Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626796
)90 4, - "enee- 77
1 V
Buenos Aires
DATE: June 28, 1.961
PARTICIPANTS: Jacob* Timmerman, Public Relations Specialist for Televieion
Channel 9 and a journalist with intimate ties to Rogelio Frieerio,
former Secretary for Social and Economic Affairs to the President
of the Republic.
Irving W. Salert, American Embassy
Jacobo T opened the conversation by seying that he was leaving for
the ates on Saturday, July 3 in an attempt to meet and persuade former
Presiaent Harry Truman an Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt to come to Argentina and partici-
pate in a T.V. program tentatively entitled "Argentina Wants to Moe", featuring
world-famous personalities interviewed by a panel of outstandine Argentine
journalists in an hour-long prozram once a month over Television Channel 9, the
Argentine station affilictee witn the :IBC. 4e ecid that he did not, at this tire,
ask for U.S. Government or Embassy support, but that he hoped to visit with
Edward R. Murrow, Director of USIA, Nhen he visits Washington, but thought that
he could arrange this through NBC and, if necessary, American Jewish Committee
contacts, sna not use the Argentine or the J.S. embassies for this purpose.
Timnermmn said that he was planning to visit other capitals of Europe and
that he would invite General MOATGONERY, Pierre MUM FRANCE, and other world-
famous personalities, and maybe even David BM GURION, to come to Argentina as
guests of Channel 9. He said the Channel was prepared to pay US$5,000 for a fee
ana up to USA20,000 or additionsl ezpenses for the services of these personalities.
He said that after their broaaceat they (the famous personalities), eould, if so
desirea, be given a red carpet tour of Argentina or be permitted to engage in
lectures, etc. He said that the Channel 9 station, heaaen by a Dr. 1119;01129_
RECALDEe nes enthusiastic about this project end had given bin careinche
-puthorit7 to necoziate for the eervices of outszars-ing le.1:1e7s to appear on
the televlsion *ation,
pointea out La=.t. it -aaolea to me th:t he shootinli a little ai-Th and
that, if I'ers he, I soula nz---te a _IAA of secona or third�choice canzadates who
-ere equeily ineortant tut not quite en faeoua es the n-es mantionee oe Timmerman.
Timmerman then eent on to say thet the neu Minister Designate of Labor,
...1.47.4.ulatitjaa�, vas a eersonal friene: of his and had invitee him, Timmerman.,
to join nis "kiechen ceninet" as , eeecial edviseel and that he hi ceceptea. Fe
saia that Bruno Quijane, alehoueh very youne in ais- (35j, nes an encellent ceoice --
ea eerienced lawyer -eho yes interestee in meinteinine the stetns ere� in the
trade-union movenent and also interested in securing, if possible, lanor-management
peace, avoiding .nen poesinle labor conflicts. This, he said, as a political
year and Bruno Quijana, a msAcsr of eee elehoueh ceiling nimseig an Aramhuru
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626796
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626796
Buenos Aires
man, was interested in securing the political support of the Peraniet Am' of
the Argentine trade-union movement.
Timmerman also said that prior be his departure for the U.S. he was inter-
ested in arrangine a luncheon for me eith Minister of Labor Bruno Quijana. I
readily accepted.
He then said that the key advisers to the Presiaent were, in the main,
pleesea witn Ambassador Aclai Stevenson's visit here and su*eestea that they were
a little disappointed with the fact that Ambascador Stevenson did not visit with
Rogelio Frigerio. I pleaded ignordnce dna sugesetee that the eroeram of the
Stevenson visit, norked out eith the fall approval anu consent of the Argentine
Government sna P-esiaene Frondizi, was SO conplAely croedee that tnere eaen't a
possible mament for visits �trier than those that eere approved end planned in
anvence,end pointea out also that the Stevenson teem dianit have time to visit
with 'me labor sector because of lack of open time on the program.
Timmerman concluded his remarks by saying that he wes certain that the
Perunist vote would go DO Guillensto ACURA ARZORENA for governor of the Province
of Buenos Aires, and that the Peronists eould not run their own candidate in the
forthcoming elections. He sdid if the Peroniets ran a separate ticket, the UCRP
candidates would win and this PEON did not want to see happen. He said that
despite all of the newspener stores and statements made by the Peronist High
Command here in Argentina, Perin '1011.l0. instruct his follevers� at the opporeune
moment, to go along with the UCRI. Timmerman said that he was willing to wager
that AcuEa Anzorena, former Minister of Labor, eould be the next governor of tne
Province of Buenos Aires. ie concluded by san-ine that "the deal has already been
worked out." "Frondizi, Aramburus Frigerio end Perin are in egreement on the
necessity of maintaining the status quo and the status quo means no., support for
Frondixi-selected canaiaates in the forthcomine elections,"
* 4 * * * * * * *
Approved for Release: 2018/10/01 C06626796