. (2) In
SIGINT, the production of information from mes-
sages that are encrypted in systems whose basic
elements are known. Exploitation includes decryp-
tion, translation, and the solution of specific con-
trols such as indicators and specific keys. (Also see
false flag recruitment: An individual recruited be-
lieving he/she is cooperating with an intelligence
service of a specific country when, in reality, the
individual has been deceived and is working on
behalf of an intelligence service of another
feed material: Information, usually true but rela-
tively unimportant, given to an individual to pass
for the purpose of maintaining or increasing his/her
value to another intelligence service. By increasing
the individual's value, eventual passage of decep-
tive material and/or the obtaining of valued intelli-
gence information is enhanced. Also called develop-
mental, passable, or build-up material.
field review: A review of all security features asso-
ciated with a system in its operational environ-
ment to ensure that minimum policy requirements
are addressed. A field review is performed as part
of the accreditation process.
finding: A determination made by the President
stating that a particular intelligence operation is
important to the national security of the United
States, in compliance with the Foreign Assistance
Act of 1961, as amended by the 1971 Hughes-
Ryan Amendment.
finished intelligence: (1) The product resulting
from the collection, processing, integration, analy-
sis, evaluation, and interpretation of available
information concerning foreign countries or areas.
(2) The final result of the production step of the
intelligence cycle; the intelligence product. (Also
see intelligence cycle and end product.)
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forecasting: Prediction, in the customary sense of
assessing the magnitude a quantity will assume at
some future point in time. Distinct from estima-
tion that attempts to assess the magnitude of an
already existing quantity.
foreign affairs community: Those US Government
departments, agencies, and other organizations
that are represented in US diplomatic missions
abroad, and those that may not be represented
abroad but are significantly involved in interna-
tional activities with the governMents of other
foreign counterintelligence (FCI): Intelligence ac-
tivity, with its resultant product, intended to de-
tect, counteract, and/or prevent espionage and
other clandestine intelligence activities, sabotage,
international terrorist activities, or assassinations
conducted for or on behalf of foreign powers,
organizations, or persons; it does not include per-
sonnel, physical, document, or communications
security programs. (Also see counterintelligence.)
Foreign Denial and Deception Analysis Committee
(FDDAC): A committee that supports the DCI in
the analysis of foreign activities to thwart US
intelligence capabilities through denial and decep-
tion. (Refer to DCID 3/16.)
foreign instrumentation signals (FIS): Electromag-
netic emissions associated with the testing and
operational deployment of non-US aerospace, sur-
face, and subsurface systems that may have either
military or civilian application; it includes but is
not limited to, the signals from telemetry, bea-
conry, electronic interrogators, tracking/fusing/
arming/command systems, and video data links.
foreign instrumentation signals intelligence (FI-
SINT): Technical and intelligence information de-
rived from intercept of foreign instrumentation
signals (see above).
foreign integrated officer: An officer of a foreign
government who oceupies a position requiring
access to US intelligence information in a host US
agency and functions essentially as any other US
personnel in the host agency.
foreign intelligence: (1) The product resulting from
collection, evaluation, analysis, integration, and
interpretation of intelligence information about a
foreign power that is significant to the national
security, foreign relations, or economic interests of
the United States, provided by a government
agency that is assigned an intelligence mission
(i.e., an intelligence agency). (2) Information relat-
ing to the capabilities, intentions, and activities of
foreign powers, organizations, or persons (positive
intelligence), but not including counterintelligence
(with the exception of information on international
terrorist activities). (3) Information relating to the
ability of the United States to protect itself against
actual or potential attack by, or other hostile acts
of, a foreign power or its agents, or against the
activities of foreign intelligence services. (Also see
intelligence cycle.)
Foreign Intelligence Priorities Committee (FIPC):
An Intelligence Community advisory committee
responsible for developing, coordinating, monitor-
ing, and Updating the Foreign Intelligence Require-
ments Categories and Priorities document. (Refer
to DCID 1/2.)
Foreign Intelligence Requirements Categories and
Priorities (FIRCA_P): A document that assigns
priorities to requirements categories and foreign
countries in a geotopical matrix and provides the
Intelligence Community with basic substantive
priorities guidance for the conduct of all US
foreign intelligence activities. The priorities and
requirements categories are revised and reissued
on a current basis, and the entire document reis-
sued on an annual basis. Formerly referred to as
DCID 1/2 Attachment. (Also see priority.)
foreign intelligence service: An organization of a
foreign government that engages in intelligence
Foreign Language Committee (FLC): A DCI advi-
sory committee that serves as the focal point for all
matters dealing with recruitment, training, and
retention of personnel with requisite foreign lan-
guage expertise to serve the needs of the Commu-
nity. (Refer to DCID 3/15.)
foreign liaison officer: A foreign official accredited
by his government to one or more US departments
or agencies to represent that government in the
exchange and/or discussion of intelligence. The
officer is authorized the same level of access as the
country he represents and will be denied access to
products that are not authorized for disclosure or
release to that particular country. (Also see foreign
integrated officer.)
foreign materiel (FORMAT or FM) intelligence:
Intelligence derived from information gained by
exploiting foreign equipment, subsystems, compo-
nents, or other materiel.
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foreign official: A person acting in an official
capacity on behalf of a foreign power, attached to
a foreign diplomatic establishment or an establish-
ment under the control of a foreign power, or
employed by a public international organization.
forward-looking infrared (FLIR) system: An infra-
red imaging system that uses a raster scan to view
a scene by internal means, both horizontally and
vertically. It can be spaceborne, airborne, sea-
borne, mounted on a ground vehicle, or placed at a
fixed site. Its field of view is deierrnined by the
optics used, the scanning mechanism, and the
dimensions of the detector array. fusion: (1) The
blending of intelligence information from multiple
sources to produce a single intelligence product.
(2) (Military usage.) Integration of information to
form a more comprehensive view of the tacti-
cal/theater/strategic situation, including the inte-
gration of intelligence information and operations
data to form a clearer picture of the evolving
fusion center: A term used within the DoD refer-
ring to an organization having the responsibility of
blending both compartmented intelligence infor-
mation with all other available information in
order to support military operations. (Also see
actionable intelligence an,d tactical intelligence.)
General Defense Intelligence Program (GDIP): See
National. Foreign Intelligence Program.
geographic(al) intelligence: Foreign intelligence
dealing with the location, description, and analysis
of physical and cultural factors of the world, (e.g.,
terrain, climate, natural resources, transportation,
boundaries, population distribution) and their
changes through time.
general medical intelligence (GMI): See medical
guidance: (1) Advice that identifies, interpre6,
clarifies, and/or expands upon an information
need. (2) The general direction of an intelligence
effort, particularly in the area of collection. (Also
see human-source reporting.)
high-frequency (HF) direction finding: Line of
bearing determination, position fixing, and report-
ing of source locations of high frequency emissions
as necessary to satisfy both national and tactical
commanders' requirements.
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
(HPSCI): A permanent select committee of the
House of Representatives established by House
Rule XLVIII, whose function is to monitor and
provide oversight over the Intelligence Community
and intelligence-related activities of all other gov-
ernment organizations; the committee is also re-
sponsible for legislation pertaining to intelligence
agencies and activities, including authorizing ap-
propriations for such activities.
human intelligence (HUMINT): Intelligence infor-
mation acquired by human sources through covert
and overt collection techniques and open-source
data from foreign media. (Also see human-source
reporting and human source.)
human source: A person who wittingly or unwit-
tingly conveys by any means information of poten-
tial intelligence value.
human-source reporting: (1) Intelligence informa-
tion derived from human sources; it may come
from information-gathering activities either within
or outside the Intelligence Community. (2) An
item of information being conveyed, as in human-
source report. (Also see human intelligence.)
Human Resources Committee: A DCI advisory
body, supported by the Intelligence Community
Staff, responsible for assisting the DCI in the
discharge of his responsibilities for the efficient
allocation and effective use of Community re-
sources for the collection of positive foreign intelli-
gence information derived from human resources.
(Refer to DCID 3/7.)
HUMINT Committee: See Human Resources
illegal: An officer or employee of an intelligence
organization who is dispatched abroad and who has
no overt connection with the intelligence organiza-
tion with which he is connected or with the govern-
ment operating that intelligence organization.
illegal agent: An agent operated by an illegal resi-
dency or directly by the headquarters of an intelli-
tence organization. (Also see illegal residency.)
illegal communication: (1) An electronic communi-
cation or signal made without the legal sanction of
the nation where it originates. (2) An electronic
communication or signal originated in support of
clandestine operations.
illegal residency: An intelligence apparatus, estab-
lished in a foreign country and composed of one or
more intelligence officers, which has no apparent
connection with the sponsoring intelligence orga-
nization or with the government of the country
operating the intelligence organization. (Also see
legal residency.)
