Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 CO2384121
oRD 242.4-65/
2 Bovienber 1964
MRMOPATIDUK rom Chief, Maritime Branch/Special Operations Mivisian
1. Attached is a progress report on Project On= vhieh will,
no doeht� be of interest to you. As you recall, OED undertook thio
project with you for the purpont of demonstrating the technical
feasibility of wing dolphins for a variety of operational purpoeen.
Fraa the technical point of view, we were interested in deternining
the dolphin's reliability in placing an appropriate object on a
We also recognized that there would be a
strioua quention of the range of the dolphin but felt that an initial
achievement of range with a payload would be noet encouraging.
The first technical objective bas been achieved more rapidly than
anticipated. The second technical objective is now under investiga-
tion, and we are hoping that we will be able to achieve a reaaonalle
range, although not necessarily a uoeful operational range, by the
completion of the contract period in January 1965.
2. Quite frankly this project has progressed nore rapidly
than we anticipated, although unbridled enthusiasm is not justified
at this time. 1 wish to emphasize that there are many difficult
technical problees vhich face us which include the operational range
of the anieal, conmenication problems between the animal and its
handlers, deaign of an appropriate payload shape, improved. bendier
training techniqees, and others. Nevertheless, there is the very
real possibility that technical feaaibility will be demonntrated
by January. Br. Geller of OUR, who takes a MOTO optimistic point
of ylev, feels that technical feasibility has been established al-
reedy. The possibility of success requires that we begin to explore
where we go from here. DIV tentative thoughts on this are outlined
3. MB could eontinue to support �MAO at its preeent toes..
tion for another few nonths vith profit, although we are rapidly
approaching the stage uhero security dictates that we move the
operation to a more suitable location. You are aware of the poosi.
bility of joining the Navy in using an operational testing site for
this project. The decinion to demonstrate operational feasibility
will require greater participation, both administratively and
operationally, by SOD. As the project becomes more operational, it
is my view that ORD should graftally vithdraw its participation
, taa
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 CO2384121
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 CO2384121
SUATIM Project �XMAS 2 Novel.:lber 1964
e7cept to the extent that technical problem ariee. It night be
advicable for your activity to survey other DD/P units to see whether
they have requirements which eolphins :sight perform. We ohoul4 con-
sider a similar survey in the DD/BT as well.
I. I think we can essurae that the coat of maintainina an
operational dolphin capability would be conolderably higher on an
autroal basin than the current contract of approximately *100,000.
The emet coat would depend, to some extent, on the availability of
ravy facilities, the umber of dolphin, the operational requirements,
and. the like. I suspect that considerable suirport could be obtained
fraa navy on a "no coat" basis because of their intense intereat in
this project. The extent of collaboration with the llavy would, of
course" depend upon your ova security and operational requirements.
5. In summary, the OXYG/113 project appears to be running ahead
of echedsge. I think the chances are quite good that we will demon-
strate a reasonable technical feasibility thta year. I am suggesting
that we begin pl=ling for follow-on phases, although I think it is
prernture to rake final decisions on follow-on until technical feast.
bility has been derionstrated. It may not be premature to alert
appropriate Denier officials in the DIVP of the project. We would
be most happy to gravid* suitable technical information and/or brief-
ings at the appropriate time,
=PRIV L. =RIM/ 11. D.
Zeputy Assistant Director
Office of Research it Development
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 CO2384121