� . '4=44. graf.
�Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430438.
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POLO S-1E-RE T5W-LTURN 'TO sr-_-r4DE.a
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CiRP W.I. 937 Use previous editions
Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430438
� -I2
I 973
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-,-;�� of si.:::.ilar, w......F.zez-10..is it i':`1�:%',...c 1,2.-,�-�-1,� 1,:-.-�,;* Li:'-i::-.t,::1 F�:::!?:�;!go Le %..,ilt,...!:;-;cr..,...f,:it. ti.�2, plza Bt,:t...c/
lb:eal�:-Ins. . !ot:T.:.:Y,..t of the United Sttes. :ton."
I Trt a r.,.,-..,..nolit:-.�nd?ri for thi'..1 r'-',:�=ral s:rces l'ePr,rt ,,le I . .
. . .., - N-.--,
_., �..,.i.,;.i.�Cllb::.r.s to 1..,:.: .�,....iolu,...-.1:,. 1:;;-,1,!i C.I. cilist , 7 :1. ..ii, Vr::C11 itnl.1-
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..;::!.; IttS C. ..,,...::!t*.ons in i' -'-'-'-"" �-� ....1:-C.......7.. :-.1st �
.k� Lev. janti It o;11,1"I;at!' B:t 5-z es-:i:::1��������-7
; is ali) 1!!--.ely
ass-en:bled for ...opera-
1.,..,�ith excellent...contacts in the
pproved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430438V
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4.1!:::; (--.�,;1 � c!::;:-.�;
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C20i.ill. comEnE,nitY. told tiie. 1'"s of11.3' or.r! oir I-:erhaPs two ! ' c ... ,
n ra knet.v '4 "0 had :e- that acting FBI hie( I Pat-ILevinson
ztubc or:.- nt it te.f.:_sfit:;:f iltit."-Fr-ankiliT4-41 .*. I ri zlr. G.fay and convicted 1119t..-
rit*ted and %vas financing the, v.-:It.I.rgate felon E. Ifotvardi.;,�'.."V-zattable office eit:ipinent
citurtziS had tolct oiher pe-O-p-le.1
117F-7i-ii."27FiTniii-11.-;1-FE:cn- d Go-n-11-"Per:j"-ion- " ! tr. rv- 1,,,d b::r-n ir,vn!ved in anAnn-d cat:1.1 �...e:e left. -..-sto,zebt:d.
I,..., ...._ �_ . .
.... L ���� �ii.:.-.:" lk a Ler:-:,tr.. ..,-! 'u',�� ti business :':--'1 7. . . , � � - c � ....... t. r.....: (.!:,:,. Cs:a 1,1'2 im....: 2%;;;;:y.-:.F...i.:Idar"s cii.:t.s:
1'.7.:.;.;; 1;r0..�:;:n. into the!P'OiLical s.--,u.:c�as reP�rt I!'r't!ia.:tf,t:-; Tr,t2 r.,..-..ard atealo.-Ititt.: offic:.- of the Fir.i..t
!�...,1..-ssy ,0 : i.',0! - ..-...,-,1. 4: et�.�:abl)12E tiv.itt months before th.,'...:.-nich tied a $,-;00,GijO political' taz-c; %yore both searcltr.7t1 and
Irr,,_�:-:ts: � ' , t' 2'e arraSZ, .E. Howard !. nIcztee froth ITT with a settle-:Iril...:s were inspected. The
I]..:....in,.:cia eau:10113, h.3-.v.1.1-14nt..let it he lz nown arounti'.. -
7:lent of its ar.titrust troubles. ;thieves witIked t' ..t z.--eve:at
ie.....er, nbzsut iznplicntiug _� ii 'n- .. . -.- .1..- a .e..... I irr.:. %.1..asilinzton Post rc., 1 nlo;-e. ntr.ratii-.-e offices to g,....r.
1--T iiiVrte eitv mat 'F ' nfl 'I' lr',. I ,-,
Ch!le:m (..:11-.er..1=YraPallle for �M.ision Ir.1:1')E.Fi---,.:.,-1, tls.a.-. III-,nt., ;-...117::17c.n.iivito-1.11,, Fic.::: S.:::cristar-s affie-i.s,
of tilt! ::-.!::::,-...r:ilit-4.1.).::::-,ps---,:nts z:nd that the ;---.;-...4 i Ti -st-,��� - -41 v�;,�14;.;.4::�-�----ilikt-r 1:-.:.�; 1.7. vv.,- v�!,,r,
II': .I.C.P'-'r�I-CA, �," C'-' 61.74:k,-gt:V..I'i:-.0 t-,e 0,�-tat, to .,10- ,.:t.vent. to Denver to tall: to Ali-S:1.:t�Vek-v.7z..re itoin::.Elze hure
k. -.--- "---- - , -, f � �,.,...,- � ,.....'.',,!�-.%:. ,,ti., ,.... ...ip,.......... ........
n nuraber of: 1,:zy.ts sug-itp,rpttvate c-len_z. - � I Beai-d .abottt renounts-.:1g tivs., ozir.o., ciL tae ....,�-0: t.,..r;,:: npi.trt..
. ' - C.-:"- - ''''-----
r.'estin.; a r.c!atior.-ihip 1.-,ezweeal.:::.tfit.,is DOSziblo Vv.?: E. Howl r.,.!.:rao. V.-e reportvd that Craylinirnts ckz -:..-.,a... ct..,.....,...:....:.
ITT ..".1 the tearn Which v...?Sikl .itunt, acting as tile con-linoanwhile, turned the origi-iivere- described izt the ittezz:o
arrested at the Wat.eR.te.,7,1tr'-t�Ctor: for the 'team: had! rat memo over to ITT for iti.as!:sirnilz.tr clean break:ins."
But he stressed "that the caEellii'die-thatt off" client, aild that t experts to try to discredit. - -.1..f,'"F.eatoote: Jerr.7 LevirtSort
ou:lined in -this nlernorandurrkti4it.-.0-,M. d clinc Itas ITT. whichl C:av refused to cornzaantgefF-si*n. t? .cc'hEne:'t_ orl his
is cir.:urr,stantial Zrct that
i. interested in obzaining In-! Wher..we c-,Iled th,t FBI for Itis!#.1t2C1q. wn.ica� hc: ..S:11 .�;-2-Ca.r-
Z!!'.�:T iS :10 h::.-c! evif.ence ofifiir-cation ..about its rte-2(itia-ire:)pent.e. Questioned by sena.:int-,:ndeci zor pt.i3.taz:ort.. An
spokes-,.trt called the
iTT involvernent." . ;tic:ins:Over. the fate of its ir..!tor under oth. ItoNvev,t.r. he irr---e
1 talletations about Hunt
.- � � ivestritent in the Chilean Tele- itestified that lie 1-t.d'' ttot
prciolis C:tsg
ieals. We noted, for example...; leads us' to the. o-1 ,.s
x---rote 'that it W2.3
and totally- untrzle.."
!phone Company.. 'fhe mem-i turr.ed the memo over to 1.1:-Tis"-'41tP1:.-
- ,V�Z.'
however, is the cir- hers � of the. tearn rnay ha�.-e direatiy but 'nad delivered it to H said ITT had r'..T T
curnstantial case. �.citieh the'ibeen recruitcci, thin!zing they j ado John Dean.i.fruht for any purpose-
s'obco�n�ttee. stall h--; nis^ed ',vere to 'it v:33 the V;Itite House, 1E0
Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01430438