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imagery: Representations of objects reproduced
electronically or by optical means on film, elec-
tronic display devices, or other media.
imagery collection products: The results of imagery
intelligence collection when in the form of primary
raw data. These data may be imagery and nonima-
gery materials, and include the primary image
record and imagery technical data.
imagery-derived information: Intelligence products
derived from imagery in other than photographic
form. Examples of imagery-derived information
are: textual reports, tables, graphic material (e.g.,
line drawings/artist concepts), automated data
bases, cables, and oral information.
imagery intelligence (IMINT): The products of
imagery and photographic interpretation pro-
cessed for intelligence use. (Also see imagery inter-
pretation below.)
imagery interpretation (II): The process of locating,
recognizing, identifying, and describing objects,
activities, and terrain represented on imagery; it
includes photographic interpretation.
imagery products: Image reproductions derived
from a primary image record that are in less than
full frame format at contact or modified scale, and
without titling and marginal data. Examples of
imagery products are photographic prints, view-
graphs, transparencies, and digital image data.
imagery reconnaissance materials: Data associated
with imagery reconnaissance�i.e., collection, in-
telligence, and map products�as well as imagery
technical data. The term "material" is all inclusive
and applies to such formats as briefings, target
materials, memorandums, reports, and other pub-
lications associated with imagery reconnaissance.
imitative deception: The introduction of electro-
magnetic radiations into foreign channels that
imitate that party's own emissions.
implant: An electronic device or component modi-
fication to electronic equipment that is designed to
gain unauthorized interception of information-
bearing energy via technical means.
indications: Information in various degrees of eval-
uation, all of which bears on the intention of a
potential enemy to adopt or reject a course of
indications and warning (I&W): Those intelligence
activities intended to detect and report time-
sensitive intelligence information on foreign
developments that could involve a threat to US or
Allied military, political, or economic interests, or
to US citizens abroad. It encompasses forewarning
of: enemy hostile actions or intentions; the immi-
nence of hostilities; serious insurgency; nuclear/
nonnuclear attack on the US, its overseas forces,
or Allied nations; hostile reactions to US recon-
naissance activities; terrorist attacks; and other
similar events.
indicator: (1) An event, observation, or value used
to measure an abstract concept. (2) An item of
information that reflects the intention or capability
of a potential enemy to adopt or reject a course of
action. (3) An action�specific, generalized, or
theoretical�that an enemy might be expected to
take in preparation for an aggressive act.
indicator list: A list of the factors or acts (military,
political, economic, diplomatic, and internal ac-
tions) a foreign power might be expected to take if
it intended to initiate hostilities. These factors are
logical/plausible moves derived from US reason-
ing, observations of p'ast conflicts and crises, and
intelligence assessments of enemy strategic offen-
sive military doctrine and standard operating
infiltration: Placing an agent or other person in a
target area in hostile territory, usually involving
crossing a frontier or other guarded line. Methods
of infiltration are black (clandestine), grey
(through legal crossing point but under false docu-
mentation), or white (legal). May also include
participation in an organization on an undisclosed
informant: (1) A prson who, wittingly or unwit-
tingly, provides information to an agent, a clan-
destine service, or the police. (2) In reporting, a
nonrecruited individual who has provided specific
information and is cited as a source.
information: (1) Any communication or reception
of knowledge such as facts, data, or opinions,
including numerical, graphic, or narrative forms,
whether oral or maintained in any medium, in-
cluding computerized data bases, paper, micro-
form, or magnetic tape. (2) Unevaluated material
of every description, at all levels of reliability, and
from any source that may contain intelligence
information. (Also see intelligence information.)
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FOR GtialtIffiffsisiglik,Y
information handling: Management of data or in-
formation that may occur in connection with any
step in the intelligence cycle; such management
may involve activities to transform, manipulate,
index code, categorize, store, select, disseminate,
associate, or display intelligence materials; involve
the use of printing, photographic, computer, or
communications equipment, systems, or networks;
it may include software programs to operate com-
puters and process data and/or information; and
may include information contained in reports,
files, data bases, reference services, and libraries.
Information Handling Committee (INC): A DCI
advisory committee, supported by the Intelligence
Community Staff, responsible for establishing
common objectives for Intelligence Community
information handling, and for coordinating the
achievement of these objectives through improve-
ment and integration of Intelligence Community
information handling systems. (Refer to DCID
information need: The requirement of an official
involved in the policymaking process or the intelli-
gence production process for the best available
information and intelligence on which to base
policy decisions, recommendations, or intelligence
information security (INFOSEC): (1) The disci-
pline covering the protection of classified National
Security information by the application of the
rules and procedures established by Executive
Order 12356. It includes classification, declassifi-
cation, marking, mandatory review, oversight, etc.
(2) (Common usage.) The procedures pertaining to
both communications security and computer secu-
rity. (Also see communications security and com-
puter security.)
information systems security: The protection af-
forded to information systems in order to preserve
the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of
the systems and information contained within the
systems. Such protection is the application of the
combination of all security disciplines that will, at
a minimum, include COMSEC, TEMPEST, COM-
PUSEC, personnel security, industrial security,
resource protection, and physical security.
infrared (IR): Electromagnetic radiation having
wavelengths greater than visible light (0.75 milli-
meter) and shorter than microwaves (0.1 centimeter).
infrared imagery: A likeness or impression pro-
duced as a result of sensing electromagnetic radia-
tions emitted or reflected from a given target
surface in the infrared portion of the electromag-
netic spectrum.
insurgency: An organized movement aimed at the
overthrow of a constituted government through
use of subversion and armed conflict.
integration: (1) A process in the production step of
the intelligence cycle in which a pattern is formed
the selection and combination of evaluatedligence
information. (Also see intelligence cycle.) (2) In
photography, a process by which the average radar
picture seen on several scans of the time base may
be obtained on a print, or the process by which
several photographic images are combined into a
single image.
intelligence: (1) A body of evidence and the con-
clusions drawn therefrom that is acquired and
furnished in response to the known or perceived
requirements of customers; it is often derived from
information that is concealed or not intended to be
available for use by the acquirer; it is the product
of a cyclical process. (Also see intelligence cycle.)
(2) A term used to refer collectively to the func-
tions, activities, or organizations that are involved
in the process of planning, gathering, and analyz-
ing information of potential value to decision-
makers and to the -production of intelligence as
defined above. (3) The product resulting from the
collection, collation, evaluation, analysis, integra-
tion, and interpretation of all collected informa-
tion. (Also see foreign intelligence and foreign
intelligence activity: A generic term used to encom-
pass any or all of the efforts and endeavors under-
taken by intelligence organizations, including ac-
tivities pursuant to collection, analysis, production,
dissemination, and covert or ciandestine activities.
(Also see intelligence organization.)
intelligence agency: A component organization of
the Intelligence Community. (Also see Intelligence
intelligence assessment: A category of intelligence
production that encompasses most analytical stud-
ies dealing with subjects of policy significance; it is
thorough in its treatment of subject matter�as
distinct from building-block papers, research proj-
ects, and reference aids�but unlike estimative
intelligence need not attempt to project future
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FOR OFFTNINglikmality
developments and their implications; it is usually
coordinated within the producing organization but
may not be coordinated with other intelligence
agencies. (Also see estimative intelligence.)
intelligence asset: Any resource�person, group,
instrument, installation, or technical system�at
the disposal of an intelligence organization.
intelligence collector: A phrase sometimes used to
refer to an individual, system, organization, or
agency that engages in the collection step of the
intelligence cycle. (Also see intelligence cycle.)
Intelligence Community (IC): The aggregate of the
following executive branch organizations and
agencies involved in intelligence activities: the
Central Intelligence Agency; the National Security
Agency; the Defense Intelligence Agency; offices
within the Department of Defense for the collec-
tion of specialized national foreign intelligence
through reconnaissance programs; the Bureau of
Intelligence and Research of the Department of
State; intelligence elements of the military ser-
vices, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the
Department of the Treasury, and the Department
of Energy; and staff elements of the Office of the
Director of Central Intelligence.
Intelligence Community Staff (ICS): The organiza-
tion that supports the DCI in the exercise of
Intelligence Community responsibilities assigned
by Executive Order of the President. These in-
clude the examination of critical cross-disciplinary
intelligence problems, coordination of Community
priorities and requirements, maintenance of Com-
munity planning mechanisms, and development of
the National Foreign Intelligence Program budget.
intelligence consumer: See consumer.
intelligence cycle: The process by which informa-
tion is acquired and converted into intelligence and
made available to customers. There are usually five
steps in the cycle:
� planning and direction�determination of intelli-
gence requirements, preparation of a collection
plan, issuance of orders and requests to informa-
tion collection entities, and continuous checks on
the productivity of collection entities.
- collection�acquisition of information or intelli-
gence information and the provision of this to
processing and/or production elements. (Also see
� processing�conversion of collected infoi-rnation
and/or intelligence information into a forth more
suitable for the production of intelligence. (Also
see processing.)
� production�conversion of information or intelli-'
gence information into finished intelligence
through the integration, analysis, evaluation, and/
or interpretation of all available data and the
preparation of intelligence products in support of
known or anticipated customer requirements.
(Also see production.)
� dissemination�timely conveyance of intelligence
in suitable form to customers.
intelligence estimate: (I) The product of estimative
intelligence. (Also see estimate.) (2) (Military us-
age.) An appraisal of available intelligence relating
to a specific situation or condition with a view to
determining the courses of action open to the
enemy or potential enemy and the probable order
of their adoption.
intelligence information: Information of potential
intelligence value concerning the capabilities, in-
tentions, and activities of any foreign power, orga-
nization, or associated-personnel.
intelligence information report (IIR): (Military us-
age.) A product of the collection step of the intelli-
gence cycle. (Also see intelligence report.)
intelligence officer: A professional employee of an
intelligence organization engaged in intelligence
intelligence organization: A generic term that refers
to any organization engaged in intelligence activi-
ties; it may include either an intelligence agency or
a foreign intelligence service, or both. (Also see
intelligence agency and foreign intelligence service.)
Intelligence Oversight Board (I0B): A body con-
sisting of three nongovernment members appointed
by, and reporting directly to, the President with
responsibility for investigating intelligence activi-
ties that may be in violation of the Constitution,
laws of the United States, Executive Orders, or
Presidential objectives; membership and duties
are expressed in Executive Order No. 12334.
intelligence producer: A phrase usually used to
refer to an organization or agency that participates
in the production step of the intelligence cycle.
(Also see intelligence cycle.)
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Intelligence Producers Council (IPC): An advisory
body, supported in part by the Intelligence Com-
munity Staff, that assists and advises: a) the DCI
in discharging those �duties and functions that
relate to intelligence production; b) the Director,
Intelligence Community Staff, in production-related
matters; and c) the Intelligence Community pro-
duction managers in improving the overall effec-
tiveness of the production process and the quality
of the intelligence product by providing a consul-
tative forum to address issues of interagency con-
cern. (Refer to DCID 3/3.) (Also see National
Intelligence Topics.)
intelligence-related activities (IRA): Those activi-
ties specifically excluded from the National Foreign
Intelligence Program which: a) respond to depart-
mental or agency tasking for time-sensitive informa-
tion on foreign activities; b) respond to national
Intelligence Community advisory tasking of collec-
tion capabilities that have a primary mission of
supporting departmental or agency missions or oper-
ational forces; c) of training personnel for intelligence
duties; or d) are devoted to research and develop-
ment for intelligence and related capabilities.
intelligence report: (1) A product of the production
step of the intelligence cycle. (Also see intelligence
information report.) (2) (Military usage) A specific
report of information, usually on a single item,
made at any level of command in tactical opera-
tions and disseminated as rapidly as possible in
keeping with the timeliness of the information.
