Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 CO2384119
ORD 2690-64
3 December 1964
MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief/Maritime Branch/SOD
SUBJECT: Extension of Project OXYGAS
1. Attached are two copies of a proposed follow-on
for Projec OXYGAS which reflects the views of individuals
in ORD and from your Office. This
proposal, if supported, will begin in January and will con-
tinue for six months. Both the tasks and the cost estimate
are subject to negotiation which, for budgetary reasons,
will have to be completed by the end of December. Before
holding further discussions with the contractor, I would
like to receive your endorsement and comments on the fol-
a. Assuming that the contractor successfully cora-
pletes the current technical feasibility study, will
Maritime Branch/SOD still be interested in the program?
Will Maritime Branch/SOD undertake operational feasi-
bility, assuming successful completion of this second
b. We would like to have you submit tasks of more
direct operational interest to Maritime Branch/SOD which
might be added to or substituted for those listed in the
attached proposal. You will note that the system design
study is incorporated in this proposal. I believe you
were interested in sea launch and recovery and air trans.
portation of the animals. In the light of our earlier
discussions, I will be happy to add these tasks if Mari-
time Branch/SOD will provide the necessary support to
carry them out. Specifically, this may include air
transportation, a chase boat as listed in cost estimate
item 3.1, and the use of a larger vessel similar to one
which might be used in a future operational situation.
Our Office is reluctant to purchase this equipment as
we would have no further use for it in the foreseeable
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�Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 CO2384119
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 CO2384119
I I.
Extension of Project MOM 3 December 1964
c. As in the past, we request active participation
by Maritime Branch/SOD in the monitoring of this study
and would like to have an appropriate member of your
staff survey/ las a potential operational
testing site.
d. Certain types of special equipment (u/w tele-
phones, homing devices, etc.) designed primarily for
your operations may be required during the course of
this study which would require additional funds. This
may amount to perhaps 10-12 K during the six-month
period. Your financial support would be appreciated
if funds are available to you, assuming we mutually
agree that these equipments are essential to the study,
2. I would like to reinforce my comment during our pre-
vious meeting with respect to our intentions in this project.
We will continue to support the research and technical aspects
with manpower and funds through FY'65. If this project proves
to be promising, the program will become increasingly opera-
tional. We should then expect to phase out our support except
in technical areas. I cannot foresee exactly where the cutoff
point will be but feel we can work this out on a mutually satis-
factory basis as the program developes,
Deputy Assistant Director
Office of Research and Development
Original & 1 - Addressee
1 -
1 - LS File
1 - LS Chrono
1 - ORD Chrono
(through TM/LS/ORD)k/'
LS/ORD/JD/S&T:SLA1drich:pjk/7822 (3 December 1964)
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 CO2384119