Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06527445
Here is the Reiser/Adkins BIRD mess. Basically what's wrong
with the ORD approach is that they assume they have proven the
feasibility of the BIRD camera approach and that it will have
fairly wide-spread application.
If they proved feasibility in last years efforts with the
pigeons, it escaped me. If they proved,it why are we starting 4
all over again this year? If they proved it,why are we ordering
new prototype cameras?
The substitution of staff for contrac,5fOrsonnel for testing
and training can only be justified if the program is about to go
operational. Any such judgement is premature at best.
The proposed funding is also too rich for my taste. Examples
are: $ iii sigeon lofts in Washington and Alaska, $38,000 of QRC
work a acquisition of radio DF gear a:ii:ezzaxl==e=r 100
hours� ime, procurement of 30 "operaitionarcameras, and
so forth.
I don't think we should buy into this scheme. Either ORD
should retain responsibility for the program until its usefulness
has been proven, or OTS should take over the ORD funds and prove
or disprove the concept on its own more cheaply.
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06527445