Also called INTREP.
intelligence reporting: The preparation and con-
veyance of information by any means. More com-
monly, the term is restricted to reports as they are
prepared by the collector and as they are transmit-
ted by him to his headquarters and by this compo-
nent of the intelligence structure to one or more
intelligence-producing components. Thus, report-
ing embraces both collection and dissemination.
intelligence requirement: Any subject, general or
specific, upon which there is a need for the collec-
tion of intelligence information or the production
of intelligence. (Also see collection requirement.)
Intelligence Research and Development Council
(IR&DC): A senior body, supported by the Intelli-
gence Community Staff, responsible for advising
the DCI on research and development strategy and
technologies that will best contribute to the attain-
ment of national intelligence objectives. (Refer to
DCID 3/4.)
intelligence user: See consumer.
Interagency Defector Committee (IDC): A commit-
tee that advises and assists the DCI in discharging
his responsibilities with respect to the US Govern-
ment Defector Program. (Refer to DCID 4/1.)
interagency intelligence memorandum (HIT: A
national intelligence assessment or estimate issued
by the DCI with the advice of appropriate National
Foreign Intelligence Board components.
intercept(ion): Acquisition of electromagnetic sig-
nals (such as radio communications) by electronic
collection equipment without the consent of the
signalers for intelligence purposes.
international lines of communications: Those com-
munications services under the supervision of the
International Telecommunications Union and that
carry paid public communications traffic between
different countries; also known as International
Civil Communications, International Commercial
Communications, Internationally Leased Commu-
nications, International Service of Public Corre-
spondence, and commercial communications.
International Telecommunications Satellite (INTEL-
SAT): A global commercial communications satellite
system owned and operated by members of the
International Telecommunications Consortium.
international terrorism: Terrorist acts that tran-
scend national boundaries in their conduct or
purpose, the nationalities of the victims, or the
resolution of the incident. Such an act is usually
designed to attract wide publicity in order to focus
attention on the existence, cause, or demands of
the perpetrators.
international terrorist activity: The calculated use
of violence, or the threat of violence, to attain
political goals through fear, intimidation, or coer-
cion; usually involves a criminal act, often symbolic
in nature and intended to influence an audience
beyond the immediate victims.
interpretability: Suitability of imagery for interpre-
tation with respect to adequately answering re-
quirements on a given type of target in terms of
quality and scale.
interpretation: A process in the production step of
the intelligence cycle in which the significance of
information or intelligence information is weighed
relative to the available body of knowledge. (Also
see intelligence cycle.)
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interrogation: Systematic effort to obtain informa-
tion by direct questioning of a person under the
control of the questioner.
intrusion detection systems (IDS): A security alarm
system consisting of various types of components
(balanced magnetic switches, capacitance, infra-
red, ultrasonic, etc.) to detect intrusion in the area
of coverage within a facility.
jamming: See electronic countermeasures.
Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee
(JAEIC): An advisory committee responsible for
advising and assisting the DCI in the area of
pioduction of national intelligence on foreign
atomic energy issues. (Refer to DCID 3/9.)
joint intelligence: (1) (Intelligence usage.) Intelli-
gence produced by intelligence organizations of
more than one country. (2) (Military usage.) Intel-
ligence produced by elements of more than one
military service of the same nation. (Also see
combined intelligence.)
Joint Intelligence Doctrine: DLA doctrine that es-
tablishes general guidelines for providing intelli-
gence support to commanders of joint forces and
enumerates principles for providing such support.
laser intelligence (LASINT): Technical and intelli-
gence information derived from laser systems; it is
a subcategory of electro-optical intelligence. (Also
see electro-optical intelligence.)
legal residency: An intelligence apparatus in a
foreign country composed of intelligence officers
assigned as overt representatives of their govern-
ment, but not necessarily identified as intelligence
officers. (Also see illegal residency.)
line of sight: (1) The accessibility of a physical
target in a direct and/or uninterrupted visual path
to a distant surveillance point. (2) In communica-
tions, the need for the antenna of the receiving
equipment to have a direct/unobstructed path to
the transmitting antenna.
low-intensity conflict (IX): A political-military
confrontation between states or groups below the
level of conventional war and above the routine,
peaceful competition among states. Involving pro-
tracted struggles of competing principles and ideo-
logies, it is waged by a combination of political,
economic, informational, and military instruments.
manipulative communications cover: Those mea-
sures taken to alter or conceal the characteristics of
communications so as to deny to any enemy or
potential enemy the means to identify them. Also
known as communications cover.
manipulative communications deception: See com-
munications deception.
manipulative deception: The alteration or simula-
tion of friendly electromagnetic radiations to ac-
complish deception.
mapping, charting, and geodesy products: Graphic
or statistical representation of the Earth's charac-
teristics as follows: a) at an established scale, of
natural or artificial features on the surface or a
part or the whole of the earth or other planetary
body. The features are positions relative to a
coordinate reference system; b) chart�a special
purpose map, generally designed for navigation or
other particular purposes, in which essential map
information is combined with other data critical to
the intended use (e.g., aeronautical chart, hydro-
graphic chart); c) geodesy�the science of deter-
mining the size and shape of the Earth, which
determines the external gravitational field of the
Earth and three dimensional points on, above, and
below the Earth's surface.
measurement and signature intelligence (MA-
SIT): Scientific and technical intelligence infor-
mation obtained by quantitative and qualitative
analysis of data (metric, angle, spatial, wavelength,
time dependence, modulation, plasma, and hydro-
magnetic) derived from specific technical sensors
for the purpose of identifying any distinctive fea-
tures associated with the source, emitter, or sender
and to facilitate subsequent identification and/or
measurement of the same.
Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MA-
SINT) Committee: A body, supported by the Intel-
ligence Community Staff, established to advise
and assist the DCI with respect to the collection,
processing, and reporting of measurement and
signature intelligence. (Refer to DCID 3/17.)
medical intelligence (MEDINT): (1) Medical scien-
tific, technical, and biological intelligence that
assesses and predicts technological advances of
medical significance, to include defense against
chemical, biological, and radiological warfare; it
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applies to both tactical and strategic planning and
operations, including military and humanitarian
efforts. (2) Intelligence related to all aspects of
foreign natural and manmade environments that
could influence the health of military forces. (3)
Assessments of foreign medical capabilities in
both military and civilian sectors. (Also see bio-
graphical intelligence.)
military intelligence (MI): Intelligence on any for-
eign military or military-related situation or activity
that is significant to military policy making or the
planning and conduct of military operations and
Military Intelligence Board (MIB): A policy and
decisionmaking body chaired by the Director, DIA,
and composed of the four military service intelli-
gence chiefs. The board meets periodically to estab-
lish guidance and to coordinate intelligence issues
affecting the services and DIA in their support of
the DoD and the Intelligence Community.
monitor: To continuously observe a person or
event, or to observe, hear, intercept, record, or
transcribe any form of communication or media,
for collection of intelligence information or com-
munications security purposes, either overtly or
monitoring: An intelligence function involving the
collection; analysis, and reporting of information
on activities of another party related to arms
control agreements. Monitoring contributes to the
verification process by providing assessments used
by policymalcing officials in determining compli-
ance or noncompliance with arms control agree-
multilevel security: (For automated information
systems.) (1) Provisions for the safeguarding of all
information within a multilevel information har,-
dling system that permit various levels and/or
compartments of data to be concurrently stored
and processed in an automated information sys-
tem but ensuring that only personnel with the
appropriate security clearances have access to se-
lected information. (2) A security yardstick that is
attained when some users of an information sys-
tern do not have a national intelligence clearance
for access to some of the information in the
system�also called multilevel mode of operation.
(Also see unilevel security.)
national estimate: See national intelligence estimate.
National Foreign Intelligence Board (NFIB): The
senior Intelligence Community advisory body to
the DCI on the substantive aspects of national
intelligence. This Board advises the DCI on: pro-
duction, review, and coordination of national for-
eign intelligence; interagency exchanges of foreign
intelligence information; arrangements with for-
eign governments on intelligence matters; the pro-
tection of intelligence sources and methods; activi-
ties of common concern; and such other matters as
are referred to it by the DCI. It is composed of the
DCI (Chairman), and other appropriate officers of
the Central Intelligence Agency, Department of
State, Department of Defense, Department of the
Treasury, Department of Energy, the Defense In-
telligence Agency, the National Security Agency,
the Federal Bureau of Investigation and, as neces-
sary, the offices within the Department of Defense
for reconnaissance programs. Senior intelligence
officers of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air
Force participate as observers, as does a represen-
tative of the Assistant to the President for National
Security Affairs. (Refer to DCID 3/1.)
National Foreign Intelligence Council (NFIC): The
senior Intelligence Community advisory body to
the DCI on national intelligence issues, other than
the substantive aspects that are the responsibility
of the NFIB. The NF1C advises the DCI on
priorities and objectives for the National Foreign
Intelligence Program budget and matters that are
referred to it by the DCI. Membership includes all
agencies listed under National Foreign Intelligence
Board, the Chairman of the Intelligence Producers
Council, and representatives from the offices of
the Attorney General, Secretary of Defense, and
Secretary of Commerce. (Refer to DCID 3/2.)
National Foreign Intelligence Program (NFIP): In-
cludes the following activities, though its composi-
tion is subject to review by the National Security
Council and modification by the President Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency programs, the Consolidated
Cryptologic Program, the General Defense Intelli-
gence Program, and elements of programs of the
offices within the Department of Defense for the
collection of specialized national foreign intelli-
gence through reconnaissance, other programs of
agencies within the Intelligence Community desig-
nated jointly by the DCI and the head of the
department or by the President as national foreign
intelligence or counterintelligence activities, and
activities of the staff elements of the DCI. Intelli-
gence activities required for the planning and
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multilateral treaty arrangements and organiza-
tions, and foreign political movements directed
against or affecting established governments or
positive intelligence: A term of convenience some-
times applied to foreign intelligence to distinguish
it from foreign counterintelligence.
