Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 CO2379707
� �
21 December 1964
REFERENCE: ORD 2690-64 dated 3 December 1964
1. We have reviewed the referenced memorandum and our
response to the various questions will be covered in succeeding
paragraphs. It should be noted that we agree in general with
the program and your plans for supporting it through FY-65.
2. Maritime Branch will be interested in the program pro-
viding the contractor successfully completes the current tech-
nical feasibility study. Maritime Branch will take the lead in
determining operational feasibility once technical feasibility,
has been demonstrated.
3.3(h)(2)� .
3. We concur in the program submitted by the contractor.
We have no additional tasks to add. The system design study
appears satisfactory; however, we would like to include sea
launch and recovery and air transportation of the animals.
Maritime Branch will arrange for the necessary support to carry
out these evolutions. We only ask that we be kept apprised of
all developments in order that the necessary arrangements for �
transportation may be made on a timely basis.
4. We welcome the opportunity for active participation by
Maritime Branch personnel in this study. We will be happy to
be mutually agreed upon by both our 0x/ices.
have a member of our staff survey at a time to
� 5. We expect to be in a position to provide funds to
assist in the study. Your reluctance to invest in specialized
maritime equipment is understood and where such items may be
required, we will plan to provide.
6. Our participation with your office in this project has
in our opinion been a more than satisfactory arrangement. It
is understood that as the project attains a more operational
than technical complexion your office's input will diminish and
ours will increase. �I feel there will be need for continuing
conferences between our offices as this transition takes place
' in order that properly balanced participation can be achieved.
.Chief, Maritime Branc4/
Special Operations Dibttlan--___;--
pproved for Release: 2019/07/30 CO2379707
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