Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482315
28 June 1972 -
:E:mANDum FOR: Deputy Director
SUBJECT: Watergate Affair
1. Acting Director Gray of the FBI 'phoned me this morning
to cancel our meeting scheduled for 2:30 this afternoon. He indi-
cated that he would not be able to get together until next week. I
informed him that I would be away but that you would be available
with Shackley and Sternfield for any such meeting. I did, however,
use the opportunity of this call to make two points to Acting Director
Gray: 1) That I would appreciate his calling off interviews with Karl
Wagner and John Caswell (this he agreed to do); and 2) that Kenneth
Harry Dahlberg was no agent of the CIA and that we had no ties to him.
I stated that our last verifiable contact with him was in May 1961.
Acting Director Gray confirmed that this is the same Kenneth Dahlberg
about whom he was inquiring as soon as I identified the gentleman as
the President of Dahlberg Company in Minneapolis.
2. I informed Shackley and Sternfield this morning, in prepara-
tion for the scheduled meeting this afternoon, that the Agency is at-
temoting to "distance itself" from this investigation and that I
wanted them along as "reference -Piles" to participate in the conversa-
tion when requested. I told them that I wanted no freewheeling ex-
position of hypotheses or any effort made to conjecture about respon-
sibility or likely objectives af the Watergate intrusion. In short,
at such a meeting, it is up to the FBI to lay some cards on the table.
Otheraise, we are unable to be of help. In addition, we still adhere
to the request that they confine themselves to the Dersonalities already
arrested or directly under suspicion and that they desist from ex-
panding this investigation into other areas which nay well, eventually,
run afoul of our operations.
3. This brings you up-to-date as of 3:00, 28 June.
RichArd Helms
Approved for Release: 2017/01/18 C01482315