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
(PFIAB): A body consisting of senior nongovem-
ment members appointed by, and reporting directly
to, the President, empowered to assess the quality,
quantity, and adequacy of intelligence collection, of
analysis and estimates, of counterintelligence, and
other intelligence activities with a view toward
increasing the effectiveness of the national intelli-
gence effort; specific duties and responsibilities are
outlined in Executive Order 12331.
primary imagery dissemination: See electronic im-
agery dissemination.
primary imagery dissemination system: See elec-
tronic imagery dissemination.
primary imaging record (PIR): The collection prod-
uct associated with imaging reconnaissance, in-
cluding the original negative, duplicate positives,
and/or duplicate negatives when in original full-
frame format with associated titling and marginal
principal -agent: An agent who, under the direction
of an intelligence officer, is responsible for the
operational activities of other agents.
priority: A value denoting a preferential rating or
precedence in position that is used to discriminate
among competing entities; the term normally used
in conjunction with intelligence requirements in
order to illuminate importance and to guide the
actions planned, being planned, or in use to re-
spond to the requirements.
Priority Intelligence Requirements: Those intelli-
gence requirements for which a commander has an
anticipated and stated priority in his task of plan-
ning and decisionmaking. Formerly termed Essen-
tial Elements of Information.
processing: (1) The conversion of collected infor-
mation and/or intelligence information into a
form more suitable for the production of intelli-
gence. (2) Further handling, manipulation, con-
solidation, composition, etc., of information to
convert it from one format to another or toteduce
it to manageable and/or intelligible information.
(3) In photography, the operations. necessary to
produce negatives, diapositives, or prints from
exposed films, plates, or paper. (Also see intelli-
gence cycle.)
product: (1) An intelligence report disseminated to
customers by an intelligence agency. (2) In SI-
GINT usage, intelligence information derived
from analysis of SIGINT materials and published
as a report or translation for dissemination to
production: The preparation of reports based on
analysis of information to meet the needs of
intelligence users (consumers) within and outside
the Intelligepce Community. (Also see intelligence
propaganda: Any form of communication in sup-
port of national objectives designed to influence
the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior of
any group in order to benefit the sponsor, either
directly or indirectly.
proprietary: A business entity owned, in whole or
in part, or controlled by an intelligence organiza-
tion and operated to provide private commercial
cover for an intelligence activity of that organiza-
tion. (Also see cover.)
psychological operations (PSYOP): Planned opera-
tions to convey selected information and indica-
tors to foreign audiences to influence their emo-
tions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately
the behavior of foreign governments, organiza-
tions, groups, and individuals. The purpose of
psychological operations is to induce or reinforce
foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to the
originator's objectives.
radar intelligence (RADINT): Intelligence infor-
mation derived from data collected by radar.
radiation intelligence (RINT): The functions and
characteristics derived from information obtained
from unintentional electromagnetic energy ema-
nating from foreign devices; excludes nuclear deto-
nations or radioactive sources.
raw intelligence: A colloquial term meaning col-
lected intelligence information that has not yet
been converted into finished intelligence. (Also see
intelligence information.)
reconnaissance (RECCE or RECON): An opera-
tion undertaken to obtain, by visual observation
or other detection methods, information relating
to the activities, resources, or forces of a foreign
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conduct of tactical operations by the United States
military forces are not included in the National
Foreign Intelligence Program. (Also see Tactical
Intelligence and Related Activities.)
National HUMINT Collection Plan (NHCP): A
document prepared by the HUMINT Committee
providing the Intelligence Community with coor-
dinated DCI HUMINT collection guidance, assess-
ing the responsiveness of HUMINT reporting to
national-level consumers, and recommending im-
provements in HUMINT collection and reporting.
National Imagery Interpretability Rating Scale
(NIIRS): A graduated decimal scale standard, pro-
viding quality evaluation of optical imagery
through an estimate of potential intelligence con-
tent. Used as a standard value by collection,
exploitation, processing, production, and user
national intelligence: (1) Foreign intelligence pro-
duced under the aegis of the DCI and intended
primarily to be responsive to the needs of the
President, the National Security Council, and other
Federal officials involved in the formulation and
execution of national security, foreign, political,
and/or economic policy. (2) Integrated departmen-
tal intelligence that covers the broad aspects of
national policy and national security, is of concern
to more than one department or agency, and
transcends the exclusive competence of a single
department or agency.
national intelligence asset: An intelligence asset
funded in the National Foreign Intelligence Pro-
gram, the primary purpose of which is the collec-
tion or processing of intelligence information or
the production of national intelligence. (Also see
intelligence asset and national intelligence.)
National Intelligence Council (NIC): The National
Intelligence Council is comprised of the National
Intelligence Officers (NI0s), their staff, and an
analytic group. The NIOs support the DCI by
producing national intelligence estimates, other
interagency assessments, and by advising him on
the intelligence needs of policymakers.
National Intelligence Daily (NID): A Community-
produced digest of current intelligence drafted
daily (six times a week) for use by senior govern-
ment officials.
National Intelligence Estimate (NIE): (1) A thor-
ough assessment of a situation in the foreign
environment that is relevant to the formulation of
foreign, economic, and national security .policy,
and that projects probable future courses of action
and developments; it is structured to illuminate
differences of view within the Intelligence Com-
munity; it is issued by the DCI with the advice of
the National Foreign Intelligence Board. (2) A
strategic estimate of capabilities, vulnerabilities,
and probable courses of action of foreign nations
that is produced at the national level as a compos-
ite of the views of the Intelligence Community.
(Also see Special National Intelligence Estimate.)
National Intelligence Officer (NI0): The senior
staff officer of the DCI for an assigned area of
functional or geographic responsibility. The NIO
manages estimative and interagency intelligence
production on behalf of the DCI; he is the princi-
pal point of contact between the DCI and intelli-
gence consumers below the cabinet level and is a
primary source of national-level substantive guid-
ance to Intelligence Community planners, collec-
tors, and resource managers. (Also see National
Intelligence Council.)
National Intelligence Topics (NITs): An annual
document published by the Intelligence Producers
Council representing the critical intelligence needs
of senior US policymakers.
National Military Intelligence Center (NMIC): An
indications and warning center that operates 24
hours a day, responsible for providing time-sensitive
intelligence to the National Military Command Cen-
ter, the Secretary of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff,
the Unified and Specified Commands, and the Mili-
tary Services.
National Radar Interpretability Scale (NRIS): A
gaduated decimal scale standard, providing quality
evaluation of radar imagery through an estimate of
potential intelligence content. Used as a standard
value by collection, exploitation, processing, pro-
duction, and user personnel.
national security: The territorial integrity, sover-
eignty, and international freedom of action of the
United States. Intelligence activities relating to
national security encompass all the military, eco-
nomic, political, scientific, technological, and other
aspects of foreign developments that pose actual
or potential threats to US national interests.
National Security Agency (NSA): An agency of the
Intelligence Community responsible for central-
ized coordination, direction, and performance of
highly specialized technical functions in support of
Femsiii.012m1osit ori
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US Government activities to protect US communi-
cations and produce foreign intelligence informa-
tion. It coordinates, directs, and performs all crypto-
logic functions for the US Government; collects,
processes, and disseminates SIGINT information
for DoD, national foreign intelligence, and counter-
intelligence purposes; and is the national executive
agent for classified communications and computer
National Security Directive (NSQ): A document
that promulgates Presidential decisions imple-
menting national policy and objectives in all areas
involving national security. All decision directives
are individually identified by number and signed
by the President.
National SIGINT Requirements List (NSRL): A
registry of all approved SIGINT requirements
levied on the US SIGINT System.
National SIGINT Requirements System (NSRS):
The process by which intelligence requirements
flow from originators, through validation and ac-
ceptance by the Intelligence Community, to levy
on the US SIGINT System (USSS) through the
National SIGINT Requirements List, and ulti-
mately, to the evaluation of the responsiveness of
the USSS to these requirements.
National SIGINT Operations Center (NSOC): The
principal .24-hour watch office responsible for cur-
rent SIGINT production and for answering user
agency queries.
national/tactical interface: A relationship between
national and tactical intelligence activities encom-
passing the full range of fiscal, technical, opera-
tional, and programmatic matters.
National Telecommunications and Information
Systems Security Committee (NTISSC): An inter-
agency committee responsible for approving national
security policies for safeguarding systems which pro-
cess or communicate sensitive information.
near-real-time: The brief interval between the col-
lection of information regarding an event and
reception of the data at some other location,
caused by the time required for processing, com-
munications, and display.
"NEED-TO-KNOW": (1) The fundamental secu-
rity principle in safeguarding classified informa-
tion, which ensures that such information is acces-
sible only to those persons with appropriate
clearance, access approval, and a clearly identified
need-to-know. (2) A criterion used in security
procedures that requires the custodians of classi-
fied information to establish, prior to disclosure,
that the intended recipient must have access to the
information to perform his official duties.
net assessment: A comparative review and analysis
of opposing national strengths, capabilities, vul-
nerabilities, and weaknesses. An intelligence net
assessment involves only foreign countries.
ignation used to identify classified intelligence that
may not be released to contractors or consultants
without the permission of the originating agency.
This marking is used on intelligence that is provided
by a source on the condition that it not be made
available to contractors, or on intelligence that
would actually or potentially give a contractor a
competitive advantage, and could reasonably be
expected to cause a conflict of interest with the
obligation to protect the information. This mark-
ing may be abbreviated as "NOCONTRACT" or
NOFORN): Security designation used to identify
classified intelligence that may not be released in
any form to foreign governments, foreign nationals,
or non-US citizens without permission of the
originator. This marking is used on intelligence
that could jeopardize intelligence sources or meth-
ods or be detrimental to the best interests of the
United States. This marking may be abbreviated
"NOFORN" or "NR"
nuclear intelligence (NUCINT): Intelligence de-
rived from the collection and analysis of radiation
and other effects resulting from radioactive sources.
nuclear proliferation intelligence: Foreign _intelli-
gence relating to: a) scientific, technical, and eco-
nomic capabilities, programs, political plans, and
intentions of nonnuclear weapons states or organi-
zations to acquire nuclear weapons and/or to carry
on research, development, and manufacture of
nuclear explosive devices; and b) the attitudes,
policies, and actions of foreign nuclear supplier
countries or organizations toward provision of
technologies, facilities, or special nuclear materials
that could assist nonnuclear weapon states or
organizations to acquire or develop nuclear explo-
sive devices.
official: See foreign official.
