Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 CO2384122
14 February 1964
MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Life Science Division Office of
Research and Development
� � '
: Dolphins
Tn reference to your memorandum dated 4 February
the proposals have been reviewed, and the
following comments are to be noted:
Phase I-B, paragraph 4, Harbor Location from
Boat. The Maritime Branch is primarily in-
terested in the "unmanned� mode as opposed
to the "manned" mode of harbor penetration
and therefore would like to know
ideas as to how this "unmanned" '
mode is to be accomplished.
Phase I-B, paragraph 5, Post-Mission Rendez-
vous with Boat. It is assumed that the basic
sonar beacon rendezvous training will be ac-
complished in the compound prior to open
water trials.
c. Phase I-C, paragraph 2,3. The transfer of
dolphin control from trainer to field agent
does present a definite problem. Could this
problem be overcome by using several differ-
ent trainers during the basic phases and at
the same time develop the dolphin loyalty
not to be dependent on "who gives the signals
and rewards" but rather on what the "proper
and accustomed signals and rewards" are to be.
Thus the "signals and rewards" are always
known -4-1 the dolphins and become the predomi-
nant, opposed to the "trainer", factor in
the ' ,ning, in the hope that the transfer
from :tiner to field agent would then be-
come 3ier.
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Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 CO2384122
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 CO2384122
2. The Maritime Branch definitely plans to monitor
the entire program from concept to finish, however, existing'
and future maritime operational commitments may limit parti-
cipation during specific periods.
3. Maritime Branch appreciates and welcomes ONR support
in this program, and would like Dr. Galler's office to period-
ically review the progress reports. However, it is desired
that knowledge of specific operational applications be limited
to CIA personnel only.
I rY
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 CO2384122