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2TrLE Er7
No Foreign Dissem
Latin American Trends
September 24, 1975
No. 0528/75
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No Foreign Dissem/ControZZed Dissem
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Sensitive Intelligence Sources and Methods Involved
Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions
Classified by 010725
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of E.O. 11652, exemption category:
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Approved for Release: 2018/10/29 002693028
Approved for Release: 2018/10/29 002693028
This publication is prepared for regional specialists in the Washington com-
munity by the Western Hemisphere Division, Office of Current Intelligence,
with occasional contributions from other offices within the Directorate of
Intelligence. Comments and queries are welcome. They should be directed to
the authors of the individual articles.
September 24, 1975
Argentina: Minister With Two
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Argentina: Minister With Two Portfolios
Angel Robledo, who currently is both foreign
minister and minister of interior, has become one of
the key political figures in Argentina.
Robledo is a moderate Peronist who first attain-
ed national prominence as minister of defense, a post
he handled with distinction from May 1973 to August
1974, when he resigned following a dispute with the
then powerful secretary of the president and social
welfare minister, Jose Lopez Rega. During his term
Robledo quickly earned the respect of the military
high command, although he had no previous experience
in national security affairs. He then served as ambas-
sador in Mexico and briefly in Brazil before he was
named foreign minister on August 11, 1975.
Since his return to the cabinet, Robledo has sought
to strengthen relations with other merbers of the polit-
ical coalition that returned the Peronists to powcr, and
with major opposition groups in Congress. His background
as proven opponent of Lopez Rega and his close ties to
provisional Senate President Italo Luder--according to
one embassy source they have been friends since student
days--have undoubtedly served him well.
Following President Peron's departure for a month's
vacation on September 14, Acting President Luder peremp-
torily named Robledo to replace Vicente Damasco as min-
ister of interior when the retired army colonel resigned
after an argument with Luder on September 15. Robledo
will eventually have to give up the Foreign Ministry to
devote full attention to his duties as interior minister,
which include conducting national elections and suppress-
ing terrorism.
September 24, 1975
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At this point Robledo appears to b?. an astute
tactician content to cooperate with Acting President
Luder; he has not indicated that he has presidential
aspirations. His position, however, could make him
de facto "prime minister" if President Peron returns
to office. (92NESD,ENTT7IT�
September 24, 1975
-16 -
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Approved for Release: 2018/10/29 002693028