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official information: Information that is owned by,
produced for or by, or is subject to, the control of
the US Government.
open-source information: Information of potential
intelligence value (i.e., intelligence information)
available to the general public such as papers,
books, periodicals, and other printed information.
It also includes information derived from radio
and television transmissions, press agencies, publi-
cations, maps, and photography.
operational electronic intelligence . (OPELINT):
The category of electronic intelligence concerned
with the introduction, disposition, movement, uti-
lization, tactics, and activity levels of known for-
eign noncommunications emitters and, where ap-
plicable, associated military systems.
operational intelligence (OPINTEL): (1) Intelli-
gence required for planning and executing opera-
tions. (2) Intelligence required for planning and
executing all types of military operations.
operations security (OPSEC): A systematic and
analytic process by which the US Government can
deny potential adversaries information about its
capabilities and intentions by identifying, control-
ling, and protecting evidence of the planning and
execution of sensitive activities and operations.
optical intelligence (OPTINT): That portion of
electro-optical intelligence that deals with visible
light. (Also see electro-optical intelligence.)
order of battle (OB): Intelligence pertaining to
identification, strength, command structure, and
disposition of the personnel, units, and equipment
of any foreign military force. (Also see technical
overt: Open; done without attempt at concealment.
overt collection: The acquisition of intelligence
information from public media, observation,.
government-to-government dialogue, elicitation,
and from the sharing of data openly acquired; the
process may be classified or unclassified; the target
and host governments as well as the sources in-
volved normally are aware of the general collec-
tion activity although the specific acquisition,
sites, and processes may be successfully concealed.
Peacetime Reconnaissance and Certain Sensitive
Programs (PRCS0): Procedures for conducting
reconnaissance under the control of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff. Formerly known as Peacetime
Aerial Reconnaissance Program (PARPRO).
penetration: (1) The recruitment of agents within
or the infiltration of agents or introduction of
technical monitoring devices into an organization
or group or physical facility for the purpose of
acquiring information or influencing its activities.
(2) In automatic data processing operations, the
unauthorized extraction and identification of rec-
ognizable information from a protected ADP
persona non grata (PNG): An official act of declar-
ing a foreign national as being unacceptable or
unwelcome in a country. This term usually applies
to situations where the Department of State de-
clares an official foreign representative persona
non grata when they have been detected engaging
in intelligence activities or otherwise violating US
personnel security: The means or procedure�such
as selective investigations, record checks, personal
interviews, and supervisory control�designed to
provide reasonable assurance that persons being
considered for or granted access to classified infor-
mation are loyal and trustworthy.
photographic intelligence (PHOTINT): See imag-
ery intelligence.
photographic interpretation (PI): See imagery
physical security: (1) The component of security
that results from all physical measures necessary to
safeguard classified equipment and material from
access by unauthorized persons. (2) Physical mea-
sures�such as safes, vaults, perimeter barriers,
guard systems, alarms and access control�de-
signed to safeguard installations against damage,
disruption, or unauthorized entry; information or
material against unauthorized access or theft; and
specified personnel against harm.
plaintext: (1) Normal text or language, or any
symbol or signal that conveys information without
any hidden or secret meaning. (2) Unencrypted
communications; specifically, the original message
of a cryptogram, expressed in ordinary language.
planning and direction: See intelligence cycle.
platform: In collection parlance, the conveyance
for technical collection sensors.
political intelligence: Intelligence concerning the
dynamics of the internal and external political
affairs of foreign countries, regional groupings,
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FOR Ogliniti%avICIA LY
nation; or to secure data concerning the meteoro-
logical, hydrographic, or geographic characteristics
of a particular area.
recruitment: Process of enlisting an individual to
work for an intelligence or counterintelligence
recruitment-in-place: A person who agrees to be-
come an agent and retain his position in his
organization or government while reporting on it
to an intelligence or security organization of a
foreign country.
RED/BLACK Concept: The separation of electri-
cal and electronic circuits, components, equip-
ment, and systems that handle classified plain -
language information in electric signal -form
(RED) from those that handle encrypted or unclas-
sified information (BLACK); RED and BLACK
terminology is used to clarify specific criteria
relating to and differentiating between such cir-
cuits, components, equipment, and systems and
the areas in which they are contained.
redoubled agent: An agent whose dual role has
been discovered by the service on which he is
reporting and who is used, wittingly or unwittingly,
voluntarily or under duress, to serve the purpose
of the latter service against the former service.
referentura: Soviet term used to describe the suite
of rooms that exist in Soviet diplomatic establish-
ments abroad that are specially reinforced and
swept for hostile eavesdropping devices.
refugee: A person outside the country or area of his
former habitual residence who, because of fear of
being persecuted or because of hostilities in that
country or area, is unwilling or unable to return to
it. (Also see defector and emigre.)
release: The physical transfer of a tangible intelli-
gence product to an authorized recipient for reten-
tion who then assumes responsibility for the ap-
propriate physical security of, and access to, such
products. (Also see disclosure.)
report: See intelligence report and intelligence in-
formation report.
Request for Information (RFI): (1) A request by a
consumer for information from another intelli-
gence organization. Normally, an RFT is a one-
time request for which a specific response is re-
quired and is terminated when the request is
answered or by mutual agreement between the
originator and the intelligence organization. (2) A
request to the NSA by a consumer for information
that is presumed to be available in NSA's existing
requirement: A general or specific request for intel-
ligence information made by a member of the
Intelligence Community. (Also see intelligence re-
quirement or collection requirement.)
requirements category: A category of substantive
foreign intelligence information that is of interest
to the US Government. The DCI approves priori-
ties for requirements categories that are reference
points for intelligence cycle actions. (Refer to
DCID 1/2.)
Requirements Management System (RMS): A joint
DIA/CIA program to provide the national and
DoD IMINT communities with a uniform collec-
tion requirements management system.
residency: See legal residency and illegal residency.
sabotage: Destruction or damage to material, pre-
mises, utilities, or their production for the purpose
of impairing or weakening an organization, gov-
ernment, or nation.
safehaven: (1) A protected or reinforced area with-
in an official facility or personal residence located
overseas to which occupants can retreat during an
emergency and remain until the situation returns
to normal or outside help arrives. (2) A foreign
country or a protected area within a foreign coun-
try affording a hiding place or temporary asylum
for persons evading hostile government elements.
safehouse: A house or premises controlled by an
intelligence organization that affords�at least
temporarily�security for individuals involved or
equipment used in clandestine operations.
sanitiz_ation: The process of editing or otherwise
altering intelligence materials, information, re-
ports, or other products to conceal and protect
sensitive intelligence sources, methods, capabili-
ties, analytical procedures, or privileged informa-
tion in order to permit wider dissemination.
scientific and technical (S&T) intelligence: Intelli-
gence concerning foreign developments in basic
and applied scientific and technical research and
development including engineering and produc-
tion techniques, new technology, and weapon sys-
tems and their capabilities and characteristics; it
also includes intelligence that requires scientific or
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technical expertise on the part of the analyst, such
as medicine, physical health studies, and behavior-
al analyses.
Scientific and Technical Intelligence Committee
(STIC): An advisory committee responsible for
advising and assisting the DCI with respect to the
production, coordination, and evaluation of intel-
ligence on foreign scientific and technical develop-
ments that could affect significantly the national
security of the United States. (Refer to DCID
secondary imagery dissemination: See electronic
imagery dissemination.
secondary imagery dissemination system: See elec-
tronic imagery dissemination.
SECRET: Security classification applied to infor-
mation which, if disclosed in an unauthorized
manner, could reasonably be expected to cause
serious damage to national security.
security: Establishment and maintenance of protec-
tive measures that are intended to ensure a state of
inviolability from hostile acts or influences.
Automatic Data Processing System Security
� Communications Security
Computer Security
Cryptographic Security
Electronic Emission Security
Electronic Security
� Emanation Security
Emission Security
Information Security
Multilevel Security
National Security
Operations Security
Personnel Security
Physical Security
Signals Security
Transmission Security
Unilevel Security
security classification: See classification.
security clearance: An administrative determina-
tion by a competent national authority that an
individual is eligible, from a security standpoint,
for access to classified information.
security countermeasures: Defensive security pro-
grams and activities that seek to protect against
both foreign intelligence collection efforts and
unauthorized access to, or disclosure of, protected
facilities, information, and material.
security mode of operation of an automated infor-
mation system: A security yardstick that indicates
the relative level of risk to information in an
automated information system. There are four
modes of operation: dedicated, system high, com-
partmented, and multilevel. The mode of opera-
tion is defined as a comparison between informa-
tion sensitivity and user trust.
security survey: A comprehensive formal evalua-
tion of a facility, area, or activity by security
specialists to determine its physical or technical
strengths and weaknesses; and to propose recom-
mendations for improvement.
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI): A
select committee of the Senate established by
Senate Resolution 400 whose function is to moni-
tor and provide oversight over the Intelligence
Community and intelligence-related activities of
all other government organizations; the Commit-
tee is also responsible for legislation pertaining to
intelligence agencies and activities, including au-
thorizing appropriations for such activities.
senior intelligence officer (SIO): The highest rank-
ing military or civilian individual charged with
direct foreign intelligence missions, functions, or
responsibilities within a department, agency, com-
ponent; command, or element of an Intelligence
Community organization.
Senior Officials of the Intelligence Community
(SOICs): The heads of the organizations compris-
ing the Intelligence Community or their designated
sensitive: Requiring special protection from disclo-
sure to avoid compromise or threat to the security
of the sponsor.
sensitive compartmented information facility
(SCIF): An accredited area, room, group of rooms,
or installation where SCI may be stored, used,
discussed, and/or processed.
sensitive compartmented information (SCI): Classi-
fied information concerning or derived from intel-
ligence sources, methods, or analytical processes,
which is required to be handled within formal
access control systems established by the DCI
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pursuant to the special access provisions of Execu-
tive Order 12356 (e.g., COMINT, PHOTINT, etc.).
sensitive intelligence sources and methods: A col-
lective term for those persons, organizations,
things, conditions, or events that provide intelli-
gence information and those means used in the
collection, processing, and production of such in-
formation which, if compromised, would be vul-
nerable to counteraction that could reasonably be
expected to reduce their ability to support US
intelligence activities.
sensor: A technical device designed to detect and
respond to one or more particular stimulae and
that may record and/or transmit a resultant im-
pulse for interpretation or measurement; often
called a technical sensor. The term special sensor is
used as a matter of convenience to refer to a highly
classified or controlled technical sensor.
