Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C03178348
rlYT H(37
Latin American Trends
June 4, 1975
No. 0512/75
Approved for Release: 2018/09/17 C03178348
EO 13526
EO 13526
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This publication is prepared for regional specialists in the Washington com-
munity by the Western Hemisphere Division, Office of Current Intelligence,
with occasional contributions from other offices within the Directorate of
Intelligence. Comments and queries are welcome. They should be directed to
the authors of the individual articles.
June 4, 1975
Argentina: Curbing the Right?
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Argentina: CurbLag the Ili.
Presidential adviser Jose Lopez Rega's efforts
to tone down officially inspired violence, while de-
signed to calm widespread fears, are also aimed at
staving off resentment of his rapidly growing power.
In a well publicized reception at his office,
Lopez Rega gave his personal assurance to a group of
actors who had been threatened by the right-wing
Argentine Anti-Communist Alliance that this "terrorlt
group" will be investigated and destroyed. The organi-
zation is thought to have at least the tacit approval
of military and government officials, possibly including
Lopez Rega himself.
The following day, probably at Lopez Rega's urging,
the alliance issued a communique to a Buenos Aires
English-language newspaper, announcing a three-month
moratorium on its executions. The announcement said
that ninety days is a "reasonable time in which to create,
adjust, and correct the means to fight the Marxist guer-
Lopez Rega seeks not only to calm fears among
Argentines and the foreign business community of contin-
uing warfare between the right and left. The call for
a reduction of semi-official violence also is an effort
to balance the administration's--and Lopez Rega's--growing
authoritarianism. This trend was highlighted by Lopez
Rega's recent success in replacing high officials--notably
the commander-in-chief of the army and the economy
minister--with men more to his liking.
If Lopez Rega indeed controls or influences the Anti-
Communist Alliance, his call for a stand-down on its
activities seems designed to win points for the government
while making it clear to the left that renewed attacks
against it are not ruled out. If the left responds by
June 4, 1975
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reducing its level of activity for a time, Lopez Rega
will have created the impression that the government
in general and he in particular can deal successfully
with extremists of both the left and right.
If, on the other hand, the right should feel
obliged to abandon the moratorium because of further
leftist provocation, Lopez Rega will still be ahead.
Continued violence will only point up the need for more
government powers to deal with the threat and Lopez
Rega's gesture will appear to have been an innovative
approach to the problem of violence.
June 4, 1975
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