Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
� Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C0663684311W
ORD 19p4 -es
14 'Idly 1965
AMMOMARMOM NOR:. Deputy Chief/Technical Services Division.
SWECT:. Life Sciences Programs of Possible Interest
to Technical ServiceS.Division �
. 14 'To follow up on our dideussion of.afei 'weeks ago,
.1 have the impression that_TSD 10 cutting: back on some of
its 'activities 'in the life sciences -although there continues
to be substantial requirements witbin.DD/p for. techniques
Stemming from the Life Sciences when and If they become.opera-
tionally'wful. This also seemed to be the flavor of Mr.
�Reims'. memorandum to the DD/S&T.dated 26 December 1963'.'
2. Life Sciences activities in ORDHincludelour Major
programs: Stress,. Human Behavior, Animal Studies, and Weapons
� Detection and Development. ,Certain-projects within
grameuppear to have potential value to DD/P but would
'tainly require carefutreview and further development- in order
,to meet specific operational requirements. Riamples which .
come to mind include the use of animals and birds for the em- -
placement:of sensors 'or transponders, the use of chemicals .or
other techniques for the manipulation of individuals or small-
groups,-techniques .for remote detection of weapons systems or �
their components, and methods for remotely assessing the -
..response'or�reactions of individuals. .
: -3. Research and development in some-of.these areas is
"bigb ritikuin: the sense that the chances for success are rela-.
tively.stallc although the. payoff could be of immense value 'to
10/P as well as other directorates.: Success in these programs
depends not only on. careful selection of research and develop-
ment but on clearly identified requirements, specific enough in
nature to permit us to focus 'on those of highest 'priority with
greatettlikelihood of success. It is also important that we
avoid duplidating projects currently under way.underTSD's
auspices. A)uplication�Was avoided, for example, in the case
of the missile fuel detection problem by an exchange of infor-
mation last winter..
.44 I.'do.not feel. that I have an adequate appreciation of-
�the speelflO'reilearch in certatn:areat which I understand are
Excluded train automatic
downgrading and
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06636843
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06636843
. . � �
Soleness Proonas of Possible Interest
� to Technical Services DUI.
being pursued by TSD. These include current projects on 1111/07.-
� collection, mahipulation at behaVierr (chemically or other "
� means), and remote physiological and psychological assessment. .
� This information gap can be filled relatively, easily. Some:�
� mechanism should be. found to keep each other fully aware Of -
relevant programs. I can assure you that you will have- our .
complete cooperation in this regard. ��� �
5. TSD could provide substantial assistante to ORD by
identifying. intermediate and long range requirements: in cer-
tain of the Life Sciences areas. You may recall we requested
.your assistance in determining whether. there are requirements
for our dolphin and bird projects within DD/P: Perhaps there
are other projects in our program of potential .interest to
DDIP. In this regard, we have recently completed a surVey
which 'emphasized a number of behavioral areas including drugs
which te will send to you for your information and comments.
,This study was not done in response-to a MVP requirement
but as ;%:backgrouad study for our own use. -It-occurs to us,
however,. that there may be some specific areas covered -
this survey which you may wish to have studied in more detail.
I'would .appreciate any..cOnnents you may have an .Wara
: 111 hich 'we can provide realistiC support to DD/P components
�and in turn assure ourselves of stdequate feedback.
� Distribution:
Original &'-i --'Addressee
1 - DAD/ORD /.7
1 - LS Chrono
1 - ORD Chrono
LS/ORD/DD/SikT:SLAld3fich:pjk/7822 (14 July 1965)
DeputyWFE1EN L. titan! lin.
Office of .Research et Development
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C06636843