Service Cryptologic Elements (SCE): A term used
to designate, separately or together, those elements
of the US Army, Navy, and Air Force that perform
cryptologic functions; also known as Service Crypto-
logic Agencies and Service Cryptologic Organiza-
side-looking airborne radar (SLAR): An airborne
radar, viewing at right angles to the axis of the
vehicle, which produces a presentation of terrain
or targets.
SIGINT activity: Activity conducted for the pur-
pose of producing signals intelligence. (Also see
SIGINT-related activity.)
SIGINT-related activity: Any activity primarily
intended for a purpose(s) other than signals intelli-
gence, but which can be used to produce SIGINT,
or which produces SIGINT as a by-product of its
principal function(s). (Also see SIGINT activity.)
SIGINT technical information: Information con-
cerning or derived from intercepted foreign trans-
missions or radiations that is composed of techni-
cal information (as opposed to intelligence) and
that is required for the further collection or analy-
sis of signals intelligence.
signal: (1) Any intentional transmission by visual
and other electromagnetic, nuclear, or acoustical
methods for either communications or noncom-
munications purposes. (2) In electronics, any
transmitted electric impulse that is of interest in
the particular context. (3) Anything intentionally
transmitted by visual, acoustical, or electric means,
consisting of one or more letters, words, charac-
ters, signal flags, visual displays, or special Sounds
with prearranged meanings.
signals intelligence (SIGINT): Intelligence infor-
mation derived from signals intercept comprising,
either individually or in combination, all commu-
nications intelligence, electronic intelligence, and
foreign instrumentation signals intelligence, how-
ever transmitted.
Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Committee: A body,
supported by the Intelligence Community Staff,
responsible for advising and assisting the DCI and
the Director, NSA, on matters related to SIGINT
and to monitor and promote the effective use of
Intelligence Community SIGINT resources. (Refer
to DCID 3/6.)
Signals Intelligence Requirements Validation and
Evaluation Subcommittee (SIRVES): The subcom-
mittee that acts for the SIGINT Committee in
discharging the Committee's responsibilities for
managing SIGINT requirements. The SIRVES is
composed of representatives of all National For-
eign Intelligence Board member agencies and Mili-
tary Departments.
Signals Intelligence Security Regulation (SISR): A
document that establishes basic policies, principles,
and regulations governing the use, dissemination,
and security of SIGINT.
signals security (SIGSEC): A term that includes
communications security and electronics security
and that encompasses measures intended to deny or
counter hostile exploitation of electronic emissions.
signals security acquisition and analysis: The ac-
quisition of electronic emissions and subsequent
analysis to determine empirically the susceptibility
of the emission to interception and exploitation by
hostile intelligence services; it includes cataloging
the tr2nsmission spectrum and taking signal para-
metric measurements as required, but does not
include acquisition of information carried on the
system; it is one of the techniques of signals
security surveillance. (Also see signals security
signals security surveillance: The systematic ex-
amination of electronic emissions to determine the
adequacy of signals security measures, to identify
signals security deficiencies, to provide data from
which to predict the effectiveness of proposed
signals security measures, and to confirm the ade-
quacy of such measures after implementation.
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sleeper: An illegal or agent residing in a foreign
country under orders to engage in no intelligence
source: (1) A person, thing, or activity from which
intelligence information is obtained. (2) In clan-
destine activities, a person (agent), normally a
foreign national, in the employ of an intelligence
activity for intelligence purposes. (3) In interroga-
tion activities, any person who furnishes intelli-
gence information, either with or without the
knowledge that the information is -being used for
intelligence purposes. (Also see agent.)
Special Access Program (SAP): Any program es-
tablished under Executive Order 12356 that im-
poses additional controls governing access to clas-
sified information involved with such programs
beyond those required by normal management
and safeguarding practices. These programs may
include, but are not limited to, access approval,
adjudication or investigative requirements, special
designation of officials authorized to determine a
need-to-know, or special lists of persons deter-
mined to have a need-to-know.
special activities: As defined in Executive Order
No. 12333, activities conducted in support of
national foreign policy objectives that are planned
and executed so that the Tole of the US Govern-
ment is not apparent or acknowledged publicly,
but which are not intended to influence US politi-
cal processes, public opinion, policies, or media
and do not include diplomatic activities or the
collection and production of intelligence or related
support functions. (Also see covert action.)
Special Activities Office(r) (SAO): A control point
for certain categories of compartmented informa-
tion (the abbreviation is often used to refer to the
compartmented information itself).
Special Coordination Committee (SCC): A commit-
tee established under the National Security Council
that deals inter alia with the oversight of sensitive
intelligence activities, such as covert actions, which
are undertaken on Presidential authority.
Special Handling for Operational Procedures
(SHOP): The provision of special imagery prod-
ucts for planning and executing military, paramili-
tary, and other operations by US forces.
special intelligence: An unclassified term used to
designate a category of sensitive compartmented
information. (Also see sensitive compartmented
special intelligence communications (SPINT-
COMM): A communications network for the han-
dling of all special intelligence, consisting of facili-
ties under the operational and technical control of
the chief of intelligence in each of the Military
Departments. The network is managed by the DIA
under the technical and security specification cri-
teria established and monitored by the NSA.
Special National Intelligence Estimate (SNIE): Na-
tional Intelligence Estimates (NIEs) that are rele-
vant to specific policy problems that need to be
addressed in the immediate future. SNIEs are
generally unscheduled, shorter, and prepared more
quickly than NIEs and are coordinated within the
Intelligence Community to the extent that time
permits. (Also see National Intelligence Estimate.)
Special Security Office(r) (SSO): A control point
for security procedures within any activity autho-
rized access to sensitive compartmented information.
special sensor: Equipment on instrumental plat-
forms and in installations designed to collect mea-
surement and signature data that can be further
processed into data usable by intelligence analysis.
(Also see sensor.)
strategic intelligence: Intelligence that is required
for the formulation of policy and military plans at
national and international levels; it differs primar-
ily from tactical intelligence in level of use, but
may also vary in scope and detail.
strategic warning: .Intelligence information or in-
telligence regarding the threat of the initiation of
hostilities against the US or in which US forces
may become involved; it may be received at any
time prior to the initiation of hostilities.
subversion: Illegal action designed to undermine
the military, economic, psychological, political
strength, or morale of a regime.
subversive activity: Illegal activities that lend aid,
comfort, and moral support to individuals, groups,
or organizations that advocate the overthrow of
incumbent governments by illegal means, usually
by force and violence.
Support for the Analysts' File Environment
(SAFE): A joint CIA/DIA online computer-based
system, used separately by both CIA and DIA,
designed to provide production analysts with per-
tinent and timely electronic mail, an electronic
filing system, and a text retrieval capability for
Intelligence Community reporting.
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surveillance: The systematic observation or moni-
toring of places, persons, or things by visual, aural,
electronic, photographic, or other means.
Tactical Cryptologic Program (TCP): An element
of Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities (TI-
ARA) which provides funding for SIGINT equip-
ment supporting tactical requirements.
tactical intelligence: Foreign intelligence produced
under the aegis of the Secretary of Defense and
intended primarily to be responsive to the needs of
military commanders in the field maintain the
readiness of operating forces for combat opera-
tions and to support the planning and conduct of
combat operations. (Also see combat intelligence.)
Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities (TI-
ARA): Intelligence and intelligence-related activi-
ties of the DoD that are not included in the NFIP.
tactical target materials (TTM): Those intelligence
products which provide a graphic representation
of a single or complex installation/target/facility
having delineated boundaries, specific identifica-
tion, and textual descriptions of geographic loca-
tions and physical characteristics. The current
format for the TTM is the Automated Tactical
Target Graphic.
tactical intelligence asset: An intelligence asset
funded in DoD programs, the primary purpose of
which is the collection or processing of intelligence
information or the production of tactical intelli-
gence. (Also see tactical intelligence and intelli-
gence asset.)
tactical warning: A warning after initiation of a
threatening or hostile act based on an evaluation
of information from all available sources. Also
called integrated tactical warning.
target: (1) A country, area, installation, organiza-
tion, weapon system, military force, situation (po-
litical or economic), signal, person, or other entity
against which intelligence operations are conducted.
(2) (Military usage.) A geographical area, system,
complex, or installation planned for capture, de-
struction, or disruption by military force.
target intelligence: Intelligence that portrays and
locates the components of a target or target com-
plex and indicates its identification, vulnerability,
and relative importance.
tasking: The assignment or direction of an individ-
ual or activity to perform in a specified way to
achieve an objective or goal.
technical ELINT (TECHELINT): A form of
ELINT that provides detailed knowledge of the
technical characteristics of a given emitter, which
permits estimation of its primary function, capa-
bilities, and modes of operation (including mal-
functions) as well as its specific role within a
complex weapons system or defense network.
technical intelligence (TI): Intelligence on the char-
acteristics and performance of foreign weapons
and equipment; a part of scientific and technical
intelligence and distinct from order of battle.
technical penetration: A deliberate penetration of a
secure area by technical means to gain unautho-
rized interception of information-bearing energy.
technical sensor: See sensor.
technical SIGINT: Intelligence information that
provides detailed knowledge of the technical char-
acteristics of a given emitter and thus permits
estimates to be made about its primary function,
capabilities, modes of operation (including mal-
functions), and state of the art, as well as its
specific role within a complex weapon system or
defense network; it is a contributor to technical
technical surveillance countermeasures (TSCM):
Techniques and measures to detect and neutralize
a wide variety of hostile penetration technologies
that are used to obtain unauthorized access to
classified and sensitive information. TechiffEa-i------
penetrations include the employment of optical,
electro-optical, electromagnetic, fluidic, and
acoustic means, as the sensor and transmission
medium, or the use of various types of stimulation
or modification to equipment or building compo-
nents for the direct or indirect transmission of
information meant to be protected.
technical surveillance countermeasures (TSCM)
monitor: A limited TSCM inspection, normally
provided in conjunction with sensitive briefings,
conferences, and seminars, that consists basically
of an examination of portions of the electromag-
netic spectrum and a thorough physical and visual
examination of the area.
technical surveillance device: A device covertly
installed to monitor (visually, audibly, or electron-
ically) sensitive activities and/or information pro-
cessing within a target area.
