Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2019/10/29 C06826746
CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Threatening Antidissident Campaign
Prague apparently is preparing to tighten the screws on dissidents in
response to rising criticism of the regime's resistance to reform. The
official media last week warned that activists have exceeded the
regime's patience and alluded to US complicity in attempts to
destabilize Prague. The regime also expelled a US Embassy officer for
allegedly participating in illegal gatherings and linked several men
arrested last week for industrial sabotage and murder to dissident
organizations. Recent leadership statements have uncharacteristically
admitted that disailiTtion is on the rise even among party members.
Comment: Hardliners in the leadership probably fear their authority
could be eroded irreparably unless they crack down soon. They are
nonetheless concerned about Moscow's reaction and may hope
linking dissident groups to violence and to Western interference will
both intimidate activists and dampen Soviet criticism. Prague's
warnings are not likely to be effective because its past vacillation on
dissidents probably has convinced many Czechoslovaks that it lacks
the will to stick to a policy of repression. New confrontations are
likely and will further alienate the populace and increase party
tensions; some 10,000 members�less than 1 percent but indicative
of malaise�have quit the party this year
NR Record
TCS 2853/89
3 July 1989
Approved for Release: 2019/10/29 C06826746