Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06636814
2 1 MAY 1965
REFERENCE: ORD Memo 1284-65, dated 8 May 1965, mow
Deputy Assistant Director, Office of
Research and Development
The Dolphin as a Potential Sensor Emplacement
1. The following ideas on possible dolphin missions
have been suggested by components of the Office of
Scientific Intelligence. We would be pleased to discuss
these with you in more detail.
2. Atomic Energy
a. Considering the likelihood of acquiring infor-
mation through use of the dolphin, the possibility of
obtaining acoustic tapes of Soviet nuclear submarines which
would be free of noise from the receiving platform perhaps
is of most significance in the atomic energy area. Results
could vary from a general assessment of the overall noise-
frequency spectrum and its relation to US passive surveillance
systems, including SOSUS, to a detailed recording of the
internal noise generated by pumps, motors, drive systems, and
other equipment. The more detailed recording, possibly
obtained through attachment of the recording apparatus to the
hull, may lead to a definitive understanding of the primary,
secondary, and drive circuits of the nuclear propulsion
systems used aboard the different types of Soviet nuclear
b. Of lesser current importance, though possibly
of more significance in several years, would be the sampling
of rivers at the upper limit of brackish water for the pres-
ence of induced radioactive elements. Sampling methods could
include the use of concentrators for reactor activation
products or the taking of small whole water samples for the
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Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06636814
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06636814
SUBJECT: The Dolphin as a Potential Sensor Emplacement
presence of tritium. Logical 'Sam lin sites in stove al
years would be
. There are several locations-/
However, tile snort rrre or vie ourrentry available power
supplies used in intercept equipment makes this less attract-
d. If the weights of Teller light or electro-
magnetic pulse equipment could be reduced significantly,
dolphins possiblv could be. used to emplace such equipment
equipment could obtain close-in data on the fine structure
of nuclear explosions.
3. Missiles
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06636814
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06636814
SUBJECT: The Dolphin as a Potential Sensor Emplacement
a. Attach an acoustic noise-maker to the animal to
test reaction
use of a
b. Observation of submarine installations through
camera attached to the dolphin.
c. Testing of direction finding capabilities and
to a radio transmitter attached to a dolphin.
patterns for
Emnlacement of a sensor to establis movement
5. Biological Warfare
a. Dolphin possibly could carry a sampler for BW
material. This capability would be useful probably only in
a very limited sense and only in installations which would be
near enough to the sea to dump either their waste or products
of testing into the ocean.
Orig & 1 � Addressee
2.- AD SI
1 -
Assistant Director
OSI:ErEC: :bet/5609 (20 May 1965)
-- 3 -
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06636814