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_ .
technical surveillance ha7Ard: A condition that
could permit the technical penetration of an area
wherein sensitive information might be compro-
mised. A hazard may be caused by equipment,
which by reasons of its normal design and installa-
tion, or by reasons of faulty fabrication, installa-
tion, operations or maintenance, or by reasons of
accidental damage, could facilitate the uninten-
tional transmission of sensitive information.
technology transfer: All movements of advanced
US and equivalent Western technology and equip-
ment that enhance the military and economic
capabilities of recipient countries that have impli-
cations for US national security.
technology transfer intelligence: The collection,
processing, analysis, production, and dissemina-
tion activities of the Intelligence Community de-
signed to support US Government departments
and agencies with policy and enforcement respon-
sibilities related to the area of technology transfer.
Technology Transfer Intelligence Committee VI IC):
A DCI advisory committee that serves as the focal
point within the Intelligence Community on all
technology transfer issues. (Refer to DCID 3/13.)
telecommunications: Any transmission, emission,
or reception of signs, signals, writing, images, and
sounds or information of any nature by wire,
radio, visual, or other electromagnetic systems.
telemetry intelligence (TELINT): Technical and
intelligence information derived from intercept,
processing, and analysis of foreign telemetry; a
subcategory of foreign instrumentation signals
teleprocessing: The overall function of an informa-
tion transmission system that combines telecom-
munications, automatic data processing, and man-
machine interface equipment and their interaction
as an integrated whole.
TEMPEST: An unclassified term referring to tech-
nical investigations for compromising emanations
from electrically operated, information processing
equipment; they are conducted in support of ema-
nations and emission security.
terrain intelligence: Processed information on the
military significance of natural and manmade
characteristics of an area.
terrorist organization: A group that engages in
terrorist activities. (Also see international terrorist
Theater Intelligence Architecture Program (TIAP):
A program encompassing each Unified and.Speci-
fied Command's mid- and long-range plan for
providing intelligence required to carry out war-
fighting missions. Each Command's intelligence
architecture plan is based on operational require-
ments and describes current and future intelli-
gence flows, organizations, resources, and capabil-
ities to meet assigned intelligence objectives. The
plans also assess shortfalls and provide a strategy
for overcoming deficiencies.
threat: The extant military, economic, and politi-
cal capabilities of a foreign nation or entity cou-
pled with the aggressive intentions to use such
capabilities to undertake any action whose conse-
quence would be detrimental to the interests of the
United States.
Time-Sensitive Requirement or Report (TSR): A
request made by a consumer to NSA or other
collection agency for immediate information that
is generated in response to an unexpected or
unusual high-interest event or crisis situation that
is time critical. The TSR is the requirements
vehicle used when a response by the US SIGINT
System is required within 48 hours or less.
TOP SECRET (TS): Security classification applied
to information which, if disclosed in an unauthor-
ized manner, could reasonably be expected to
cause exceptionally grave damage to national
traffic analysis (TA): The cryptologic discipline
that develops information from communications
about the composition and operation of communi-
cations structures and the organizations they
serve. The process involves the study of traffic and
related materials, and the reconstruction of com-
munication plans to produce SIGINT.
transmission security (TRANSEC): The compo-
nent of communications security that results from
all measures designed to protect transmissions
from interception and from exploitation by means
other than cryptanalysis.
triple agent: An agent who serves three services in
an agent capacity but who, like a double agent,
wittingly or unwittingly withholds significant in-
formation from two services at the instigation of
the third service.
unauthorized disclosure: See compromise.
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unilevel security: (For automated information sys-
tems.) (1) Provisions for the safeguarding of all
material within a single information handling sys-
tem in accordance with the highest level of classifi-
cation and most restrictive dissemination caveats
assigned to any material contained therein. (2) A
security yardstick that is attained when all users of
an information system have a national intelligence
clearance and have signed nondisclosure agree-
ments for all information in the system�also
called system high mode of operation. (Also see
multilevel security.)
United States SIGINT System (USSS): An entity
that is comprised of the NSA (including assigned
military personnel), elements of the Military De-
partments and the CIA performing SIGINT activi-
ties, and elements of any other department or
agency that may from time to time be authorized
by the National Security Council to perform SI-
GINT activities during the time when such ele-
ments are so authorized; it is governed by the
United States Signals Intelligence Directives
upgrade: To determine that certain classified infor-
mation requires, in the interest of national security,
a higher degree of protection against unauthorized
disclosure than currently provided, coupled with a
changing of the classification designation to reflect
such higher degree. (Also see classification.)
validation:�(1) A process normally associated with
the collection of intelligence information that pro-
vides official status to an identified requirement
and confirms that the requirement is appropriate
for a given collector and has not previously been
satisfied. (Also see collection requirement.) (2) In
hypothesis testing, a means of establishing the
accuracy of the measuring instrument, or the valid-
ity of the test, in measuring the relevant variables.
verification: The process used by policymalcing
officials to judge whether or not activities of
another party are in compliance with arms control
agreements. While verification judgments begin
with monitoring assessments, policymaking offi-
cials also consider political and military risks and
the application of safeguards.
walk-in: A person who, on his own initiative,
makes contact with a representative of a foreign
country and who volunteers intelligence informa-
tion and/or requests political asylum. (Also see
disaffected person.)
warning: A communication and acknowledgment
of dangers implicit in a wide spectrum of activities
by potential opponents ranging from routine de-
fense measures, to substantial increases in readi-
ness and force preparedness, to acts of terrorism or
political, economic, or military provocation. (Also
see strategic warning.)
designation used to identify classified intelligence
whose sensitivity requires constraints on its further
dissemination and use. This designation is used on
intelligence that identifies or would reasonably per-
mit identification of an intelligence source or method
that is susceptible to countermeasures that could
nullify or reduce its effectiveness. May be abbreviat-
ed "WNINTEL" or
Wartime Reserve Modes (WARM): Characteristics
and operating procedures of sensors, communica-
tions, navigation aids, weapons, and countermea-
sures that will contribute to military effectiveness
or deception if unknown to or misunderstood by
opposing forces before combat.
Weapon and Space Systems Intelligence Commit-
tee (WSSIC): An advisory committee responsible
for advising and assisting the DCI in the produc-
tion of national intelligence on foreign weapon
and space systems. (Refer to DCID 3/11.)
zone of control: Spherical zone around a piece of
equipment where access by unauthorized person-
nel is not permitted without escort.
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ACINT Acoustical Intelligence
ACSI Assistant Chief of Staff/Intelligence (Air Force)
AFIA Air Force Intelligence Agency
AFMIC Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center
Al Artificial Intelligence
AIA Arniy Intelligence Agency
AIRES Advanced Imagery Requirements and Exploitation
ALE AIRES Life Extension
ATTG Automated Tactical Target Graphic
CAMS COMIREX Automated Management System
CAP Countermeasures Advisory Panel
C3I Command, Control, Communications, and
CCD Camouflage, Concealment, and Deception
CCF Collection Coordination Facility
CCISCMO Community Counterintelligence and Security
Countermeasures Office
CCP Consolidated Cryptologic Program
CI Counterintelligence
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CIAP Central Intelligence Agency Program
CIFAX Enciphered Facsimile
CIP Critical Intelligence Parameters
CIPHONY Enciphered Telephone
CIPR Consolidated Intelligence Production Requirement
CIR Continuing Intelligence Requirements
CIRIS Consolidated Intelligence Resources Information
COCOM Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Strategic
COFIR Compendium of Future Intelligence Requirements
COINS Community On-Line Intelligence System
COMINT Communications Intelligence
COMIREX Committee on Imagery Requirements and
COMPUSEC Computer Security
COMSEC Communications Security
CONTEXT Conferencing and Text Manipulation System
COVCOM Covert Communications
CRITIC Critical Intelligence Message
CRITICOMM Critical Intelligence Communications System
DAO Defense Attache Office
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DCA Defense Communications Agency
DCI Director of Central Intelligence
DCID Director of Central Intelligence Directive
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DCSINT Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (Army)
D&D Denial and Deception
DDAC Foreign Denial and Deception Analysis Committee
DDCI Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
DEA Drug Enforcement Administration
DEFSMAC Defense Special Missile and Astronautic Center
DESIST Decision Support & Information System on
DF Direction Finding
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency
DIAC Defense Intelligence Analysis Center
DIAOLS DIA On-Line System
DIC Defense Intelligence College
DIE Defense Intelligence Estimate
DIO Defense Intelligence Officer
DIRNSA Director, National Security Agency
DIS Defense Investigative Service
DIVISION Enciphered Television
DN Duplicate Negative
DNI Director of Naval Intelligence
DoD Department of Defense
DoDIIS DoD Intelligence Information System
DP Duplicate Positive
ECCM Electronic Counter-Countermesaures
ECM Electronic Countermeasures
EEI Essential Elements of Information
E&E Evasion and Escape
EIC Economic Intelligence Committee
ELECIRO-OPTINT Electro-optical Intelligence
ELINT Electronic Intelligence
ELSEC Electronic Security
EMCON Emission Control
EMSEC Emanations Security
EOB Electronic Order of Battle
