Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C06628363
na CIL __LID::
Basiiio Arturo Ign io LAMI ZO
(Phonetic: LAHme Hso)
Commander in Chie Air
Force; Member, Ruling
Junta (since 17 December
Addressed as:
General Lami Dozo
Maj. Gen. Basilio
Lami Dozo was secretary
general of the Air Force
for over three years and
chief of air operations
for one year before as-
suming his present posts.
A politician known for
his ability, intelligence, and frankness, he is ex-
pected to become anetimportant, spokesman for the rul-
ingit junta, while displaying ;' flexible yet pragmatic
orientation withintihe grou A highly political
general, he is comfortable w_ h the give and take of
politics, and he has an impressive network of civil-
ian contacts. Using his effective, low-key approach, 3.5(c)
Lami Dozo will probably push for accommodat'o
the various political forces in Argentina.
Lami Dozo is anti-Communist, anti-Peronist, and
highly nationalistic. As an influential member of
the government hierarchy, for the past several years
he has played an active role in negotiations between
Chile and Argentina over the sovereignty of the
Beagle Channel. He has been o en and friendly with
US officials in Ar entina
to this country several
ness of these trips.
He has traveled
d speaks with fond-
A 1950 graduate of the Military Aviation
School, Lami Dozo subsequently served for 14 years
at the Palomar Air Force Basejn Buenos Aires. In
1966 he trained at McGuire Air Force Base on C-130
aircraft. During 1972-73 he Was stationed in Canada
as a delegate to the International Civil Aviation
Organization. Lami Dozo, 52; speaks English and
French. Married, he has two sons and three daugh-
CR M 81-15983
22 December 1981
5446030 - t
Approved for Release: 2018/10/02 C06628363