Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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EO 12958 3.5(c)
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nayy KFEC
Latin American Trends
Approved for Release: 2018/10/26 002693022
July 16, 1975
No. 0518/75
Approved for Release: 2018/10/26 002693022
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Approved for Release: 2018/10/26 002693022
This publication is prepared for regional specialists in the Washington com-
munity by the Western Hemisphere Division, Office of Current Intelligence,
with occasional contributions from other offices within the Directorate of
Intelligence. Comments and queries are welcome. They should be directed to
the authors of the individual articles.
July 16, 1975
Argentina: The Senate Takes A Stand
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Argentina: The Senate Takes A Stand
Argentine legislators have moved to fill the post
of provisional president of the Senate, which had been
left vacant since last April in accordance with the
wishes of President Peron. Italo Luder, a moderate
Peronist who heads the chamber's Foreign Relations Com-
mittee, now becomes next in line for the Presidency
should Maria Estela de Peron leave office. The move
by the Senate is a tactical defeat for the President,
who had deliberately kept the post open in hopes of
precluding a move to oust her and to ensure her con-
trol over the presidental succession, should she
decide to resign.
The election itself reflects at least a temporary
erosion of the Peronist chain of command and highlights
Mrs. Peron's failure to manage her own government
coalition. The selection of Luder, who is not likely
to be easily controlled by the President's wily mentor,
Jose Lopez Rega, may presage further problems for the
chief executive.
In keeping with the spirit of rebellion in which
he was elected, Luder appeared to snub Mrs. Peron ill
his acceptarce speech by not even mentioning her name
and calling for "a new political framework: pluralist
dialog." The 56-year-old senator from Buenos Aires
Province gave special thanks to the loyal opposition,
the Radical Civic Union, which had unanimously supported
A lawyer by profession, Luder is a specialist in
constitutional law and a noted academician. He is frank
and direct and has been described as level-headed and
sensible. Luder is a pragmatist in foreign policy mat-
ters. He has stated that ideology, passion, and national
shibboleths should have no place in foreign affairs,
July 16, 1975
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although he recognizes that a foreign policy must be
packaged and presented in such a way as to be accept-
able to domestic opinion. He has told US Embassy
officers in Buenos Aires that he favors a close re-
lationship betweer the United States and Argentina
that would be mutually beneficial without infringing
on Argentina's sovereignty. He visited this country
briefly on a foreign leader grant in mid-1974.
With seemingly no one currently on the political
scene who could capture the Argentine imagination,
;Alder appears to be one of the best of the available
candidates. As one journalist commented when Luder
was jeered by an ultra-right-wing Peronist group,
"With enemies like that, Luder can't be all bad."
His election, at the very least, is a plus for con-
stitutionalism in Argentina.
July 16, 1975
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Approved for Release: 2018/10/26 002693022