ESC Electronic Security Command (Air Force)
ESM Electronic Warfare Support Measures
EW Electronic Warfare
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBIS Foreign Broadcast Information Service
FCI Foreign Counterintelligence
FDDAC Foreign Denial and Deception Analysis Committee
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
Fl Foreign Intelligence
FIPC Foreign Intelligence Priorities Committee
FIRCAP Foreign Intelligence Requirements Categories and
FIS Foreign Instrumentation Signals
FISINT Foreign Instrumentation Signals Intelligence
FLC Foreign Language Committee
FLIR Forward-Looking Infrared
FMA Foreign Materiel Acquisition
FME Foreign Materiel Exploitation
FMP Foreign Materiel Program
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FSTC Foreign Science and Technology Center (Army)
FTD Foreign Technology Division (Air Force)
FORMAT or FM Foreign Materiel
FOSIC Fleet Ocean Surveillance Information Center
GDIP General Defense Intelligence Program
GMI General Medical Intelligence
HFDF High Frequency Direction Finding
HOIS Hostile Intelligence Service
HPSCI House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
HUMINT Human Intelligence
IA Imagery Analyst
IC Intelligence Community
ICR Intelligence Collection Requirement
ICRS Imagery Collection Requirements Subcommittee
ICS Intelligence Community Staff
IDC Interagency Defector Committee
IDS Intrusion Detection Systems
IHC Information Handling Committee
II Imagery Interpretation
IIM Interagency Intelligence Memorandum
IIR Intelligence Information Report
ILC International Lines of Communications
IMINT Imagery Intelligence
INDICOM Indications and Warning Communications
INFOSEC Information Security
INR Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of
"INSCOM US Army Intelligence and Security Command
INTELSAT International Telecommunications Satellite
IOB Intelligence Oversight Board
IPC Intelligence Producers Council
IPCS Intelligence Producers Council Staff
IR Infrared
IRA Intelligence-Related Activities
IRDC Intelligence Research & Development Council
ISP Intelligence Support Plan
ITAC Intelligence Threat and Analysis Center (Army)
ITC Interagency Training Center
ITL Interagency Telephone Laboratory
I&W Indications and Warning
JAEIC Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
JEWC Joint Electronic Warfare Center
JINTACCS Joint Interoperability Tactical Command and Con-
trol System
LASINT Laser Intelligence
LIC Low-Intensity Conflict
LITINT Literature Intelligence
LPI Low Probability of Intercept
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MASINT Measurement and Signature Intelligence
MBFR Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction
MEDINT Medical Intelligence
MI Military Intelligence
MIB Military Intelligence Board
MSIC *Missile and Space Intelligence Center (Army)
NAVINTCOM Naval Intelligence Command
NAVOPINTCEN Navy Operational Intelligence Center
NAVTECHINTCEN Naval Technical Intelligence Center
NCIS National Counterintelligence Strategy
NDA Nondisclosure Agreement
NEL National Exploitation Laboratory
NFIB National Foreign Intelligence Board
NFIC ,National Foreign Intelligence Council
NFIP National Foreign Intelligence Program
NHCP National HUMINT Collection Plan
NIC National Intelligence Council, Naval Intelligence
NID National Intelligence Daily
NIE National Intelligence Estimate
NIIRS National Imagery Interpretability Rating Scale
NIO National Intelligence Officer
NITs National Intelligence Topics
NMIC National Military Intelligence Center
NOI WON National Operations and Intelligence Watch Officer
NPHR National Foreign Intelligence Plan for Human
NPIC National .Photographic Interpretation Center
NRIS National Radar Interpretability Scale
NSA National Security Agency
NSC National Security Council
NSCID National Security Council Intelligence Directive
NSD National Security Directive
NSG Naval Security Group
NSIC Navy Security and Investigation Command
NSOC National SIGINT Operations Center
NSRL National SIGINT Requirements List
NSRS National SIGINT Requirements System
NTISSC National Telecommunications and Information
Systems Security Committee
NTPC National Telemetry Processing Center
NUCINT Nuclear Intelligence
OADR Originating Agency Determination Required
OB Order of Battle
ON Original Negative
OPCON Operational Control
OPELINT Operational Electronic Intelligence
OPINTEL Operational Intelligence
OPSEC Operations Security
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OPTINT Optical Intelligence
OSIA On-Site Inspection Agency
OSIS Ocean Surveillance Information System
PFIAB President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
PHOTINT Photographic Intelligence
PI Photographic Interpretation or Photographic
FIR Primary. Imaging Record
PNG Persona Non Grata
PRCSO Peacetime Reconnaissance and Certain Sensitive
PSYOP Psychological Operations
RADINT Radar Intelligence
RECCE or RECON Reconnaissance
RFI Request for Information
RINT Radiation Intelligence
RMS Requirements Management System
S&T Science and Technology
SA Signals Analysis
SAFE Support for the Analysts File Environment
SAO Special Activities Office
SAP Special Access Program
SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar
SCA Service Cryptologic Agencies
SCC Special Coordination Committee
SCE Service Cryptologic Element
SCI Sensitive Compartmented Information or Source
Code Indicator
SCIF SCI Facility
SCM Security Countermeasures
SCO Service Cryptologic Organizations
SDC Strategic Defense Command (Army)
SHOP Special Handling for Operational Purposes
SI Special Intelligence
SIG Senior Interagency Group
SIGINT Signals Intelligence
SIGSEC Signals Security
SIO Senior Intelligence Officer
SIR YES SIGINT Requirements Validation and Evaluation
Subcommittee (of SIGINT Committee)
SISR SIGINT Security Regulation
SLAR Side-Looking Airborne Radar
SNIE Special National Intelligence Estimate
SOIC Senior Official of the Intelligence Community
SOSUS Sound Surveillance System
SOTA SIGINT Operational Tasking Authority
SPINTCOMM Special Intelligence Communications
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SSCI Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
SSO Special Security Officer
STAP Science and Technology Advisory Panel
STAR System Threat Assessment Report
.STIC Scientific and Technical Intelligence Committee
TA Traffic Analysis
TACINTEL Tactical Intelligence
TCP Tactical Cryptological Program
TELINT Telemetry Intelligence
TI Technical Intelligence
TIAP Theater Intelligence Architecture Program
TIARA Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities
TRANSEC Transmission Security
TS Top Secret
TSCM Technical Surveillance Countermeasures
TSR Time-Sensitive Requirement
TTIC Technology Transfer Intelligence Committee
USIC United States Intelligence Community
USILO US Imagery Liaison Officer
USSID United States Signals Intelligence Directive
USSS United States SIGINT System
VIDINT Video Intelligence
VISINT Visual Intelligence
WARM Wartime Reserve Modes
WHCA White House Communications Agency
WNINTEL Warning Notice-Intelligence Sources and Methods
WSSIC Weapon and Space Systems Intelligence Committee
WWIMS Worldwide Warning Indicator Monitoring System
WWMCCS Worldwide Military Command and Control
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Catalog of Abbreviations and Brevity Codes, Army Regulation 310-25.
Combat Electronic Warfare and Intelligence, Army Field Manual 34-1.
Combat Intelligence, Ariny Field Manual 30-5.
COMIREX Imagery Policy Series, 1988 (and revisions)
Communications Security, Army Regulation 530-2.
Defense Intelligence Lexicon, DVP-2600-1828-88, 1988.
Defense Intelligence Collection Requirements Manual, DIA, August 1981.
DoD Manual for Standard Data Elements, DoD 5000.12-M, October 1983.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, JCS Pub 1-02, June 1987.
Dictionary of Naval Abbreviations, Naval Institute Press, 1984.
Dictionary of United States Army Terms, Army Regulation 310-25.
Directory: Information Resources Based on Foreign Media and Publications, DCI
HUMINT Committee, July 1985.
Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations (Draft), JCS Pub 2-0, 1989.
Engineer Intelligence, Army Field Manual 5-30.
Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations With
Respect to Intelligence Activities, United States Senate, Together with
Additional Supplemental and Separate Views, April 1976.
Glossary of SIGINT Collection Terminology, National Security Agency, August
House Resolution 658, (Establishes House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence), November 1977.
Index to Publications, Department of Army Pamphlet DAPAM 25-30, 1988.
Intelligence Data E.',fments Authorized Standards (IDEAS), DRS-2600-1696-83,
October 1983.
Intelligence Dissemination and Production Support, Army Regulation 381-19, 16
February 1988.
Intelligence Interrogation, Army Field Manual 30-15.
Joint Intelligence Estimate for Planning (JIEP), SM-580-88, JCS, 25 July 1988.
Limitations and Procedures in Signals Intelligence Operations of the USSS,
USSID 18, October 1980.
Military Intelligence, Army Regulation 381 Series.
Military Symbols, Army Field Manual 21-30.
pproved for Release: 2018/01/10 C00220330
Approved for Release: 2018/01/10 C00220330
Modern Data Communications Concepts, Language and Media, William P.
Davenport, Hayden Book Co., Inc., 1971.
National Communications Security Glossary, NSA, September 1982.
National Foreign Intelligence Plan for Human Resources, NFIB D/27.7/5, 1977.
National Security Information, Executive Order No. 12356, April 1982.
Handbook for the National SIGINT Requirements System, July 1988.
NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions (English and French), AAP-6(Q), March
Operations, Army Field Manual 100-5.
Operations and Signal Security, Army Regulation 530 Series.
Psychological Operations: US Army Doctrine, Army Field Manual 33-1.
Physical Security, Army Field Manual 19-30.
Security, Army Regulation 380 Series.
Security, The Use and Dissemination of Communications Intelligence,
USAFINTEL 201-1, March 1985.
Senate Resolution 400, (Establishes the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence),
June 1977.
Sensitive Compartmented Information Security Manual: Administrative Security,
DoD C-5105.21-M-1, January 1985.
Sensitive Compartmented Information Security Manual: Communications
Intelligence Policy, DoD TS-5105.21-M-2, July 1985.
Sensitive Compartmented Information Security Manual: TK Policy, DoD
TS-5105.21-M-3, November 1985.
SIGINT Security, NSA, USSID 3, May 1986.
Signals Intelligence, Army Regulation 381-3.
SIGSEC Techniques, Army Field Manual 32-6.
Statement of Intelligence Interest, DoD Document No. 05990.
Technical Intelligence, Army Field Manual 30-16.
Threat Support to US Army Force, Combat, and Material Development, Army
Regulation 381-11.
US Army Counterintelligence Act: fities, Army Regulation 381-20.
US Army Intelligence Activities, Army Regulation 381-10.
United States Intelligence Activities, Executive Order No. 12333, December 1981.
US Army Requirements for Weather Service Support, Army Regulation 115-12.
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