Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C06689574
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MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Secretary,
CIA Management Committee
SUBJECT "Family Jewels"
1. The purpose of this memorandum is to
forward for your personal review summaries of activities
conducted either by or under the sponsorship of the
Office of Security in the past which in my opinion con-
flict with the provisions of the National Security Act
of 1947.
2. These activities cover the period from
March 1959 to date and represent as accurate a record
as is available in our files. Those activities which
took place prior to the date of my appointment as
Director of Security on 1 July 1964 have been developed
to a certain extent through the recollection of the
senior people in this Office who were involved or who
had knowledge of the activities at the time they
3. I have gone back to March 1959 because I
believe that the activities occurring since that time
still have a viable "flap potential" in that many of the
people involved, both Agency and non-Agency are still
alive and through their knowledge of the activity repre-
sent a possible potential threat or embarrassment to the
Agency. I would be glad to provide clarification or an
explanation of any of these activities if desired. You
have my assurance that unless otherwise stated each of
these activities was approved by higher authority--the
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of Central Intelligence, the Executive Director-
Comptroller, or the Deputy Director for Support.
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into the US labor situation, and particularly to try
to ameliorate the quarrel between George Meany and
Walter Reuther. Cord Meyer steered a very skillful
course in this connection, but the Agency could be
vulnerable to charges that we went behind Meany's back,
or were somehow consorting with Reuther against Meany's
8. There are, three 'examples of using Agency
funds which I know to be controversial. One was the
expenditure of money under Project MOSES in securing
the release of Cuban Brigade prisoners. Details of
this gperation are best known to Larry Houston,
George MacManus, and Second,
as you well know, when Lou Conein received his Summons
to report to the Joint General Staff Headquarters on
1 November 1963 a large amount.of cash went with him.
My impression is that the accounting for ,this and its
use has never been very frank or complete. Third, at
one of the early Special Group meetings attended by
McCone he took strong exception to proposals to spend
Agency funds to improve the economic viability, of West
Berlin, and for. an investment program in Mali. 'His
general position was that such expenditures were not
within the. Agency's charter, and that he would allow
such spending only on the direct personal request of
the Secretary of State or the Secretary of Defense, or
the White House.
9. I raise these issues of funding because I
remember the Agency's being severely criticized by the
-House Appropriations Subcommittee for having spent $3,000
for stamps in connection with a program to buy tractors
to secure the release of prisoners from Cuba.
10. Under the heading of old business, I know that
any one who has worked in the Director's office has worried
about the fact that conversations within the offices and
over the telephones were transcribed. During McCone's
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Approved for Release: 2017/09/12 C06689574