Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2019/10/29 C06826741
NR Record
HUNGARY: Grosz Increasingly Isolated
General Sccretary Grosz is losing support within thc party and may
be voted out of office by yearend. Premier Nemeth, once a Grosz
protege, publicly split with the party leader this week over Grosz's
call for an "economic state of emergency." The party's youth
organization voted to sever its formal affiliation with the party and
to back the party's reform wing, singling out Nemeth along with
Politburo members Pozsgay and Nyers as worthy of support. The
youth organization backed the reformers' call for a special party
congress of freely elected delegates this fall to revamp party
Comment: If the Central Committee agrees to the demand for a
special party congress. GTOS7'S days arc numbered. His position is
already tenuous, and opponents in the party and the media have
grown bolcter in attacking him publicly. There is no consensus on his
successor. Nyers. though respected, is seen by some as too old at
66. Pozsga y is viewed by many as an outsider because he has never
headed a major party organization
9 4 8
TCS 2796/39
26 April 1989
Approved for Release: 2019/10/29 C06826741