Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2003045
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'I DATE-:-
HR 7�2-Ad
DATE1 %, 7- 67 REViEWER;
Office of Current Intelltgence
Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2003045
rim Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2003045
�oviet delegates in Paris reveal concern over US rearmament
fpage 3).
2, Communist Orbit offers food relief to India (page 3).
3. Yugoslays sound out Greek reaction to attack on Yugoslavia (page 4).
4. Republic of Korea interested in extending administration north
of the 38th Parallel (pate 5).
6. Communists reportedly sabotage postal communications with Belgian
troops in Korea (page 6).
Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2003045
rn Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2003045
1. Soviet delegates in Paris reveal concern over US rearmament:
Ambassador Jessup reports that Soviet determf.3.3(h)(2)
nation to include the reduction of armaments
and a separate item on Trieste in the agenda for
Big Four talks was apparent Thursday in informal luncheon conversa-
tion 8 at the Soviet Embassy among a limited number of deleigates to the Deputy
Foreign Ministers' Conference. In gendral, the Soviet representatives
seemed primarily concerned with halting the US rearmament program,
whose dimensions and potentialities they probably appraise accurately
and realistically, and again showed themselves unduly sensitive on Balkan
issues. They gave some indication that they regard their recently pro-
posed item on the North Atlantic Treaty as a bargaining point. Gromyko
is presumed to have gained the impression that the Western Powers
place great importance on dealing with the present level of armaments
as well as their control before discussing the issue of a reduction of
armaments. -
French and UK readiness to give in to the USSR
on this point as well as on the position on the agenda of the German,
demilitarization item was manifest at a tripartite meeting that morning.
In addition, the chief of the-UK delegation was ready to accept Trieste
as a separate point because he believed this essential for Soviet accept-
ance of a separate Austrian Treaty item.
2. Communist Orbit offers food relief to India:
The Secretary of the Indian Food and Agricul-
ture Ministry reports that China has offered
to India 500,000 tons of rice at prices below
those of Burma and Thailand, as well as 500,000
tons of wheat and inilo at prices well below the
US market price. India is preparing to send a
representative to Peiping to discuss the offer.
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In addition, Indian Amliassador Panikkar in 3.3(h)(2)
Peiping has informed the British Charge that lie
has negotiated a long-term contract for the
purchase from China of 500,000 to 1,000,000
tons of grain for a six-month period beginning 1 May 1951. Panikkar
inquired whether British shipping would be available to move the grain,
and US Embassy London reports that the British have no objection from
a political point of view. US Embassy New Delhi also states that Soviet
officials are telling the Government of India that "any amount" of
Soviet wheat is available for delivery to India if arrangements can be
made for a barter deal. The Indian Government has informed the Embassy
that it is considering the above offers as a means of assuring the Indian
people of at least minimum food requirements, in view of the uncertainty
that the US will furnish the 2,000,600 tons of food grains which India has
Comment: These Soviet and Chinese Commu-
nist offers appear to be part of a campaign to take the initiative from
the US in providing special food supplies to India. China and the USSR
have the capability to furnish and ship 2,000,000 tons of grain to India
within the next year. Communist governments in the past have demon-
strated their willingness to tore the welfare of their people in the
pursuit of important politica objectives. Favorable publicity accorded
In India to recent arrivals of Chinese rice suggests that even token ship-
ments of Soviet or Chinese Communist grain will be used by the Indian
press to draw critical comparisons between the efforts of the West and
the Communist bloc to prevent starvation in India.
3. yugoslavs sound out Greek reaction to attack on Yugoslavia:
Greek Prime Minister Venizelos ha S informed
US Ambassador Peurifoy that the Yugoslav
Minister in Athens niade a formal demarche on
3 April to the Greek Government, seeking to
learn the course of action Greece planned to take if Yugoslavia were
attacked. The Greek Prime Minister replied that Greece would pre-
sumably mobilize and assist Yugoslavia economically, but that he would
have to consider the matter carefully before giving any further or
definite assurances. In relating the conversation to Ambassador
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litoor t.;.ttri
Peurifoy, the Greek Prime Minister implied that he wished the US to
advise him regarding his reply to Yugoslavia.
Comment: The reported demarche by Yugo-
slavia contrasts with its preVious attitude in dealings with Greece, since
it opens the way for military talks between the two countries. During
the early March negotiations for the exchange of military attaches
between Yugoslavia and Greece, the Yugoslav Minister explained that,
although the community of interests between the two countries was
Clear, there was no necessity to coordinate military preparations,
since this could be accomplished In a short time when the occasion
arose. The Yugoslays have, heretofore, been extremely careful to avoid
any action which Would appear to justify Cominform charges that the
Tito regime and the Greek "Monarcho-Fascists" were coordinating
their military plans. The reported demarche may, therefore, reflect
increased Yugoslav apprehension regarding the possibility of a Soviet-
Satellite attack.
4. Republic of Korea interested in extending administration north of the
138th Parallel:
the Prime Minister 3.3(h)(2)
of the Republic of Korea recently called on the
Turkish chairman of the United Nations
Commission for the Unification and Rehabili-
tation of Korea to ask about the Commission's
position on the question of administering North Korean territory which
may be liberated in the future. Reportedly, the Prime Minister expressed
the wish that the Commission agree that the Republic of Korea has the
right to appoint local administrators and to insure public order through
the use of its police forces. The chairman was noncommittal but took
the position that the liberated areas should be under military
Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2003045
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Comment: A simi ar pro. � - .se when
UN forces advanced into North Korea last October. This is the first
instance this year, however, of renewed Republic of Korea interest in
administering liberated North Korean territory. The Prime Minister's
Inquiry is a further indication of his government's determination to
eradicate the 38th Parallel as a political boundary and to extend its
authority to the Yalu River.
6. Communists reportedly sabotage postal communications with Belgian
troops in Korea:
the Belgian Communists have been effectively
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2003045
sabotaging communications communications between the volunteers in Korea and their
families. Communists have infiltrated the Ministry of Communications
so successfully that letters to Belgian soldiers in Korea have been
burned by Communist-influenced postmen. Because of the reluctance
of the Minister of Communications (who is concurrently the Acting
Prime Minister) to admit that this state of affairs exists in his ministry,
the Belgian press and public are apparently unaware of the situation.
Comment: It is believed that Communist
influence in the Belgian Government has become negligible since the
immediate postwar period. It seems unlikely that the facts of this case
would not have leaked to the press, if Communist sabotage activities had
been as successful as this report suggests. Furthermore, the Minister's
reluctance to take action does not seem plausible in view of the govern-
ment's aggressive anti-Communist campaign (which has included the
dismissal of employees actively combining Communist activities with
their government positions).
Approved for Release: 2019/03/14 CO2003045