Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2019/11/05 C05646605
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AQUI 0027-69
Copy I of 6+
21 August 1969
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Special Activities
Personnel Manning Policy and Plan
for Project AQUILINE
Project AQUILINE Concept of Operations
(AQUI 0001-69) dated 10 March 1969
1. The purpose of this memorandum is to establish the policy
and planning guidelines for the manning of Project AQUILINE. These
guidelines are to be used to implement the policy of that portion of
the Project AQUILINE Concept of Operations that pertains to personnel
manning. (Para 5.b. Reference)
2. As this program has been established and sponsored by the
CIA, for the expressed purpose of providing the Agency with a unique
covert intelligence vehicle, it will be supported primarily through
Agency resources. In keeping with these overall program philosophies,
the following plan is to be used for the orderly acquisition of personnel
for this build up period of the program. (FY 1970 - FY 1971)
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a. Project Headquarters:
(1) An AQUILINE Division has been established
within the Operations Directorate of OSA. This
Division will be authorized a total of five positions.
At the present time, (through end of FY 1970) these
five positions are to be assimilated from within the
current OSA ceiling. Beginning FY 1971 these five
positions will, for the first time, be identified as
AQUILINE positions in correspondence outside OSA.
(CPC, budget papers, etc.)
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(2) The manning (present and projected)
and proposed grades of these five positions are as
(a) Chief, AQUILINE Division - GS-15,
incumbent James W. Cherbonneaux.
(b) Deputy Chief, AQUILINE Division -
GS-14, unmanned. It is planned that the individual
who is to eventually become the Field Unit's Program
Director (FPD) will be slotted against this position
during the remainder of FY 1970. This individual will
actually work in the capacity of Deputy Chief of
AQUILINE Division during this time frame. In this
manner, invaluable experience can be both gained and
utilized by the program's key personnel during the
initial stages of the Project. Beginning in FY 1971 and
after the departure of the FPD to the field, this position
will be filled by a permanent Headquarters assignee.
0 erational Planning Officer - GS-13,
(d) ADP Programs Officer - GS-13.
The individual selected for this position will of necessity
be recruited from the Office of Computer Services.
It is planned that this position is to be filled NLT
1 January 1970. The recruitment of this individual can
be accomplished against the current AQUILINE
authorized slots, without an increase in the authorized
OSA manpower ceiling.
(el Secretary-Steno - GS-6, incumbent
b. Field Unit:
(1) The recruitment of personnel (39 total) for
the Project Field Unit will begin at the start of FY 1971.
Recruiting of the Field Unit personnel will be phased
over the first six months of that fiscal year. The first
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of the Unit personnel to be recruited will be those
considered essential to the organization of the Field
Unit. The remainder of the personnel will be assigned
as requirements dictate, but not later than 1 January
1971. The initial goal of this Field Unit manning plan
is to have sufficient personnel available to start
training by 1 January 1971. The ultimate goal is to
have the Unit trained and Operationally Ready by
1 July 1971.
(2) Manning of the Field Unit will be with
Agency staff, Agency contract and commercial contract
personnel. Maximum use of the Agency contract and
commercial contract personnel for the Field Unit will
be accomplished. Agency staff positions will be
required in the FPD and MFS positions, as well as
for the Security and Commo field positions.
(3) The phasing-in process of the Field Unit
personnel and their proposed grades are planned as
(a) During the first quarter of FY 1971
it is planned that the following positions of the Field
Unit will be manned at Area 51:
Field Program Director - GS-15
(Agency staff position)
Manager Flight Systems - GS-14
(Agency staff or Agency contract position)
Manager Systems Support - GS-14
(Either Agency staff, Agency contract or commercial
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Security Officer - GS-14
(Agency staff position)
Commo Operations Officer - GS-14
(Agency staff position)
Administrative and Finance Officer - GS-12
(Either Agency staff, Agency contract or
commercial contract)
Logistics Specialist - GS-11
(Agency contract position)
Property Accounts Specialist - GS-9
(Agency contract position)
Field Unit Guard Force
(Five Agency contract positions)
(b) Beginning second quarter of FY 19 71
it is planned to have the following additional Field Unit
positions manned at Area 51:
Two Electronics Engineers - GS-13, GS-12
(Agency staff positions)
One Electronics Specialist - GS-11
(Agency staff position)
Warehouse Specialist - GS-7
(Agency contract position)
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(c) Beginning the third quarter of
FY 1971 it is planned to have the following additional
Field Unit positions manned at Area 51:
Security Officer - GS-13
(Agency staff position)
Two ADP Specialists
(Agency staff or Agency contract positions)
Two Commo Tech. -Crypto - GS-9, GS-8
(Agency staff positions)
Three Clerks
(Agency staff or Agency contract positions)
Two Flight Directors - GS-13
(Agency contract or commercial contract positions)
Two Navigation Systems Operators
(Agency contract or commercial contract positions)
Two Payload Systems Operators
(Agency contract or commercial contract positions)
Eight Technical Representatives
(Commercial contract positions)
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4. Proposed FY 19 71 Manning Plan overview of field positions
a. Agency Staff Positions No.
Field Program Director 1
Manager Flight System 1
� Manager System Support 1
Security Officers 2
Commo Officers 6
* Administrative Officer 1
* ADP Specialists 2
Total 14
(Authorized 18 - 12 staff
positions and 6 commo)
b. Agency Contract Positions No.
** Flight Directors
** Navigation Systems Operators 2
** Payload Systems Operators 2
Logistics Specialist 1
Property Accounts Specialist 1
Warehouse Specialist 1
* Clerks 3
Guards 5
Total 17
c. Commercial Contracts No.
Technical Representatives 8
* Either Agency Staff, Agency Contract
or Commercial Contract.
** Either Agency Contract or
Commercial Contract.
d. End FY 1971 Total Field Strength 39
at Area 51
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5. Beginning FY 1972 the remainder of the Field Unit's
personnel will be recruited. These positions are as follows:
a. Agency Staff Positions No.
Security Officer 1
Commo Operations Officer 1
Commo Electronic Engineers 2
Commo Electronic Specialist 1
Commo Tech. -Crypto or Radio 2
Total 7
b. Agency Contract Positions No.
Flight Directors 2
Navigation Systems Operators 2
Payload Systems Operators 2
ADP Specialists 2
Total 8
* Either Agency Staff, Agency Contract
or Commercial Contract.
** Either Agency Contract or
Commercial Contract.
c. Total FY 1971 Field Strength 54
at Area 51
6. This memorandum is to be used for planning purposes
only. This manning plan is based on minimum or bare bones manning
requirements for this Project. As experience is gained on this unique
program, these manning requirements will be subject to continuing
review and modifications as required. However, the established
manning policy for this program will be to hold the manning at the
minimum level required to effectively perform the mission. This
minimum manning will of necessity require selection of the best
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possible personnel, and will require that these personnel perform
to the maximum of their capabilities. Only through the selective
recruitment of personnel, (and effective cross training of those
selected) can this unique program achieve.its manning policy goals.
Colonel, USAF
Deputy for Operations, OSA
'Director of Special Activities
AQUI/O/OSA:JWCherbonneaux:kv (21 August 1969)
1 - AQUI
2 - D/SA
3 - D/OPS
5 - D/M
6 - RB/OSA
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